



Chapter 8


Yuri broke off and screamed from the noise of the gun being fired. Minho on the other hand ached down as much as he could in order to take cover and safe from bullets, but the car that is expected to move easily becomes difficult to do so. Caught off guard one of the bullets penetrated into Minho’s body giving that un-explainable burning sensation around the top of his shoulder, he realized that the pain will gradually grow even bigger in a couple of seconds but now all his consideration is on Yuri. There is no time for him to moan about the pain that is about to happen.

The pace of the vehicle is still moving fast forward, the car alarmingly jolted back and forth.

“Yesun”  Minho looked up to check on his college, but only to witness the scene of horror as he watches the lifeless body of Yesun sitting in the driver’s seat with a bullet puncture right in the middle of his forehead. Minho’s face was contorted with fury. He was angry as a raging bull.

“M…Minho” In such a shock, Yuri call out to him while crying her heart out.

Minho decided to reach out to the steering wheel with his right hand which was holding the gun before he pulls it firmly in order to take control of the car that is steering left and right uncontrollably. Change of plan, rather than letting the car charge straight through the attacker on the other side of the bridge, Minho decided to steer the wheel slightly to the left and drove straight toward the part of the bridge where there is a viewpoint for the tourist, which has a rusty barriers around it. 

“What the hell are you doing?!” Yuri yelled out to her bodyguard as she realizes that the car is charging straight to the lookout point. “YA! Are you insane?!”

Minho ignored her screams. Using his left hand, he tries to take out the seat belt that was wrapped around him. After he succeeded, a loud noise and a thundering impact occurred altogether very quickly.

Rusty barriers that were once standing still has now broken into piece because it was driven into by a white Benz car, which is now in the middle of a rush of air, floating in what is seems like slow motion. 

Minho was thrown off from his seat before his body is hit by the console in the front of the car with a strong impact. His left shoulder was drenched with blood, making his whole arm going numb to the point where it becomes really difficult to move it. Yuri is also thrown off from her seat to and landed on the car floor on the front passenger seat, feeling like she’s going to throw up, like someone’s been stuffing their small stomach with food in order for it to explode. She realized that the car she is in is now flying in mid-air, she screamed on top of her lungs like a crazy, unstable person.


Minho, who is pretty much in a bad shape, tries his best and get up from the floor and sit on the driver’s seat. Using the energy he has left on his left arm, Minho attempt to try and break the car window, with such a strong force, the glass shattered, cutting Minho’s hands and wrist, leaving a bloody gash all over it.  With so much adrenaline running in his body system, he managed to control himself from all the pain and impact that has happened and stay in conscious when he can just soothe off.


The sound of a white Benz car punched into the surface of the water with a great crash. If it happens to be a human body there is no doubt that the person would have been perish in a matter of seconds. Inside the car the two bodies of Yuri and Minho is still in pain all over their body as it seems like most of the bones in their body is now broken, especially Yuri’s. With such an impact it made her leaped up to hit the roof of the car so hard that she lost her consciousness.  The raging stream water swept the car to flooding along the main river as soon as the car hits. The rain still pouring down from the dark grey sky, making the attacker unable to see where their two targets are.

Every second pass by the more water started to flood into the car, making it more burdensome. Yuri is still out of conscious on the car floor. However Minho is still awake even though his body is sending signals, telling him that he has used it over the limit, but he can’t give up or stop now as in any minutes this car will sink like titanic. Using almost all of his energy, he got up and reached out to unconscious Yuri and picked her up, wrapping his arms around her slim waist, he pull her in and lock her body to his chest. Overlooked the pain that can cause him to swoon and lost his consciousness.

As Minho expected, the car door doesn’t seems to budge open at all due to force of the stream water pushing it tightly shut. He squeezes Yuri tighter with his right injured hand that was cut by the broken glasses earlier. And as for his other injured arm that was hit by a bullet becomes so difficult to even move but he tries his best and uses all his energy and his arm out and through the broken window, and using his hand to grab on to the top of the roof.  The more he try move his arm the more blood is rushing out from his body, making him weaker and weaker. With his very little energy he tries his best to pull both himself and Yuri away from the sinking car as much as possible.  Every single move he makes is a battle with time before the car will submerge under water completely. Even though the car roof is really slippery, Minho manage to hold on to it, thanks to all the years of training and his bravery because of this he is able to escape by pulling himself out from the sinking car with Yuri in his arm. After he notices that he is now out from the car he uses his legs and kicks the door in order to push him and Yuri back to the surface.

The body jolt to the surface while he holds on to Yuri, Minho uses his body as a shield in order to protect her from hitting the car as the water swept the two towards it. The force of the water that pushes Minho’s body into the car is so strong it only made his injured body worse. The pain gradually grew all over the place. Almost every single part of his body is either being cut or bruised. It seems like his body has had enough through all these pain and ready to finally give up, but nothing can stop him, especially when he knows that if he gives up now – what’s going to happen to Yuri?  He can’t stop now, not when Yuri is still in danger, when he is not certain that she will survive and live a happy life. But no matter how much he tries, he wasn’t able to gain enough energy to bring Yuri back to the shore, but instead he decided to hold on to her and let the water drift them away and hopefully take them to the boarder. 

“…M…Miss Yuri” He called out to her but his mouth is filled with water making his voice becomes very shaky and quiet. He’s trying to wake her up, but it seems helpless at this point as Yuri is still remains under consciousness.  She needs to wake up in order to save herself as he could drown anytime soon. But that’s okay. As long as she survive.


Yuri remained still, not moving an inch while she is in his arm.  Her body is now getting heavier because his body has gotten weaker and weaker every second that passes by. A young man clinched his teeth before he yelled out once more.

“Yuri!” The girl remains silent “God damn it!” He yelled out as he is angry with himself. Angry to the fact that he couldn’t do any better.

As he wasn’t able to wake her up, there’s no other choice but for him to fight against his weakness which is his own body. But it is unquestionably difficult as he has used it over the limit already; the body that has been cut and bruised can no longer function properly.  His left arm is still bleeding heavily and it becomes a challenging task to even move it.  With much effort he tried and opens his heavy eyelids and swept his glance across the area.

There’s a little wooden ladder!

She’s safe, she’s finally safe. It appears not so far away from them that there are little wooden ladder being place in order for people to get out from the water. If only he could thank the person who ever built this he would have right now. He tried to use his body to float above the water to allow the currents swept him and Yuri to drift to the wooden steps.

He must hold on, he’s almost there. They’re almost there…

 A white, pale yet strong looking hand suddenly grabbed onto the ladder firmly.  The other hand that is holding on to Yuri’s waist he use it to threw her body on to the ladder, not considering whether she is hurt or not. As long as she is safe is all that matters to him.

The edge of his white, pale mouth curled up, letting out a weak smile as he is please that she’s safe.  His hands gradually started to let go of the ladder because everything is over. He did it, is all over now, he’s ready to go, know that this girl in front of him is safe.

 Miss Yuri is safe. His one and only is safe…

“Get up now!” An exhausted tone chants its command. Minho shoots his eyes wide open and look up.

The two tiny hands were gripping on to his wrist tightly. A pair of eyes is looking down on him with a relentless gaze and anger. She flexed her wrist and tried to pull him back to the wooden ladder again while the water is trying to drag him away.

“Just get up here already! I can’t hold on to you much longer!” 

Her tight grip is still grabbing on his wrist, showing no sign of letting go. Minho uses his little energy that he has left to pull his body up and hold on to the ladder firmly once again. Yuri sighed before she laid her back on a very end step, exhausted. Minho finally manages to pull himself up and rest his body on the first step of the ladder. 

“Don’t sleep here” She called out once more with a little strength. “If you want to sleep then get up there. Get up and go sleep on the land and take me with you, I can’t get up the ladders”

 Minho speaks, or what it seems like to be a whisper “I cannot… move anymore…”

Yuri looked down to see the blood absorbing through his white shirt can be seen and it is clear that’s the work of a bullet, and his left hand that has multiple cuts and bruises, makes drops to the floor. From seeing the state of his body she try to get up from the ladder and sit, but the pain that’s shooting throughout her body makes it seems like she is moving in a slow motion.

“You’re… hurt”

“Y-Yes” He achingly washes down his saliva down his throat.

“Then what am I supposed to do? If they…. What if they started hunting us then! What am I gonna do!?” She utter as her anxiety started catching up to her.

With effort Minho try to speak as loud as he could but he could only whisper loud enough to catch. Yuri’s attention. “…Shi”.

“H-huh!?..” The girl kept a swear sword in a rage as she seems to misheard what Minho was trying to say. “YA! How dare you swear in front of me!”

The young man shook his head wearily, and then raises his fingers but the four fingers seems to be out of energy, he could barely move them let alone raising them. The only finger he can raise is his middle finger, not realising how it looks.  Yuri looked at Minho in disbelieve before giving him ‘I’m going to kill you’ glare.

“W-who do you think you are!!? Did you think just because you’ve safe my life I will be charmed by you like my dad did?! You’re just a disgusti-”


Yuri was interrupted by his word and tried to listen to his quiet whisper “What are trying to say?”

“…There’s GPS chip…in me…Our people will… find us” He sigh.

Hearing his word Yuri couldn’t help but feel embarrassed from misunderstanding him. She must have forgotten that every single bodyguard who works for her father will have a GPS embedded under their skin. For safety, when you are in danger or missing this will help the others to know the exact location that you are at and send help.  Her face turns red almost immediately.

“W-why would you have it inside your middle finger? You’re crazy…” She mutters insults under her breath quietly.

“…Back of my hand”

Once again she felt embarrassed and ashamed. But before she could say anything, Minho’s head clashed back to the wooden ladder as he lost consciousness. His body has finally giving up, no longer he can stay awake; the pain has taken over his body and is ready to let go. After she notice Minho has passed out Yuri rush towards him once again, forgetting the pain she is in.


WHAT?! I updated?!

I know I know, Im sorry I haven't been updating in like forever, but I've been so busy with work and school I just haven't have the time to think about uploading chapter. It takes like week to write new chapters so please understand.

Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and please don’t forget to comment and hit that button and subscribe! I love you guy so so much and until next time, bye! :* 


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Chapter 9: Will you finish the story??? :-)
chocobean #2
Chapter 9: Uhhhmm..Could you please update.. I'm so liking this..
Chapter 9: Im glad youve updated. :)
I wonder what will happen next. ^^
author_sirj-nim #4
Chapter 9: ikr you've updated? :) Anyways, i salute to those who could write action and make the readers imagine. Proof they are great writers. Nice chapter!
Chapter 9: Oh god.. Minho really risked his life to just wanna save Yuri!
I hope they will be found quickly!
Update soon!
Hitomisayaka #6
Chapter 9: poor minho :( he's doing his best, but it's too much even for him. I want to know what's gonna happen!!
Chapter 9: Omo.... i hope minho will be alright and yuri father people can find them soon.....
minyul8 #8
Chapter 9: Ahhhhhh!!! I hope that their okay, thank you for the update ^^
Hope you can update soon.

The suspense~~~
Chapter 9: wowwww u update....thanks for update hehe