


Chapter 7


“After this I’ll take you home okay?” Taeyang spoke before he reaches his hand out for the glass of wine beside his empty dish, while Yuri just finish her last bite of the sweet desert she ordered since maybe something sweet will reduce the nervousness she has in her a little bit.

“I can go back myself” She answered

Taeyang looked at her with his eyebrows jerking a little, while she striking her head high wanting him to know that her answer is definite.

“That’s not such a good idea darling” A young flirtatious guy spoke as Yuri was about to walked off the place, she stop her track while he reaches out his wine glass for another sip, before he then placed the glass slowly where it was before. He looked at her with his mysterious, unreadable eyes. “You will be safer if you’re with me”


“I thought we talked it out already, but I guess not” His voice got tenser and a little scarier, which can clearly tell that his temper is getting short.

“I’m not going with you. I will leave with the car that drop me off here. End of” Said Yuri with her definite answer

“Fine…whatever” He raised both of his hand, showing the sign of given up, she wins. “Then I’ll come and sit with you. So then why don’t you go and tell your humongous bodyguards and that Minho to just drive my car instead. Don’t really feel comfortable having people watching you and me the whole damn time”

“Minho must stay with me the whole time no matter what. That’s his job”

“You’re making this very difficult for me, Yuri”

Even though inside she felt like the pressure is building up even more but no matter what she have to keep her feeling inside and behind that pretty face of hers. For that Taeyang who sat in front of her started losing his temper but quickly shook it away before letting out a small sighs.

“Okay…Suits yourself”

“And about what we’ve discuss last night. I’m cancelling it” After she has spoken, she felt somehow relieved which is quite strange for her. At least if Taeyang would have done anything to Minho her guilty feelings might not be as bad since it wouldn’t be her fault.

“Is that so?” Taeyang smile strangely.

“Thanks for dinner, but from now on I guarantee that we won’t be seeing each other anymore” She said while quickly stood up from her chair, but before she can move away from the table Taeyang called out her name coldly.


She looked at him, feeling aware. But she’s glad that Minho is near her all this time.

“I don’t really like them sort of people who let me down at the last minute like what you did today. But because it’s you, I’m going to let it go. But only if you let me take you home safely”

Safely? She doesn’t seem to believe that word especially when it comes out of someone’s mouth like Taeyang.

“Thank you” She said. “But I know for the fact that Minho will do his job really well by keeping me safe. So there’s no need for your concern”

With her words Taeyang started clinching his teeth a little, feeling like he can just flip the table in front of him in any minutes, he decided to keep calm, and any anger inside of him as possible and stood up from his chair face to face with Yuri.

“Too bad you decided to end it that way”

“Farewell Taeyang” She said before she turns around and make her way out of the most uncomfortable place she ever step her foot in and walked away with that that relieved feeling in her chest. Following her closely behind is Minho and with a glare from Taeyang as he watched her walking away. Taeyang started clinching his fist with anger from not getting what he wanted which is getting Yuri in his bed and as a bonus the chance the see Minho die in agony, but all those things has been taken away in a blink of a second.

 After Yuri left the place “What now sir?” One of Taeyang’s bodyguard or as they called his left hand ask in polite manner as he can see that his master is losing his ‘cool’.

“Urgh” He took a short breath and exhale sharply as he is not happy the fact that his plan isn’t going to work, the plan to get Yuri in his bed that comes crashing down. The plan that will get rid of Minho, killing him of his sights forever.

“Continue with the old plan”

“But sir, Miss Yuri is in that car…”

“SO WHAT!” No longer he can keep in his anger, thinking that why should he even care anymore? Is not like Yuri is the love of his life anyway, just some chick he wanted in his bed. But now she stepped over the line that can never step back from.

“But what about her father si-’’

Before the bodyguard can finish his sentence he was stopped as Taeyang uses his anger and smacks his face with the back of his hand harshly before blood started dripping from the corner of the bodyguard lips leaving him with that horrible taste in his mouth.

“You idiot!”  He said while huffing like he’s out of breath “Make it look like is an accident then!”

“Yes sir”

“But if you idiots can’t do that. Just make it look like nothing happen and get rid of them like they went missing, understood?”

“Understood, sir”

“And book a flight to America for me ASAP; I’m going away for a while”

“Yes sir” The bodyguard humbly received the command and walks away. Leaving Taeyang to stood there panting in anger alone.

Everything thing he has planned was ruined, all the effort he has made just to make everything goes as it was supposed to is ruined because of her, that spoiled princess that need to get what she wanted. If she wasn’t the daughter of the Kwon’s family, he wouldn’t hold back till now to get his hands on her, but since he can’t do such a thing she deserves to learn her lesson from being the way she is so then before she die she’ll regret for the way she treated him.

“Farewell indeed, Yuri” The young man said while grinding his teeth back and forward before he gulp down his wine and the wine glass to the ground with fury.


Amid the darkness surroundings, a black Benz car is driving along an empty road in front of the white Benz car where Minho and Yuri is in and is followed by another black Benz car further back. At this time at night the road is empty, there hasn’t been any car passing by at all since they left the restaurant. Is not unusual at all that the road is dead, at the end of the day it is out in the country side, no one will be passing by at this time.  But even that, it doesn’t make a guy who is filled with caution like Minho lessens his awareness of the surrounding, his eyes is like an eagle, he must keep alert at all times as anything could have happened.

But he’s not the only one who glanced at everything around them because even Yuri was sitting in the back seat feeling edgy. She has never been this scared of the dark before, the lightning came hurtling through the grey sky, increasing the anxieties within her mind. 

The wind began accelerated as the three luxurious cars drove off for quite sometimes now. There are no sign at all that the rain will come down when suddenly the drops water started pouring down from the dark grey sky rapidly. The three cars started making their way on to the long bridge that stretches across the big river.

The view on the other side of the bridge started to reduce as the rain started pouring down heavily, making it more difficult to drive.

While Yuri is sitting in the back seat, the silence in the car is making her feel abandon, like she is left to drown in fear by herself. She couldn’t help but take a glanced at Minho from behind, the one who is sitting in the front passenger seat looking ahead fearlessly. There is nothing that can distract him from intensify on what he is doing. Even though she doesn’t want to admit it but that’s what makes her feel so safe when he is near.

Yesun, the bodyguard who is driving the car that she is sitting in, start lifting up his hand and attach the earphone into one of his ears. Then after a few moments later he drew his face uneasily. Yuri can see the anxiousness in Yesun’s face, making her feel paranoid that this could have something to do with Taeyang’s vicious plan to get rid of Minho.

“In front of us…”

“I’ve already heard” Minho nodded his head a little, he is also wearing a suit that have them little earphone inside of them like everybody else. “Slow down and see what’s going on”

“Understood” After received an order from Minho, the speed of the car start to slow down little by little.

“What’s going on…” Not before Yuri can finish her sentence, the girl was startled by the sound which violates the thunder and rain.


Sound of the car’s break of the Benz car ahead can be heard, making that horrible squeaky noise.



With such a shock Yuri turned around to see what was going on at the back after she heard what it seems like an explosion. She witnesses the scene in horror as she saw the Benz car that was following her from behind in flame.   

“Sir! What are we going to do?!” Yesun shouted in panic while slowly driving the car to get across the bridge knowing well that someone will be blocking their way once they get to the other side, but he is waiting for Minho to give his order.

“Them son of a !”  The young man swore in outrage and reached into his suit and took out the gun, holding on to it tightly “Turn the headlights on full beam and drive ahead but go slow. We have to get through them no matter what, so be careful okay?”

“Yes sir” Yesun response before he switches the headlights to the highest level as they can go. Forward gear is used once again causing the speed of the car to increase automatically.

With apprehension Yuri swerves herself forward in the front between the driver and the front passenger seat. “What are you guys gonna d…” But Minho’s big palm pushed her back down on to the seat, then instructed her intensely with a sharp tone of voice “Crouch right next to the seat as much as possible”

If this was in a normal situation she would have shouted at him and let out a numerous of insults, and complaints.  But not now, not when her and everyone’s life is hanging on an edge of a cliff, when danger that they can’t see can be lurking and strike them at any time. Both ends of this bridge which no escape is possible, therefore she needs to obey Minho’s orders no matter what.

The white Benz races forward the end of the bridge with a great amount of speed, showing no sign to slow down or to stop. Due to how fast the car is travelling makes the chance of them escaping more possible like a rocket shooting through clouds, and it gives Minho the chance to see the figure of the enemy who park the vehicles on the other side more clearly. He clutched the gun firmly in response if the enemy shoot at them again.

The black Benz car that was in front of them before is now parked right in the middle of the bridge ahead. It is most definite that the car is badly damaged as there are many punctured holes all over the vehicles from the amount of bullets that was fired before.

Yesun suddenly flip the wheel to veering out the lane that the damaged black Benz car is parked as it blocks the way, but before the wheel can turn back straight a familiar yet powerful bang echoed throughout the dark gloomy sky once more and was quickly followed by another and another.  It was clear that the bullets are coming right at them.


Hello! I'm so sorry that I wasn't ablte to update for ages.

Like i said before I'm so busy with school and every,

please understan haha :'D 

but I just want to say thank you so much to you guys who

keep on readin my story even though I hardly update,

I really am thankful for for it :') 

Please don't forget to leave a comment,

and click that subcribe button ya beautiful creatures!


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Chapter 9: Will you finish the story??? :-)
chocobean #2
Chapter 9: Uhhhmm..Could you please update.. I'm so liking this..
Chapter 9: Im glad youve updated. :)
I wonder what will happen next. ^^
author_sirj-nim #4
Chapter 9: ikr you've updated? :) Anyways, i salute to those who could write action and make the readers imagine. Proof they are great writers. Nice chapter!
Chapter 9: Oh god.. Minho really risked his life to just wanna save Yuri!
I hope they will be found quickly!
Update soon!
Hitomisayaka #6
Chapter 9: poor minho :( he's doing his best, but it's too much even for him. I want to know what's gonna happen!!
Chapter 9: Omo.... i hope minho will be alright and yuri father people can find them soon.....
minyul8 #8
Chapter 9: Ahhhhhh!!! I hope that their okay, thank you for the update ^^
Hope you can update soon.

The suspense~~~
Chapter 9: wowwww u update....thanks for update hehe