Chapter 6

Female Highschool Undercover

Jaejoong dreaded having to attend class with the promise of meeting a sourly encounter with Hyori. Judging from how she had been outright showing her interest in him, err, to his female image the previous day, he'd really not rather be involved in the impending highschool drama that he somehow felt would come.

Fortunately when they arrived in their destination, the teacher was already there, a minute ahead of them.

Jaejoong sighed in relief, pulling the hand that Yunho insisted on holding away from the other man's grip. He was about to enter the classroom door; when, much to his surprise, Yunho deftly grabbed him by the waist, turned him around and captured his mouth in a torrid kiss that practically took his breath away.

And by taking his breath away, he meant Yunho wasn't giving him the leverage to breathe properly.

Gasps again erupted while the teacher positively appeared scandalized.

Knowing the direness of the situation, Jaejoong hastily pulled back and kept his distance away from Yunho at arm's length. He looked up and glared hard, hissing under his breath. "The hell are you doing?" Yunho simply grinned down at him before his eyes travelled across the room. Somewhat confused, Jaejoong followed his gaze, then his eyes widened and he had to swallow hard when his dark hazel-orbs locked in with Hyori's.

Oh crap. Hyori's eyes moved, and were once again trained on Yunho, an underlying promise of pain glinting behind those narrowed slits. A sense of protectiveness suddenly wrapped itself around Jaejoong like an iron grip. The thought of anyone hurting Yunho; it filled him with unease, reminding him of the threat in the young teenager's life. Jaejoong moved closer to him, almost like in an attempt of blocking him from Hyori's view.

"Jung Yunho, Kim Jaejoong. We don't have all day. Get inside right now!" The teacher impatiently exclaimed.

"Ne, Seonsaengnim." Yunho leaned in by Jaejoong's ear and whispered, hot breath ghosting over his skin, involuntarily making him shiver. "Don't worry about Hyori. I'll handle it." Smiling, he straightened himself and lightly gave Jaejoong's back a gentle push, egging him to go sit on his chair before walking towards his own.

The amount of stares he was receiving should have bothered him, but Jaejoong's mind was suddenly filled with only thoughts of ensuring Yunho's safety. It didn't sit well with him. He was aware of what has been happening lately. He's been distracted, clumsy and overall unprofessional ever since he laid eyes on Yunho.

It wasn't like him at all. He used to be collected, calm, calculating and had his priorities straight. But now; he was easily swayed by emotions and often mess things up, like blowing his cover on the first day. Whatever it was that he had going on with Yunho, he had to gain control over it, not let it take control over him.

His job was to protect him. He couldn't afford to slack off, not when danger might charge at them any given minute. He refuses to loose the younger man because of his stupidity getting in the way. Deep down inside he also knew, that if Yunho were to be put in harm's way, he'd never be able to forgive himself.

Plopping down on his seat, Jaejoong spent most of the morning lecture's time in staring at Yunho, guarding him, and wondering, just when did his assignment got personal?

"Share me the details man. Give me some love." Were the first words out of Siwon's mouth the second the teacher went out of the classroom's premises. It was lunch time and a fair number of guys were suddenly flocking around Yunho. He glared at his bestfriend then at the surrounding male classmates.

"Go away." Yunho drawled and stood up from his chair. Turning around, he came face to face with Hyori.

"You!" Hyori sneered and started jabbing him on the chest. "What the hell is the meaning of this?"

"You know woman, with the way you're acting, everyone would think you're still my jealous girlfriend." Yunho deadpanned, catching Hyori's finger mid jab. Shortly, he sighed. "Look. I know you're interested in Jaejoong." He said and gazed at the aforementioned person from across the room. "But she's not interested in girls."

"And you are?" Hyori asked, tone patronizing. "Last time I checked Yunho ah, you're into guys." she stressed, hands flailing in the air. "So why are you acting like a stupid inlove fool with Jaejoong? You even had the guts to kiss her in front of the class! And everyone saw you in the school grounds running after her like a puppy wanting attention." She turned to Siwon with sudden scrutinizing eyes. "You! This is all your idea is it?"

"What?" Siwon exclaimed, eyes warily looking at Hyori's threatening finger. "How did I get involved in this?"

"Like you still have to ask?" Hyori scoffed airily. "You're the one always hounding Yunho to date girls!"

"Okay first." Siwon said, standing from his chair in defense. "Yunho never listened to any of my persuasions before. Not once. Ever! And you know as well as I do that I've had my eyes set on Jaejoong since yesterday. Do you think I'm stupid enough to tell my bestfriend to go for her? That's added competition for me too!"

"Then why is this douche over here showing interest in her? And and... he even... argh!"

Yunho scowled at Siwon before turning back to Hyori. "You shouldn't believe everything Siwon's saying."

"But I was there! It was the truth. Are you saying I'm making that up?" Siwon defended once again.

"I told you we didn't sleep together!"

"Her clothes were all over your bed." Siwon said earning another set of gasps from their classmates and passing students who were too eager to hear more of the school's current trending topic. How the transfer student turned the blatantly gay Yunho straight. "And she even thanked you for an amazing night!"

"Gah! My ears!" Hyori bemoaned, horrified. "Please no, don't feed me the nasty images."

Yunho clutched a hand at his face then looked at Jaejoong who was staring intently at the floor with a deep frown. "Siwon, stop this please." He said, tone digressing, remembering what the cops had told him about the other's current situation. "This isn't really the right time and place to have this kind of conversation."

"But Hyori is blaming me and you're making a liar out of me. I'm only defending myself."

"Just. Shut up!" Yunho growled, extremely irritated as he grabbed Siwon by the collar. "Jaejoong's new here and you're both already making things hard for her. I'd very much appreciate it if you both just clam it!"

"Now wait just a minute. Just who do think you are to act like that!" Hyori shouted. "You're not her boyfriend."

"Yunho ah. It's lunch time. Can you come have lunch with me?" Jaejoong's voice drew everyone's attention to him. Turned out that while the three argued, he walked over silently and waited for a chance to speak.

"J-Jae..." Yunho stammered, letting Siwon go.

Jaejoong forced a smile and walked closer to him. It grated on his nerves how it didn't seem to matter at all that he was still within hearing range. The males had been giving him lustful stares while some of the girls had been sneering in his direction from earlier. Some even were subtly throwing crumpled papers at his head.

The beautiful male had merely closed his eyes and pretended not to care for the next following minutes, until it got irritatingly frustrating. And so he stood up and decided to put a stop to this absurdity.

"Jaejoong ah." Hyori was instantly all over him. "Please tell unnie it isn't true huh? You won't really like a guy like this right?" He gestured at Yunho and looked at him as if he was the dirt at the sole of her shoe. "I mean he's gay. What if he's just experimenting on you? He can't love a girl." She threw her arms around Jaejoong and fake sobbed. "Aww my poor dongsaeng. I can't take it if you're going to get hurt by that jackass."

"Errr Hyori-sshi." Jaejoong tried to pry her off his body. "I'm sorry but, I'm not really interested in..." He trailed off as he felt her going rigid within his hold. Then she heard her sniff. Oh . The last thing he needed right now was a girl crying because of him. However, to his befuddlement, the sniffs rose in intensity and soon enough, he realized that Hyori wasn't sniffing from crying, but was actually outright smelling him.

"You smell just like Yunho." Hyori murmured, nose brushing against his neck's skin before pulling back only to sniff him again, then again. Jaejoong met Yunho's eyes and was quite surprised at how he appeared to be steadily getting pissed. He gulped. "What the--why do you smell like him?" Hyori disbelievingly looked at him in the eye. "No, don't tell me that it's true?! Did you really spent the night with him?"

"Hyori-sshi..." Jaejoong seriously didn't know what to answer to that. He knew that he could gain an ugly reputation if he made a wrong answer. So he decided to keep his mouth shut instead. If only he could already get out of there. He looked to Yunho for help and the other man was about to save him from Hyori's clutches when she suddenly took notice of the material wrapped around Jaejoong's neck.

"Why are you wearing a choker?" Hyori asked, eyes narrowing once more. Suspicion was evidently showing in her gaze. "What are you hiding?" Not bothering to wait for an answer, she quickly snapped the choker's clip and unfastened the uniform tie on Jaejoong's collar as she opened a few of the top buttons.

"I'm not hiding any--wait, what are you doing?!" Jaejoong protested, eyes widening as Hyori took the choker off and revealed the pale expanse of his collarbone. He touched his neck, not daring to make a sound.

Without it, his male voice was back to normal.

Siwon gasped, just as the rest of their classmates who was close enough to see the clear picture of Jaejoong's neck. Hyori sputtered at the marks that she saw. The base of Jaejoong's neck down to his right collarbone was covered in hickeys. Ugly purple-bruise-bite-like marks littered the supposedly smooth skin.

"What the hell. Yunho, you really did a number on her." Siwon remarked in awe.

Yunho smacked him upside the head and walked to Jaejoong's side, gripping him by the arm. "Let's go."

Biting his lower lip, Jaejoong quickly wrenched the choker from Hyori's slack grip. He wore it back on and pulled the fabric of his uniform's collar to hide his collarbone and the base of his neck once more. He felt Yunho pull him along and Jaejoong almost staggered backwards before righting himself.

They were rewarded more stares from the other students on their way out. Yunho wrapped his arms securely around him, glaring at anyone that dared open their mouth or look at Jaejoong in a particularly bad way.

"Thanks for saving me." Jaejoong said, slumping against the wall before sitting down on the rooftop's concrete floor. He sighed, sounding tired. "Is it always like this here? Students meddling in other people's lives?"

"Pretty much." Yunho sat beside him, handing him his lunchbox. Nothing beats Chigae and bulgogi for lunch. Usually, he would be at the cafeteria by now but given the situation, a secluded area like this was better. And he didn't really want to give Jaejoong the added headache of eating at the cafeteria prone to curious eyes.

Jaejoong took the offered food and smiled. Popping up the chopsticks, he began to eat, sighing forlornly.

"When I came out, it became a huge deal to the students. Most of my friends deserted me you know." Yunho said, sharing stuff about himself, in a way assuring Jaejoong that they could be open with each other. He looked at the sky and sadly smiled. "The teachers kept saying something about how I was a disgrace, yadi yadi yada. And I got booted out as our Karate club's team captain. I actually think that if I didn't know how to fight, I'd be dead by now with the number of homophobes in this school. And of course the gang circles."

"Gang circles?" Jaejoong asked with an inquisive stare stare mid chew.

"Yeah. You know. Kids making up their gangs and claiming territories. They think it makes them cool."

"And the school knows about this?"

"Yeah. But they don't really care much as long as the fights don't happen inside school premises." Yunho ate his own lunch, swallowed then continued. "I got targeted with those kind of gangs for their stupid orientation many times. Until they give up cause they couldn't touch me. Not when Siwon the big ape is my bestfriend."

A chuckle passed Jaejoong's lips before he could even control it. "How did that happen anyway?"

"Beats me. We've always been together since kindergarten I think. His family used to be good friends with my eomma and appa. Actually, Siwon's parents are part of the school board. So he kind of own the place you know. But he's cool and acts like the rest of us. When I came out, he remained my friend when everyone else thought I was a freak. And well, Hyori, she's cool too. We're friends cause she believes that I'm not a real man. Because real men scare her. Siwon's also an exception. He's a reptile of some sort, at least according to her."

"Yunho..." Jaejoong began, resting a hand on Yunho's thigh as he inched closer, thoughts solely focused on the mention of the young teenager's parents. It was the opening that he had been waiting for.

Raising an eyebrow, Yunho looked at him and his lips, reading Jaejoong wrong, leaning in. "Hmmm?"

"Where are you parents right now?"

Yunho blinked then pulled back a bit. "Uhh, why the sudden interest?"

Jaejoong smiled, eyes crinkling in the corner. "Nothing. Just curious."

Yunho smirked, putting his lunchbox down on the floor before running his thumb across Jaejoong's lower lip. "Do I get anything in return if I tell you?" He asked, caressing Jaejoong's side with his other free hand.

Jaejoong kind of already rehearsed this situation in his head. He knew that if he were to get anything out of Yunho, he had to be sly himself and probably seduce it out of him. He batted his eyelashes and pulled the choker off his neck ever so slowly. He wondered what Yunho would think of his normal voice. He placed his own lunchbox on the floor before straddling Yunho's waist. "Mhmm, depends on what you want."

". Is that your voice?" Yunho gruffly moaned, feeling Jaejoong rub his teasingly against his groin.

Jaejoong grinned and continued to rock his hips. "Yeah, do you like it."

"It's very... y. Ngh, Jae." Yunho rasped as the friction began to take up a notch. He grabbed his hips and tried to keep him in place. "You're naughty today." He smirked, leering. "You're aren't you?"

Errr. He might have been doing it overboard. Jaejoong pouted. "I just wanted my question answered."

"Eomma's gone. Appa..." Yunho pulled his head down, an inch separating their mouths. "He's somewhere. I don't know. It's been a while since I saw him. Why did you wanna know?"

"Mhhmm. My appa's... missing too. It's comforting that I'm not alone in that aspect." Jaejoong softly replied with a smile, before he felt Yunho's plump lips catch his rose petals between his teeth. Yunho's kisses, it was something that Jaejoong found himself wanting suddenly. He wondered when did he start craving for them.

Yunho's hands slowly worked on his buttons one by one as Jaejoong continued to grind against him. He could feel the teen's forming straining through his pants, making him moan louder as he shivered in delight.

"Enjoying this are you?" Yunho breathed between their parted mouth as he caressed Jaejoong's torso. Seeing the female garment on his chest, Yunho couldn't help but chuckle. "Hyori would flip if she knew the truth."

"Yah." Jaejoong murmured and bit down playfully on the mole above his lip. "I told you no one can know."

"I know I'm just kidding." Yunho replied and captured his lips once again. Jaejoong just tasted so sweet. A mixture of vanilla and apples. Mhhm. Knowing Jaejoong smelled like him right now further aroused him. His mouth moved from his lips down to his jaw and to his neck, before nipping again on the hickeys he left there.

"Yunho." Jaejoong mewled, head tilting to the side, giving Yunho more space to conquer. "I'm getting hard."

"It's fine. Me too." Yunho replied mid on the tempting skin before drifting down his chest. He slowly pulled down the fabric, involuntarily noticing how the padding were attached to the bra itself this time, and tugged the piercing between his teeth. A sharp intake of breath reached his ears. Yunho smirked.

"Ugh, . Yunho. Touch my . Please." Jaejoong begged as he whimpered. The stupid supporter was straining him up to the point where it was painful. He needed to get free from that constricting sonofa.

Hearing his plea, warm fingers disappeared under his skirt to knead at his length. Yunho slipped his hands underneath the shorts that Jaejoong was wearing and was quite surprised at what he felt. "The hell Jae?"

"Against my will. The cops' bright ideas." Jaejoong hissed, shuddering. " Yunho. Take it out."

Resuming his and on Jaejoong's , he started pulling down the tight underwear bit by bit until it reached his upper thighs. Soon enough he was able to grasp the other's length and began to him.

"Ahhh!" Jaejoong moaned, face falling against Yunho's neck, grinding faster. "Let me feel you." He murmured in a pant as hands began to work on Yunho's zipper. He pulled his out, to which Yunho moaned and started pumping him as well. The feel of their bare flesh sliding against each other was too ing perfect.

"Jae." Yunho rasped and kissed him again, their hands and joining as they pumped in rough, hard and fast while rocking their hips, moving against each other incoherently. "! Ahh! Ahh! You're so hot."

After few more frantic pumps as they gained speed in rutting against each other, it didnt' take long before they neared their . Jaejoong's frame shook as their tongues sloppily meshed. "Yunho ahh, I'm coming."

Yunho grunted and answered Jaejoong's moan with the spilling of his seed as they came at the same time, ribbons of white heat shooting out of their slits. Jaejoong still ground against him but his speed was already slowing down as they rode through their release. Soon, he slumped against Yunho, dazed albeit satiated.

"At least... we came... this time." Yunho panted, chuckling as he kissed the side of Jaejoong's head, before tucking his now flaccid length back to the confines of the supporter and pulling his underwear up.

Jaejoong hummed softly before unwrapping his arms around his neck as he pulled back slowly. Looking down at Yunho's groin, he d his shaft and couldn't help but admire his size, fingers tentatively sliding up and down the still sensitive length. He heard Yunho groan and smirked, but then had to stop his lazy , frowning upon seeing the that managed to cling on Yunho's pants.

"Your pants are stained." Jaejoong said, securing Yunho's length back into his boxers before zipping him up.

"So is your skirt." Yunho said the small patch of drying at it's seams.

Jaejoong looked down at himself. "Well, then." He sighed as he reached for the stained spot, rubbing it. How was he going to explain this to Junsu and Yoochun?

"Let's bring a change of clothes next time." Yunho grinned, then kissed him lightly, leisurely wrapping his arms around Jaejoong's waist. "You know just in case."

Jaejoong snorted but kissed back anyway, leaning against him, relishing the feel of those amazing lips. "Mhhmm."


"Myeah?" Jaejoong distractedly replied, still enjoying nibbling on the cupid bow shaped mouth.

"I was thinking." Yunho abruptly pulled back and looked at Jaejoong in the eye. "What if we say it's true?"

"True what?" Jaejoong asked, gaze still drawn on his full lips.

"You know, us dating. Don't you think it's better if everyone knew we're together? That means, there's no Hyori or Siwon or anybody coming after you. And well, to be honest, I'm tired with having the gay play boy title."

Jaejoong regarded him with an inquisitive stare. A part of his mind saw how Yunho's statement made a point. He felt like it would be a good plan to agree with. Before he could say a word, Jaejoong's mouth quirked into a small smile at the rest of Yunho's sentence. He had to admit, he quite liked the fact that Yunho wanted to change.

"I mean, I have these.... closet gay flings, always asking me for one-night stands and..." Yunho sighed, eyes shifting to the side, missing Jaejoong's smile. "It gets tiring."

It's always been a series of s after s for him, no feelings involved, just pure primal . Yunho deep down hated having to do such acts. In the past, he wondered how it was to have someone special. To have someone to be with, to love and to feel loved. Jaejoong right now makes him want those things again.

"I see. Sure. Why the hell not!" Jaejoong agreed all too easily that it took Yunho a moment to believe it. His gaze snapped back to him as he looked at the other man with eyes filled in disbelief.

"Wait, you're serious?" Yunho incredulously asked, his hold on Jaejoong's waist tightening. "You're going to be my lover?"

"Well, it's just pretend right? I can do pretend." Jaejoong said, and didn't miss the way Yunho's eyes dulled at his words. But he dared not think of Yunho other than someone to satisfy his needs and someone to protect.

"Of course. We're going to be just pretending." Yunho said sighing, forcing a smile.

"We're friends now. Albeit with benefits. But still friends. And I think it's better this way. For both of us. I hate getting chased around and well, it's going to be convinient for you too. " Jaejoong smiled, not really feeling it.

This was his job. He had to always tell himself that. Because he knew that once this assignment was over, Yunho would hate him for lying, for using him and making a big fool out of him. And if Yunho decided to hate his very existence once everything was revealed, he didn't think he could handle dealing with a broken heart.

Jaejoong felt himself tremble at his train of thought.

A broken heart.

Did that mean that he was...

Falling in love?

Once class was over, it had became official. Yunho was indeed Jaejoong's boyfriend and the news spread throughout campus like wildfire. The downside however to such progress? The girls that had once been crushing on Yunho, were now going all out for him, thinking that they had a chance.

Jaejoong felt the fire and contempt in their eyes as he and Yunho walked hand in hand towards the school's parking lot. Most were sneering at him while some actually called him names. and to be precise. But Jaejoong ignored them. They were teenagers. And he was an adult. Most of the times anyway.

Hyori didn't dare look or talk to them and had been blatantly ignoring the fact that Yunho still lived in this planet. Siwon was still his old talkative self and had apologized for having such a big mouth. Jaejoong called him a gossip queen, to which Siwon let out an undignified screech, worried about becoming gay.

"Mannnnnn!! Nooo! Maybe we swapped genes. You became straight and I became gay!"

Yunho rolled his eyes at his bestfriend's silliness then snickered. "There's that possibility."

Siwon then swore to read all night long as Jaejoong and Yunho erupted into a laughing fit.

On the way back home, Yunho and Jaejoong stopped by for the grocery store.

"I need supplies. My fridge is pretty empty. I'm going to starve if I don't buy anything to cook and eat." was what Jaejoong said before nearly ransacking the whole store for ingredients. Yunho was very much elated with the realization that Jaejoong can cook and even went as far as begged him to make dinner for him tonight.

With an eyeroll, Jaejoong smacked him in the head lightly with a piece of string bean chuckling, agreeing that yes he was going to make him dinner. Yunho literally glomped him out of excitement and happiness.

Once done, the ahjumma at the counter didn't think twice of voicing out her opinion, that Jaejoong and Yunho, make such a nice lovely young couple. Jaejoong could only blush while Yunho grinned as he sheepishly smiled.
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Everoselen314 #1
Chapter 9: What happened to you has? Update plz
EvaKim2804 #2
Chapter 9: Oh please....continúe please
lady_necromancer #3
Chapter 9: This is getting interesting... Hope you will update
Rinea1794 #4
Chapter 9: Can't wait...>●<
Chapter 9: Its really getting interesting... please continue <3
AmberGem #6
Chapter 9: I love it, please update soon~~
Chapter 9: Oh, damn
this story is incredibly exciting,
the characters are very good, and there's humor
I laughed, Changmin - Jae action
if, you stop here, and do not to carry, it is offense. :)
please, please continue with.
Chapter 9: Please update this story authornim ~~
ekasuju #9
Chapter 9: This story is amazing.Wish you could update it soon. :)
Jung_Rin #10
Chapter 9: the story is amazing !!!
i can't wait to read the next chapter,,
please update soon author-ssi !!!