
I Bid You Goodbye, My Lilac

May 2nd, XXXX

In this small city, in a particular hospital, lived a seventeen years old young lady named Hyunjoo. She is born with a con heart defect and has a weak heart. At the age of ten, her parents started to worry more about her condition and their countless visits and stays at the hospital, so they decided that making her stay permanently would be the best choice. But as time progressed, Hyunjoo's health got a lot worser. After all those years, the majority of the workers in the hospital are now part of her life and family. Every single day, she would pray to the heavens and cry herself to sleep.

Today, the young girl was quietly standing in front of the window, admiring the scenery in front of her as she sighed deeply. 'Why can't I be born healthy?' Tears we're rapidly forming in her eyes but she kept strong and looked up at the ceiling, to prevent them from falling down.

A loud thud suddenly came from the door, which startled her and caused the girl to turn her head curiously. Hyunjoo softened at the sight of her parents and little sister.

"Big sister!" she squealed as she ran to her bed.

Hyunjoo chuckled and ruffled her hair. Their parents then approached them with a bouquet of gardenias. 'Your favorite.' her mom mentioned as she placed them on the side table. The young lady gave her a smile and mouthed a 'Thank you'.

'Honey, how are you today?' Her mother suddenly asked as she the back of her head .

Many thoughts filled Hyunjoo's mind. They would always ask her the same question every time they visit and her response would always be the same... As much as Hyunjoo wants to tell them the truth, she just can't make herself to.

'I'm good as always, mom.' she forced a smile.

After getting a visit from her family, Hyunjoo decided to take stroll at the garden near the hospital. She often goes there to relax and to take care of the flowers. Growing up, she had been surrounded by flowers. Her relatives and friends never knew what to give her when they visit, so they would end up getting flowers for her. As she exited the main entrance of the hospital, she inhaled the fresh air. The sun was shining brightly, birds we're chirping loudly, and the workers greeted her warmly.

Approaching the garden, an unfamiliar silhouette has appeared in her sight. Fear and curiosity filled her as she slowly approached the garden. While arriving nearer, some rays of the sun shadowed over the stranger's face. Hyunjoo then felt her cheeks heating up.

The owner of the silhouette is a male who is about the same age as her, squatting in front of a batch of flowers. He had a striking pair of eyes that stared straight at the flowers, his dark brown hair that flowed nicely when a dash of wind hit his direction and his school uniform that is neatly ironed and placed.

Feeling the presence of someone else, he instinctively turned around meeting face to face with a beautiful young lady. Their eyes met for a couple of seconds and quickly turned away. An awkward atmosphere then surrounded them.

'H-hello...' the male said, breaking the silence.

While looking at the tree in the distance, her hospital gown then flowed softly, as the wind blew. Hyunjoo hesitated to speak for a moment before greeting him back with a quiet 'Hi'.

'Is there something wrong with the flowers?' she continued.

The batch of flowers that he was in front of him was hers. It was the gardenias that she planted a few months ago and they are growing well. She really adored them because the meaning of these flowers is 'Joy' and the pure white color that it has.

'N-no... It's b-because I need to observe flowers for m-my... science project...' he replied, stuttering multiple times making him blush in embarrassment.

She slowly nodded, after understanding his situation. Hyunjoo then squatted beside the male.

'...And you chose the gardenias?' she asked.

He mumbled a 'Yes' and slightly nodded his head.

With the really quiet atmosphere, you can clearly hear all the sounds surroundings them. From the leaves of the trees, that swayed every time a strong wind came to the sound of little kids laughing, by the near playground.

'I can tell you all about gardenias, if you want. I'm the owner of these, by the way.' Hyunjoo exclaimed, while pointing at the flowers, as the corners of her lips curled upwards.

His eyes widened at the sudden offer. When he was about to say something, Hyunjoo cut him off.

'My name is Hyunjoo and I am seventeen years old.' she excitedly introduced herself. It has been an eternity since she had a new friend and Hyunjoo didn't want to miss this chance.

'I-i'm Jongup and I am eighteen years old... Nice to meet y-you...' he said, looking down at the ground.

And that's how the two met.


May 14th, XXXX

Twelve days passed, Hyunjoo and Jongup became good friends. The two of them would always meet up at the garden, at the same time, where they first met. They would talk about their day and all the other interesting stuff that happen that day. Now, every single night, she doesn't cry herself to sleep anymore. Instead, Hyunjoo sleeps with a smile and would always look forward for the next day.


May 15th, XXXX

When Hyunjoo arrived at the garden, Jongup wasn't there yet. So, she decided to water the flowers, to kill time. As she walked towards the water hose, someone threw some water at her. Hyunjoo quickly looked back to catch a glimpse of the person, with glaring eyes but she softened after seeing that it was only Jongup. Hyunjoo suddenly ran back to go get the water hose and turned it on, suprising him. He knew what was was going to happen. Thus, he escaped before she catches him. But to his luck, in a matter of seconds, he is now drenched.


May 17th, XXXX

In a warm windy afternoon, they played tag around the garden, lots of laugther and giggles were heard in every corner. 

'Stop catching me so quickly!' Hyunjoo complained, pouting.

'It's not my fault that you run slow!' Jongup complained back at her.

'Well, I have a reason to be slow!' she reminded him, while pointing at the left side of her chest, where her heart is located.

Jongup lowered his head and shyly apologized.


May 23th, XXXX

Many things happend these past twenty-one days, the two young teenagers got a lot closer than before. They can now tell each other their secrets and personal lives. Since the day that they met, Hyunjoo became a really cheerful young lady and Jongup is now more open and talkative. The two enjoys each others company and they still visit the garden every single day.

Hyunjoo and Jongup layed down on the grass as they we're looking up at the beautiful blue sky and the white fluffy clouds. They were playing a game in which involved the clouds. It was a pretty day.

'Hyunjoo-ah! On the 25th, which is two days from now, we'll have a picnic here, okay?' Jongup suddenly exclaimed as he sat up, after minutes of playing.

She jolted up before nodding her head excitedly.


May 25th, XXXX

Hyunjoo woke up by the rays of the sun that brightly pass through her window. She yawned and stretched before looking at the time. It was currently nine-forty a.m. It may seem too early but she likes to put a lot of effort, when it comes to preparing.

So, she went to the bathroom to wash up and got changed to a casual attire. After getting changed and all, she looked at her reflection with a big smile of satisfaction on her face.

Hyunjoo then head down the hospital building and into the cafeteria. She went in the back and asked the chefs if she can use the kitchen. Since they’re like a family to her, they nodded almost immediately. She took a pencil and a piece of paper to write everything that she would love to cook today. Hyunjoo may not be the best at cooking, but she doesn’t give up easily. 


While cooking, the young lady was very clumsy. She dropped a lot of utensils, slipped, burned herself, forgot an ingredient and a bunch of other stuff. After what felt like an eternity, she had finally finish preparing all the food, with a satisfied look on her face.


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Park_HyeSun #1
Chapter 3: Aw, I knew she would die. Life is just like that sometimes. This story is written pretty decently, other than a few typos. Which happens to everyone, so it's not a world-shattering issue. ^^;

If you would allow me to give an example, it would be one in Chapter 2. You used the word (we're) when you intended to use the word (were). Hehe, because I'm random, let me end this comment by wishing you a happy new year. (:
Chapter 3: OH MAY GAWD SO SAD /creys a river/
But really good story! :)
-paperhearts- #3
Chapter 3: :,( he couldnt confess to her...
Chapter 2: So far so AMAZING(: hehehe
can't wait for the next update! :D xx
Chapter 2: Ohhh loving this story already :D
eyethelaw #6
Chapter 1: first chap yay!!! it was great love how its diffident from other story's by putting down the dates haha update soon :)))
Chapter 1: D'aw this already sounds cute Cx I feel like imma start crying when the sad part comes OTL
Update soon!
eyethelaw #8
sounds great cant wait till you update fighting :)))