Chapter 9

Bishounen (Pretty Boy)


        I look outside through the glass window as the chill breeze slips in between the loose shutter. It has been a few days of fall, but the coldness is different from last year. It is neither colder nor less cold. However, the different that I feel is strongly inside, spiritually. It seems like everything has changed like the season. Somehow, the distinction leaves a good feeling, time and new, just new. Blurting about new, I’m still reconsidering about myself. I don’t why he claimed my view as offensive. I simply speak out the truth, the truth that has been blinded. Yet, his talk was so influencing that a part of my soul insisted to change and it said, why not?

        “You’re a bit different today, Master Hi.” I hold my breath for a second as an attempt to look up at him.

        Really? Is there something different on me or it is just him who realizes first? I don’t recall the detail of my appearance in the mirror last morning. Yet, his comment makes me stunned as if he was observing me the entire time. Did he?

        Taking back a deep, silent breath, I mute and simply look around the big room that is special for indoor training. Feetless mannequins or dummy are also available in here. In fact, even more. Thus, Grandpa said that he made this room to be soundproof to trap sound of any movements while training or fighting without disturbing the entire house. But I believe that the main factor is the hard sound from kicking the mannequins.

        When his eyes get into mine, he promptly smiles, the smile that makes me uneasy on my seat.  

        “Really...”  I mumble which sounds so awkward; also, making the oblivious nervousness becomes obvious right away. Smacking both of my lips together, I uneasily run my eyes around until they magically fall back on his pairs. I think I’m trying to calm my spirit down, but there, he does again. I dislike this feeling already. It is shameful.

       “ too...look”

       “Me?” He looks shock. But the expression he is wearing gradually fades away and soon, relaxing as he leans back with his palms stuck to the floor behind. Practically, we should have been done some training right now than slouching like this. Like an unexpected spin kick hit your nape, Ren came earlier than usual, so now we are, just waiting for another friend of mine, Hyun Seung, or I should call him ‘student’ of mine.  

         “What do you think?” He asks, pointing directly at his hair. Matching it with his face, he looks completely different yet better. He has got a new hairstyle which is neater if you ask me. There is no more straight bangs clung on his forehead which is I found between irritatingly feminine and fit. I can’t believe it does suit his face back then, but now is attractively different. Also, I just realize that his natural hair colour is starting to become obvious than before and the blonde is fleeing to fade out.

        I’m still wondering why on earth he died his hair although the dye will surely wears off and his original hair will be revealed back. Does fake is that good? Better than original? Somehow I still despise the bishounens because of this. Although it is like that, the word ‘despise’ that I should proudly pronounce at least in my heart is hardly and incoherently sounded. 

        “It’s nice...and neater.” His grin becomes wider upon the compliment, which, he gets me off guard of what expression should I display this time.

        “Thanks. You’re much nicer.” He responds softly, still sticking his gentle eyes with mine. Slowly, I pull my legs to my chest without breaking the eye-line, simply hugging them as a smile threatens to curve on my lips. I’m abashed. He looks extremely attracting right now. I can’t believe my heart says that. Though, he really looks...good. This guy here looks very good.

        “Your hair grew longer.” My daze is cut immediately when I feel a warm touch on my forehead, only to get into him who gets his arm stretched towards me. Beneath him, I just can’t stop to stare into the pair of glints on his lens. It poses an eager, curious and wants. Yet, I feel it is truly weak-bearer.

       “Uh...” A slow yet soundless whimper unintentionally fled my lips as he moves his fingers further down to my cheek, gently grasping along the hair between the spaces of them, as if he is combing.

       “Your hair’s so soft.” He mumbles again, resuming his spontaneous fondle. The warm sensation suddenly vanishes as his fingers along with the lock of my hair come to the bottom of my jaw, where they last. I can’t help from feeling quiet down with the off contact.

        But, out of the blue, he retracts upwards with his nails brushed long from my chin up to my cheek, just as gentle as his face. It is slightly ticklish when he bends his fingers to hold a clutch of my hair and at the same time, removing them from my cheek. Easily, he curls them behind my ear. But, in less than a couple of seconds, the strand falls back to cover my ears and just like before.

        He momentarily chuckles, after giving a small pat on my cheek. Directly, he retreats his stretched out arm and pulls the limb back to his side. He looks content, that I feel so futile if I don’t witness it at this moment. I’m quite unfamiliar of what dare that makes him as wonderful as this today and I’m not sure of what gut I’ve been keep recently to let myself blows by them...or one of them.

       Hugging close both of my knees, I face down, looking earnestly at my toes pushing friction on the surface of the maple flooring. I still can feel the warm on my face as it is tautening to force a smile, the wide one known as grin.  

         “Can you excuse me for a while?” He steals my thought again, which my head bolts upright instantly. I frankly don’t get why I’m rushing.

        “Where do you want to go?” I seek as the curiousness is eating inside me.

        “Just toilet.” He stands up from his crossed-legs. Realising that I keep staring upwards, at him, he adds, “Don’t worry. I’ve come across it while on the way here. I won’t get lost.”

         Of course, he won’t get lost. What harm provided in this house? I accidently stifle a chuckle the buried against the thick fabric.

        “I’ll be back.” He assures, leaving a lopsided smile as he tosses his head to the exit.   



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ButterflyShida #1
Chapter 15: Huda, congratulation for completing this story and I've done reading too. so sad Hyun Seung die. T_T continue with your Cheri ya. Hyun Seung will be alright there right maybe just the twist
icecia1496 #2
Chapter 14: So sad T_T. Didn't really expect Hyun Seung to actually die. My sister thought I'm crazy when tears roll down my eyes. I hope things will be more better between her and Ren after this. She isn't going to space away from Ren just because of Hyun Seung's death.
icecia1496 #3
Chapter 13: Hyun Seung, please be alright. You don't have any disease, don't you? Update please, author-nim.
ButterflyShida #4
mmm... bila nak complete ni??? XD sorry.. in malay
mode malas gila nak baca ni.. sorry..i write in malay
icecia1496 #5
Chapter 11: Cute. She's falling for Ren, isn't she? Or is it Hyunseung? I guess I'll have to wait and read to find out.
icecia1496 #6
Chapter 7: OMG, I love this story eventhough it's a little bit confusing. I love the way Ren is being described.
Keep on writing. I'll wait for the next chapters.
Hello, your poster is ready for pick up ^_^
ButterflyShida #8
Chapter 3: Nam Hi's hair is white? I bet it white and shining...
ButterflyShida #9
Chapter 1: I hope Nam Hi is Bishōjo.
ButterflyShida #10
Chapter 2: There is a secret behind it. What is it?