Chapter 6

Bishounen (Pretty Boy)


             “Hmpfmaster Hi!”

              Hyun Seung scurries towards me with his mouth full—puff cheek and waving hand. He grins after taking a big gulp of his chewed food down his throat. Soon, a smile takes over his grin which brings up a glint on his big eyes.

              “What are you doing here?” He asks instantly as if his eager is too much. I shrug his question off to Ren, who is whole-heartedly joining the conversation.

              “I brought Master here. It must be fun to have Master Hi around, don’t you think so?” Ren faces Hyun Seung. In the other hand, Hyun Seung starts to rub the back of his head, sending a look of strange.

              “I thought Master would have a lot of fun if we’re practising right now.”

        It’s not like that. I’m not anticipating teaching martial arts to other people either. Although it is against my intention, I should. I can’t lose Grandpa’s hope on me. At least, now, I’m breathing outside air. It is a new thing. Does the new experience that he talked about have anything related to this?

             I look away, averting my gaze to a boy who has a look of snob, mean and arrogant striding our way. From afar, he is like smirking. At this nearer distance, he is really smirking.

            “Hey Ren, your group was calling for you just now.” He states right away in a rather bland tone, slightly panting that he manages to overcome in a short while. He doesn’t glance anywhere else except from the name that he mentioned.

            “Really? Yeah...,” Ren looks at me with his straighten brows, frowning apologetically. “I’ll be back soon.” He purses tiny, little curves on either side of his mouth and jogs forward, following the haughty-face boy who has already stepped away as soon as Ren got a hint to leave.

            “So, I thought you won’t come.” An inquiring voice buzzes behind me. I remain silent, eyeing the blonde-tied top walking further ahead and far away, and finally disappearing by the edge of the building.

            “I don’t say that.” I turn aside, only to see a mini-opened tent. It is neat, well-organized and pleasant to see. It is the books that I’m talking about. The books.         

“It’s just a thought.”

I continue to step forward and inside, getting mesmerized by the beautifully-arranged reading matters. Just as the autumn breeze blows blandly into the tent, I sigh, trying get my attention busy seeing the books. I trace each of them with the tip of my fingers and the thick cover book felt hard—leather-likely—against my skin.

            “That’s a diary.” I turn to him, thinking that he is still there a-matter-of-factly. I wonder whether this tent is under his care. Probably is.

            “Story?” I repeat again upon the oblivious note from him.

            “No, diary. It’s a diary. You know that?” He points at the book under my touch and asks.

            Well, I have heard about that before. A diary--a secret book where people usually write down their feelings, emotions, wants, wish and what so ever. But, I never know why and what is the purpose of doing that? I don’t know.

Slowly, I shake my head at the thought.

            “You don’t know what’s a diary is?” I send a narrow look at his insult. “It’s weird though. I think, girls can’t be apart from that book. As far as I know, every girl generally has grown accustomed with diaries. I can tell that’s a part of their life, their secret’s keeper, their true friend and whatever they describe it. Don’t you have an instinct or interest to have something like that?” I shake at his outburst, slow blabbers.

            “Are you even a girl?” He creases his eyebrows, weirdly gawks at me.

            “Girl is a female and female is a gender.”

            “I know.”

            “Don’t you see that thing on me?”

            At my back-flip question, he simply cracks a medium smile. His cheek bones rise up perfectly under his eyes.

            “I see,” he speaks between his smile. I would frankly jeer that it is strange. A while ago, he did serious but now he is changing like doing a somersault.

            “Nice hair...on you, I mean.”

It sends me paralyzed under his remark. But, it gives me more courage to keep ignoring him. Talking to him is defeat to me. I have a feeling that he will somehow talk sarcastically as a reply, like he did just now. So, I just keep quiet and continue stepping inside, even deeper to the dark side while looking over at the great amounts of books.

            “I know you don’t talk much. Me either.”

His voice dances, lingering around my head. His assumption is true and hits right on my trait. I can accept of him being the non-talkative person but, he always has this type of smile. He easily flowed by people he talks to. As long as there’s no one wants to talk to him, he will stay mute and quite. I don’t know him deeply but I do understand his personality because we are quite alike.

Isn’t it called friendly? Smiling to everybody freely? Only, his smile is not like Ren. Both are different. Yet, I never have one on non-families’ eyes. Still, I don’t know what to say. I can’t choose the right word to reply.

            I turn at the corner, dragging my hand softly along the books. It acts slowly, but I still can hear the same movement from the same person. I drop my hand from the pile of the thick books and about to step outside. Maybe, I should look for Ren and head home.

            “Master Hi...”

Hyun Seung once again calls me formally. His tone is heard slow and strange but it is enough to spin me around to confront him before leaving. He shows me the same leather-like book that I first tracing just now. The hue is beautiful. It is brown, the colour of autumn. In fact, I like autumn more than my birth season. It is cooler and easier to get through, after all.

            He taps the cover for a couple of second, producing a hard sound before throwing it flatly towards me. It whirls on a constant direction with the same time that it takes to spin wholly. In a matter of second, the book arrives accurately against my left palm.

            “Master Hi is lonely.” He backs to his serious face and disappear at the dark side of the camp.

He is far weirder than he assumes me as.



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ButterflyShida #1
Chapter 15: Huda, congratulation for completing this story and I've done reading too. so sad Hyun Seung die. T_T continue with your Cheri ya. Hyun Seung will be alright there right maybe just the twist
icecia1496 #2
Chapter 14: So sad T_T. Didn't really expect Hyun Seung to actually die. My sister thought I'm crazy when tears roll down my eyes. I hope things will be more better between her and Ren after this. She isn't going to space away from Ren just because of Hyun Seung's death.
icecia1496 #3
Chapter 13: Hyun Seung, please be alright. You don't have any disease, don't you? Update please, author-nim.
ButterflyShida #4
mmm... bila nak complete ni??? XD sorry.. in malay
mode malas gila nak baca ni.. sorry..i write in malay
icecia1496 #5
Chapter 11: Cute. She's falling for Ren, isn't she? Or is it Hyunseung? I guess I'll have to wait and read to find out.
icecia1496 #6
Chapter 7: OMG, I love this story eventhough it's a little bit confusing. I love the way Ren is being described.
Keep on writing. I'll wait for the next chapters.
Hello, your poster is ready for pick up ^_^
ButterflyShida #8
Chapter 3: Nam Hi's hair is white? I bet it white and shining...
ButterflyShida #9
Chapter 1: I hope Nam Hi is Bishōjo.
ButterflyShida #10
Chapter 2: There is a secret behind it. What is it?