
I Bid You Goodbye, My Lilac

May 25th, XXXX

Jongup groaned loudly and pulled his blanket further up his head as his alarm clock rang. He stayed like that for a couple of minutes before he sat up with eyes wide open.

‘The picnic!’ he inwardly screamed.

The male then hurriedly shoved his blanket away, making it fall on the ground.  He stumbled a few while making his way to the bathroom but managed to stay balanced. After, Jongup ran downstairs to cook something for the picnic. Like Hyunjoo,  he isn’t the best cook either.

His plan was to wake up early and cook something special for her. But despite him not being a morning person, it  was a failure.

Hours passed, Jongup had finally finished. He packed the food in a cute container and wrapped it with a bunny patterned cloth.

It is now twelve thirty and since Hyunjoo is a lot closer to the park than Jongup, she had arrived first. She sat on the picnic blanket that she placed down, a few minutes ago, under the tree in the garden.

While she is patiently waiting for her friend,  she walked around the garden, looking at all the flowers that other people planted. There was roses, daisies, hibiscus, lilies, magnolias and other lovely ones.

Hyunjoo was quietly admiring the lilies, when suddenly a pair of hands covered her eyes. She panicked and tried to take the stranger’s hands away from her eyes but the person was too strong for her.

‘W-who are you? What do you want from m-me?’ she stuttered while she struggled to escape.

The stranger chuckled, he slowly removed his hands from her sight and placed them around her shoulders, giving her a hug. Hyunjoo stiffened and immediately looked back.

She frowned, squirmed out of his embrace and playfully hit his arm. Jongup laughed at her childness and dragged her to the picnic blanket.

They sat down, facing each other. He ped his backpack and took out the container. Feeling shy, Jongup slowly extended his arm out to her, indicating the girl to take it. 

Hyunjoo took it and giggled at the bunny patterned cloth.

‘I-is there something wrong with it?’ he asked.

She shook her head before replying ‘No, it’s just that I love bunnies and I did not expect a guy to have this kind of cloth. Thank you for this, by the way.’

Jongup felt his cheeks heat up and gave her a smile.

Now, it’s Hyunjoo’s turn to give him hers. She extended her arm, like Jongup, as she examined his facial expressions.

‘T-thank you.’ he said

‘You’re welcome!’ she replied with a happy tone.

The two counted to three and opened the container that they received from each other. They both had a huge grin on their lips as they tasted the others homemade food. 

As time passed, both Hyunjoo and Jongup we’re full and satisfied. But while resting, Jongup suddenly asked her;

‘Hyunjoo, I keep forgetting to ask you, when is your birthday? I’m really curious since I already told you mines.’

It was true, Jongup already mentioned his birthday to her. She thought that she was being unfair, so, Hyunjoo answered his question.

‘It’s in four days. On the 29th of  May. ‘

Jongup’s eyes widen.

‘Oh, it’s so near! Okay, Hyunjoo, on that day, come here at one o’clock sharp.’ He exclaimed

She was going to say something, but was shushed by him.


May 29th, XXXX

It was currently twelve fifty-five p.m., Jongup was waiting at the garden with a bouquet of gardenias in his hands. He was wearing a white hoodie with a jean jacket on top while pairing it with a dark wash jeans and a simple pair of black and white running shoes. He was in a really good mood because he just knows that his plan for the day with be a success.

As for Hyunjoo, she was on her way, while jogging. She woke up late this morning; she couldn’t stop thinking about today. Her family surprised her this morning and they had a small birthday party for her but she went back to sleep, thinking that she’ll wake up in twenty minutes to get ready.

Her dress flowed nicely as she made her way to the garden; Hyunjoo was wearing a pastel yellow knee length dress with a white opened cardigan with a pair of white flats. 

A few minutes later, she had finally arrived at the garden. Looking at her watch, she had arrived at one o’clock exact. Hyunjoo was really worried that she’ll be late and get scolded by Jongup.

She walked near the tree, when suddenly Jongup appeared in front of her, he was hiding behind the whole time.

‘Ah!’ she yelled stumbling back a little.

Jongup gasped and ran to catch her. He caught her petite waist and gently guided her back up. She then mumbled a ‘Thank you’. They we’re both red as a tomato while they tried to avoid each other’s gaze.

To kill the silent atmosphere, Jongup gave her the bouquet of gardenias that he was holding.

‘Happy birthday, Hyunjoo!’ he greeted her as he smiled charmingly.

Hyunjoo looked at the gardenias in front of her before holding it closer to her.

‘Thank you again, Jongup.’ she shyly said,

And with that, Jongup bravely took her left hand and held it tightly, leading her to their destination. Hyunjoo felt her heart beat faster as she tried to relax. She had been feeling like this since ever she met Jongup, what does did mean…?

The destination that Jongup picked today for her birthday is ‘Seoul’s Coex Aquarium’. It’s place where all kinds of sea animals are. He didn’t wanted to pick something common, like a restaurant or the theaters.

As they arrived at the entrance, Hyunjoo’s jaw dropped.

‘A-are we really going inside?’ she asked.

‘Yes, are you scared? Do you want to change loacation?’ Jongup asked, worriedly.

‘No, it’s just that I always wanted to come here.’ she replied, her eyes shining with excitement. 

Jongup sighed happily and continued walking with him, still holding her hand.

Two hours passed, Hyunjoo and Jongup we’re now sitting across each other in a restaurant at the Coex Aquarium. He specially reserved a spot for them in a quiet little corner since he prepared something. They we’re both equally tired because they explored the whole Aquarium.

As they we’re eating, Hyunjoo boasted about all the things she saw today. Jongup felt like his heart was going to explode with all her cute facial expressions and hand movements she is making.

‘...And then the fish swam away! I was super sad, you know! It looked like ‘Nemo’!’ she pouted.

Jongup chuckled at her cuteness before standing up from his seat.

‘Are me leaving already?’ she asked.

He shook his head and cleared his throat.

‘Hyunjoo, I-I kind of tried composing a song for your birthday… I’m so sorry if you don’t like it…’Jongup  warned her.

‘Don’t say that, i’m sure i’ll love it!’ she said.

He coughed lightly and began singing with the gentle voice of his;

A really happy you, who is next to me
I waited for today, your birthday
Your smile that looks at me, oh
It’s really, really bright
I want to pick those stars for you

Happy birthday to you
Because you’re here, I’m happy
Happy birthday to you

From when I open my eyes till I close them,
I only think of you for the whole day
You, who is like the sunshine that shines through the window
You make me smile, you’re special, a bit different

I can see that you’re different even among a group of many people
My heart feels at peace when you’re next to me

After he finished his song, Jongup saw that Hyunjoo was crying. Her tears would not stop from falling down as she continuously wiped them away. He panicked and hugged her.

‘Why are you crying?’ he softly whispered.

 ‘It’s b-because that was… b-beautiful. I have never felt so s-special before… Thank you so much, Jongup…’ Hyunjoo whimpered as her face was buried in his chest.




*If anyone is wondering, this song is B.A.P's 'Happy birthday'. And yes, I took some lyrics out. It didn't fit their relationship, at the moment, so, i'm sorry.

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Park_HyeSun #1
Chapter 3: Aw, I knew she would die. Life is just like that sometimes. This story is written pretty decently, other than a few typos. Which happens to everyone, so it's not a world-shattering issue. ^^;

If you would allow me to give an example, it would be one in Chapter 2. You used the word (we're) when you intended to use the word (were). Hehe, because I'm random, let me end this comment by wishing you a happy new year. (:
Chapter 3: OH MAY GAWD SO SAD /creys a river/
But really good story! :)
-paperhearts- #3
Chapter 3: :,( he couldnt confess to her...
Chapter 2: So far so AMAZING(: hehehe
can't wait for the next update! :D xx
Chapter 2: Ohhh loving this story already :D
eyethelaw #6
Chapter 1: first chap yay!!! it was great love how its diffident from other story's by putting down the dates haha update soon :)))
Chapter 1: D'aw this already sounds cute Cx I feel like imma start crying when the sad part comes OTL
Update soon!
eyethelaw #8
sounds great cant wait till you update fighting :)))