
I Bid You Goodbye, My Lilac

May 30th, XXXX (This whole chapter will be in Jongup’s point of view)

Hearing the loud chirping of the birds outside my window, I lazily opened my eyes as I stretched my arms as far as I can. I then sat up and sighed happily, remembering the event yesterday. Even just thinking about it makes my heart flutter and melt.

Realizing the time, I stood up from my bed and made my way to the bathroom. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, my short brown hair and pyjamas were disheveled but my face was brighter than usual. I smiled before turning on the faucet, waiting for the water to get warmer. When the temperature got to my liking, I took a handful of water and gently splashed it on my face. After drying my face, I brushed my teeth and my hair, at the same moment, to save time.

Finally exiting the bathroom, I open my wardrobe to get some clothes to change to. In a matter of seconds, I decided to go with a plain white shirt and a pair of jeans. I checked myself one last time and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I greeted my parents and smelled the delicious aroma, surrounding the kitchen.

An hour later, after finishing my breakfast, I informed them that I would be meeting with Hyunjoo at the usual place. They nodded and smiled before I rushed to get my shoes on and go to the garden. While walking there, I suddenly felt uneasy but I shrugged it off and continued admiring everything.

Arriving at the garden, I thought Hyunjoo would be here earlier than me but I guess I’m wrong. So, I decided to wait for her under the tree where we had our picnic. But while observing all the flowers, I noticed that her lilacs were looking a bit sad, meaning that some of them are bending downwards.

It surprised me because Hyunjoo would never let this happened to her flowers. I wonder if someone did something to them or she just forgot to water them, which is not normal. I shook those thoughts away and went to get water.

While watering them, I looked around often, waiting for her arrival. Moments after watering her flowers, I sat back down under the tree and continued waiting.

10 minutes passed, not here.

25 minutes later, still not here.

40 minutes more, not even a trace.

After an hour and a half of waiting, I accepted the fact that she won’t be coming here today. I completely understand that since she also has other things to do anyways. I took a deep breath and stood up, making my way to the exit.


May 31st, XXXX

With a worried expression, I made my way back to the garden to wait for her. I waited on the same spot as yesterday, expecting her to greet me with a joyful smile. I saw someone from afar quietly approaching me, I stood up off the ground as quickly as possible.

‘Is it her?’ I thought.

As a smile crept on my face, the figure slowly drew near me. I was happy to finally see her once again from all this longing. Today is the day I made up mind to gather all my strength and courage to determinately confess my love to Hyunjoo. But I realized that lady was in fact not her, my smile instantly faded and my heart sank.  

I waited once again for her arrival. I suddenly felt little droplets of rain on my left arm. Ignoring it and knowing that it will rain soon, I didn’t want to give up.

‘I know she will come. I’m sure of it.’ I repeatedly told myself.

Minutes or even hours later, I came to a conclusion that something was not right. Drenched in rain, I stood up and ran to the hospital.

Arriving there, I widely pushed the glass doors. Ignoring the stares of the strangers and patients, I dashed to the staircase, leaving them with a shocked expressions. I slipped, fell, tripped multiple times but the thought of Hyunjoo something happening to her made me more determined to not give up.

I finally appeared in front of the door indicating the 8th floor. I opened it and ran once again, finding her room and not caring about the others.

Breathing hard from all the running, I tried to stabilize my breathing before opening the door to her room. To my surprise, the room was empty and all cleaned up. I shook my head violently.

‘It can’t be…’ I breathed.

At this time, a doctor passed by the room he was in with a glum expression. He approached the male and placed a hand on his shoulder, making him turn around.

I flinched at the sudden contact and turned around to see a doctor.

‘Are you perhaps... Jongup? The close friend of miss Park?’ he suddenly asked.

I slowly nodded my head, still confused about the situation. The doctor stayed silent for awhile before taking a huge breath.

‘I see that she did not tell you... I am very sorry to announce this but miss Park has passed away, this morning. The other doctors yesterday told her that they have found a solution to increase her chances of living longer but it ended up being a disaster and led miss Park into a coma. We waited and waited all night to at least get any kind of movement from her but when the clock striked six, she suddenly stopped breathing... Also, she wanted me to give you these...’ he said, while giving him a letter and a small bouquet of lilacs.

‘N-no... This can’t be happening... Hyunjoo can’t be gone... She can’t...’ I said, accepting the items with shaking hands before dropping on the floor.

The doctor bowed and silently left the room.

I felt the world stop and the only thing you can hear is my heart breaking into millions of pieces. The pain in my chest cannot be compared to any of the pains that I have encountered in my life. All of a sudden, all the memories and time that we spent together came rushing into my mind, making it harder for my heart to handle.

Her laughs and chuckles can be heard in the room, I looked up and furrowed my eyebrows.

‘Am I going crazy now? Why... W-why didn’t you... tell me anything...?’ I said with a pained voice, tears starting to form rapidly in my eyes.

I then looked down once again to examine the items that the doctor handed me. I slowly picked up the letter and took a deep breath before opening it delicately. But upon reading the first words of her letter, my tears fell right down my cheeks.

Dear my Jongup,
          You’re crying right now, aren’t you? Please don’t cry anymore... I don’t want to see your sad face from up here... I know that you’re probably mad at me for not telling you anything but please understand that I didn’t want to hurt you and worry about me too much... In the twenty-nine days of meeting and becoming friends with you, it was the happiest days of my life and you made me feel like a normal person that I dreamed of being. Until this day, our meeting still makes me chuckle. Each time I see you, I instantly smile because I know that it will be a great day. Each day I spent with you makes me want to wish that night never existed. Each night, I would always look forward for the next day. Jongup, please continue being the nicest and greatest person even without me, okay? I want everyone to know how the real Jongup is like.

Oh, remember when you took me to ‘Seoul’s Coex Aquarium for my birthday? That was the best birthday that I ever had because I finally spent my birthday out of the hospital grounds. Also, that was when I found out that I was really in love... with you... I don’t know if you feel the same but I understand if you don’t. Jongup, please move on and don’t be stuck in the past, okay?

Well, I guess this is goodbye... I hope to see you once again in the next life. But for now, I will be watching over you, with a smile.

Thank you so much for everything...

Your friend, Hyunjoo

A few years later, I stepped out of my house, holding bouquet of lilacs. It has been four years since Hyunjoo passed away and the pain in my chest is still not healed. Every year, at the same day, I would visit her and give her lilacs. Arriving at the cemetery, I sighed and walked to where she is buried. I kneeled down in front of her tombstone, placing the bouquet down.

‘Hyunjoo... Did you know that lilacs meant ‘first love’? Also, I did move on but there’s a place in my heart that would never be healed nor replaced.’ I said, before standing up.

I love you, Jongup... I really do...’ said a girl with a faint voice.

I smiled and walked away.




Hey guys! Thank you so much for being patient and sticking with me until the end of this! I was so busy and didn't had anytime to write the final chapter earlier. I hope that everyone will have a wonderful and amazing New year!

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Happy New Year to everyone! ^^


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Park_HyeSun #1
Chapter 3: Aw, I knew she would die. Life is just like that sometimes. This story is written pretty decently, other than a few typos. Which happens to everyone, so it's not a world-shattering issue. ^^;

If you would allow me to give an example, it would be one in Chapter 2. You used the word (we're) when you intended to use the word (were). Hehe, because I'm random, let me end this comment by wishing you a happy new year. (:
Chapter 3: OH MAY GAWD SO SAD /creys a river/
But really good story! :)
-paperhearts- #3
Chapter 3: :,( he couldnt confess to her...
Chapter 2: So far so AMAZING(: hehehe
can't wait for the next update! :D xx
Chapter 2: Ohhh loving this story already :D
eyethelaw #6
Chapter 1: first chap yay!!! it was great love how its diffident from other story's by putting down the dates haha update soon :)))
Chapter 1: D'aw this already sounds cute Cx I feel like imma start crying when the sad part comes OTL
Update soon!
eyethelaw #8
sounds great cant wait till you update fighting :)))