Chapter 3

Bishounen (Pretty Boy)


        Today’s evening is same like yesterday—windy, cold and calm. When my breathe exhales out, there will be a gust of mist disappears to the air. I sit alone on the balcony. Once in a while, the grand clock inside, which is right behind my back, being my sight. It is almost 3:30pm. Ten more minutes is left or else, they are late. Slaying the tedium, I swing my legs—back and forth—musing music inside my mind.

        “You seem excited.” A deep manly voice accosts from behind. I simply my neck and meet up with my brother’s face—upside down. Keeping a small smile on the half of my lips, I remain my head like earlier. Who doesn’t feel excited if they are going to kick someone? Not mannequin anymore.

        “Not really.” I mouth out a reply along with the gust of mist. Hearing a thump, I suggest he has sit somewhere nearer to me. I look up, facing into the white, thick cloudy sky. I miss the blue sky already, where it is summer or spring. There are only cloud spots covering the sky but not wholly. Getting my eyes lower and lower, finally, it lands on the opened-door gate. They aren’t arrived yet. I turn around, putting Dong Woon in my view. He looks my way before crooking away. “Here they are.” He informs while getting on his feet. Pursing an encouraging smile, he disappears inside the house. I whirl around and heading to where I should go.

        Smoothing my clothes, I step to the centre of the practice area with them following suit and stand my body on a still. “You’re here.” I voice out slowly. They nod a simple nod, refusing to get into my eyes. “My name is Son Nam Hi.” I bow low. “I’m still a practitioner. But I do master a few of martial arts.” The situation is getting awkward. “I’m pleased to have both of you as my first students.” I only manage to blurt out a lie, at last. I admit--I can’t talk well with these bishounens.

        As they manage to get into my eyes, I can see the lit up expression on their faces. I lift my brows up. At the time, the messy wavy hair guy starts his sentence. “I’m Jang Hyun Seung. I’m glad to have you as my master, either.” I nod, impressed. At least I’m glad. He does have manner exactly like Grandpa said. I shift to the tied-hair guy. He looks at me, realizing the situation.

        “My name is Choi Min Ki. I’ve used to be called Ren.” He bows again in courtesy. As his straight bangs fall downwards, a shade of black hue exposed on every splits of his hair (at the tip, down deep). Shifting my eyes to their clothes, I scrutinize their black gakurans--from the standing collars, buttoning down from top-to-bottom with silver craved buttons. There is a pink based with black centred badge sewn on the right side on each other jackets. On the badges, a dangling tied silver chain can be seen--stylish. Down to their straight leg black pants, two pairs of sneakers are displayed—likely to be Converse. One wears a pair of dark pink while the other chooses white. They are neat, but, not in the suitable clothes, the ideal one for training.

        “I don’t think these clothes will suit you for training.” I eye them, giving a look of stern and firm like an adult, even though I’ve a feeling that we might be in the same ages either one of us is younger or older. I don’t mind.

        “Oh, we forget! Excuse us.” Ren remarks and they start to their jacket, revealing the white T-shirts worn inside. Getting embarrass over the inappropriate sight, I whirl around to face the opposite direction. Being well-mannered is nothing if they act recklessly. I take in a few times of deep breath to get over the hotness on my face.

      “Done!” The other one voices out. I rotate and meet their impatient eyes with a look of Grandpa. Getting back my position, I utter.

        “We’ll start the first lesson of Hakke Sho from Baguazhang. This martial art tends to be smooth,” --since you’re feminine. I find myself is smirking an invisible smirk.

        “...and flowing like Tai Chi. There’s only one thing that can ensure how strong your attack will be. It is speed.” I pause while they nod in understanding. Resuming, I utter, “On this lesson, you’ve to know the basic first—fighting position and the flowing of your hands. It’ll be easy if you can do acrobatic because there will be a lot of stretching. Any problem?” I pull my brows high while scrutinize them who are in the focus state. When I’m about to descend my eyebrows, Hyun Seung suddenly opens his mouth.

        “Can I ask you something?” I remain with my high-brows, beckoning him to continue.

        “Why is your hair looks silver?”...

        His question strikes me right on my head—white top that I’ve been familiar with since I was a child. I swear I don’t dye it. It is natural, my natural hair since born. It is white, not silver. The blur sunshine makes it looks silver despite being a natural white. They must be thinking that I’m kind of freak. I don’t have black hair, neither blonde like them. Grandma said that I had born on the midst of winter. It was the night where the moon acted as a full moon. I was born in the world of cold, covered with pure white snow and the gleam of bluish light. I know...I’m not normal. That’s why Grandpa has refused to take me to the public school. He has done his best to dodge the humiliation thrown at me and, that is the time when I feel the coldness without friends. Coldness. I suddenly feel cold liquid slides from the brims of my eyes. 

        “Master, you’re okay?”...Now, I don’t care anymore. I’ve used to it. This is my life.

        A few pokes on my right shoulder bring me out from the world of my never-ending thoughts.”Uh?”—Dumfound. I quickly wipe the mess on my face. The bishounens are towering me before lowering their head, same level with me.

        “You okay?” Ren asks again—this time—he reaches out, touching my face to wipe the remnants tear. I quickly back away and shove his hand, making both of them shock and hop a few centimetres away from me.

       “Don’t ask that question anymore. You make her cry.” Ren elbows Hyun Seung with his loud whisper.  

        “Don’t blame me for being curious. By the way, you make her startles. Don’t call our Master with ‘she’. We should call her ‘Master’.” Hyun Seung whispers back, even louder than Ren. Are they trying to annoy me? Yes. They are stepping on my heels right now. They really want to be kick.

        “Back to your position. NOW!” I order, raising my voice than usual. This isn’t what I want to happen. Great, I’ve made them afraid. Isn’t that good?

        “We make her, I mean, Master angry.” Hyun Seung still has the urge to mutter, describing what I’ve been doing.

        I keep showing a patient face and start teaching the ready-to-fight position of Hakke Sho which is pretty confusing but quite easy and smooth. If they aren’t focusing, they might think I’m teaching some type of dance. The way the body whirls from left to right in clockwise—that’s what I mean confusing. Not to mention the bending of both of the hands. There is this type of move basically used when you’ve won or something. Hoping with one leg; let yourself sprawl on the air with your face facing the ground and land as squatting but with one leg sprawls forward and spin for a few times. Getting arms wide open like an eagle’s wings while spinning; you will stop once the right leg is off from squatting and get the left over the right thigh—crossed. Closing the eagle arms, the right palm with left knuckle is joined together into the Chinese To-Chea-like fist.  This move is wonderful.

        After getting themselves familiar with the new moves, I continue with Hikka Ken of Pi Qua Quan. Many of these two martial arts attacks are graceful and move in a windmill-like formation. They are the first two that I’ve mastered. I stare at them, training thoroughly. Because of their focus on my words either my actions, they make the moves cleanly. They put all of their attention to it. They frown of serious, not of spurious.

        Tilting to the balcony, I catch a sight of standing Grandma who is holding a set of tea on her hands “Tea time, kids!” shouts her. She has attracted the attention of the two bishounens who are rushing toward her. Unfortunately, the situation isn’t allowing me to kick them.

       Or, should I stop hoping on getting rid of them? On the contrary, I’m the one who play the evil game and act as the devil. Should I change the word ‘play’ to ‘help’ and ‘fight’ to ‘teach’? Should I follow what exactly Grandpa’s hoping? And, should I act as usual around them, like I usually act around my family?

        “Nam Hi, have a tea!” Grandma breaks my muse with her inaudible shout but still can be heard. The bishounens have already sipped their teas happily while dangled their legs beneath. The three of them look at me.

        ...I don’t know.

They smile, rising their teacups to the air.



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ButterflyShida #1
Chapter 15: Huda, congratulation for completing this story and I've done reading too. so sad Hyun Seung die. T_T continue with your Cheri ya. Hyun Seung will be alright there right maybe just the twist
icecia1496 #2
Chapter 14: So sad T_T. Didn't really expect Hyun Seung to actually die. My sister thought I'm crazy when tears roll down my eyes. I hope things will be more better between her and Ren after this. She isn't going to space away from Ren just because of Hyun Seung's death.
icecia1496 #3
Chapter 13: Hyun Seung, please be alright. You don't have any disease, don't you? Update please, author-nim.
ButterflyShida #4
mmm... bila nak complete ni??? XD sorry.. in malay
mode malas gila nak baca ni.. sorry..i write in malay
icecia1496 #5
Chapter 11: Cute. She's falling for Ren, isn't she? Or is it Hyunseung? I guess I'll have to wait and read to find out.
icecia1496 #6
Chapter 7: OMG, I love this story eventhough it's a little bit confusing. I love the way Ren is being described.
Keep on writing. I'll wait for the next chapters.
Hello, your poster is ready for pick up ^_^
ButterflyShida #8
Chapter 3: Nam Hi's hair is white? I bet it white and shining...
ButterflyShida #9
Chapter 1: I hope Nam Hi is Bishōjo.
ButterflyShida #10
Chapter 2: There is a secret behind it. What is it?