


Chapter 4


Yuri stood in front of a big mirror in her room, looking at her reflection. She saw a girl who’ve change into something that is rather dark, and scary. From being a girl who is… weak. Yes that’s what she calls it. The weakness that she hates and wants it out of her. No matter how much she hates him, she just doesn’t have the nerve to refuse him. It’s probably because of the way he looks at her with his cold eyes that makes her heart shakes. She just doesn’t get it, there is something that make her feel like as if he have this power that can make her this ‘little’ and manage to make her under his power.

But from now on is not going to work like that any more. Last night is the night when she have finally released herself out from his grip and power by asking Taeyang to find her a hit man to take his life away from him. And of course Taeyang agree to do Yuri have requested due to the fact that he still hold on the grudges he have toward Minho when he was getting his kick by Minho and no be able to get close to Yuri again. He just waiting for the time right time to get rid of Minho and yes that time has finally arrive. There is no need for him to be afraid of her father’s power from wanting to kill his bodyguard since his daughter is the one asking for it to happen.

But why does she feel so guilty and upset now?.... Why not when she was on the phone talking to Taeyang and makes that huge decision.


Knock knock…

The sound of a knock on the door snap Yuri back away from her thought that have been stuck in her mind over night. She walked toward the door and opens it.

“It’s breakfast time, Miss Yuri” Minho stood at the front of her bedroom door with his cold face that she hated so much.

“If I’m hungry I will go and get something to eat myself. I don’t need some sort of trash like you to come up here and tell me”

“Do you want me to bring your food up here in your room, or do you wish to eat down stair?” He answers her, ignoring her harsh insults, making her become angry once again.

“I’m not eating!” She shouted.

“Then I will bring your food up here for you, Miss Yuri”

“YA! Don’t you understand!? I said…” Before Yuri could finish talking, a maid for the Kwon’s family came up the stair, interrupted the conversation and stand beside Minho as she spoke “Miss Yuri. Miss Yoona is here to visit” As she finish her words, she looked at Minho given him the old ‘flirty’ eyes to him, but it doesn’t seem to affect him, not even a little even though he might have seen it. But is not like he never gets it before.

Yuri who also witness what the maid in front of her was doing, she ignore it even though she want to tell the maid to get a grip “Go and tell her that I’m coming down in a minute”

“Yes Miss Yuri” The young good looking maid did her little bow showing that he understand her boss words, and then she swing herself and as before she is about to walk down the stair she stick her hands out a little as she know that she is about to walk pass Minho. He can feel a little skin being touch at his hand, and he know immediately that the maid, wanted his attention, but yet again he doesn’t seem to care, and ignore the situation. Of course every action that the maid was trying to given out it will never be out of Yuri’s sight, as she saw what the maid was doing she couldn’t help but let out a little sarcastic chuckle. But for some odd reason she felt irritated, it’s probably because she doesn’t know what so great about him… right?

“Ha! It seems that charms of yours work with everyone when they saw it”

“I don’t believe so…”

“Oh right! Well it’s probably because that thing you called your ‘charm’ never really works on me” She said with such a great pleasure, she felt like she’s winning with her words, wanting him to feel irritated. With that she let out a victory smirk, and crossing her arms, striking her head high. But then she saw Minho’s lip curling up a little, a smirk more like. The smile that she seems to saw lately, but never before when she was little saw him smiling, why now.

“Is that so?” finish his words, does his little lift with is left eyebrows letting out his little smirk that shocked Yuri because she never once think that he will just laugh, and play with her like this, how dare he!

She bit her lower lip, while looking at him with her heart shakes in anger.


Since Minho doesn’t want to deal with her anger right now he spin himself with his back facing her, and he walked away from her, leaving Yuri stand there stomping her feet in anger since she have no other way of letting them steam in her body go. With her face red, she let out a deepest sigh since she wants to calm herself down.

“Stupid, trash!” she stomped her feet once more before she walked into her room and push the door shut harshly.



The sound of giggling and laughter can be heard as Yuri was walking toward the door that lead to the living, and she’s pretty sure that’s where the giggling is coming from, and yes she remember well that the little high pitch giggles is from her beloved best friend, Yoona. And of course the person Yoona is talking to is Minho. Yuri rolled her eyes and feels disgusted as he is in her mind at that moment. She walks in the room purposely wanted to interrupt their conversation.

“What are you two talking about?”

“Oh good! You’re here just in time, I’m just talking about them funny times when you’re in England to Minho” Yoona said while letting out her soft chuckles.

“Oh, right” Yuri said and take a seat on the sofa beside Yoona, ignoring his tall body that is standing still. Even though her best friend might be giggling and laughing but it’s completely opposite to Minho as his face is still emotionless, not even letting out even a tiny chuckle, or even smile along with the cheerful Yoona. Keeping his straight face that seems very respectful.

“Oh yeah, did you call Taeyang last night?” Yoona turn her face toward Yuri with her hand grabbing on Yuri’s arm.

Minho, who was standing still, immediately set his eye on Yuri, but she doesn’t care and smile at Yoona then answer her honestly.

“Yeah I did” Yuri nodded slightly.

“So he was telling the truth…Maybe he doesn’t make up lies all the time after all”

“What did he say to you?” Yuri hid her little chuckle due to her friend ‘not impressed’ facial expression.

“Okay, before anything I just want to say that, last night I didn’t even want to answer that call if I wasn’t curious why he rang me that late, knowing well that we’re not even that close on the first place. I mean, it won’t be as strange if he rung you at that time since he always want you to be his since college”

“Hmm, is that so?”

“He told me that you’re the one who ring him first since you miss him a lot, I told him that I don’t believe what he said. So he told me to tell you that he wants to go on a dinner with you, and he will be waiting at the restaurant”

Taeyang is staring the plan! Yuri thought as she starts to get a little panic, but she kept her expression inside of her well since Minho only stand a couple of feet away.

“He is so stupid… I mean does he really think that you will go? Hah!”

“What time?” Yuri asked. The girl in front of her couldn’t help but looked at her best friend weirdly, did she really just said that?


“I said. What time did he say he want to meet me” Yuri ask once more ignoring the fact that Yoona is shocked from what Yuri just said.

“S-seven in the afternoon” Yoona spoke like someone who is struggling to catch their breath. “The restaurant is called Gogung garden. That restaurant is one of the most expensive in Korea”

The restaurant that is set on the country side of South Korean where there are no single industrial building, only forest, and nature all around the place that is so peaceful, but yet very scary and lonely when it comes to travel there at 7pm.

Why did he choose that place….

“You’re not going are you?” Yoona asks, but it seems more like she’s begging Yuri not to go due to the tone of voice she spoke.

Yuri didn’t answer that question from Yoona. She slowly looks up and looked at Minho who already had his eye on her. The girl starts to think hard about it. What happened last night was a just mistake that is based on decision. It all happens when she was being over power by her anger and grudges that is inside of her for so long. But now, she doesn’t want to do anything like that anymore, having to go as far as killing someone, she can’t do it, it’s too much. But Yuri knows well that Taeyang is the sort of person who doesn’t back down that easily and he won’t settle down without a fight, until he succeeded, and she know for the fact that there is no turning back now. And besides...Minho is the top bodyguard for the Kwon’s, he won’t lose the fight that easily or having anyone taken him down that easily right?......

B-But what if…. His skill somehow is not up to the state where he can protect his own life.

....Well that’s his fault. Is his fault for not being skill enough to save himself, and not being tough enough.

“If I am going to go. Will you stop me?” Yuri said looking at Minho with her voice feeling uneasy.

“I believe that I must do so” His response with a straight answer, but making her getting a little angry due to his bluntness.

“But what if I take you with me”

His cold eyes set on Yuri for a few moments, the eyes that no one can tell what he is thinking, and the eyes that is like looking for her answer that is the sign of danger which is hidden by Yuri.

“Then that’s fine, Miss Yuri” He finally said.

“Are you really going to meet up with Taeyang?”

“Yeah, I think so”

“This is not gonna be good… That is a bad idea Yul” Yoona shake her head from side to side, showing that she is disagree to Yuri’s decision, and hope that maybe she will change her mind.

“Take it as a visit to an old friend” Yuri said while smiling a little.

“Old friend!” Yoona shouted in disbelieve “I never thought that you count the son of mafia as one of your ‘old friend’….. Oh my god I want to faint!”

“Well before you faint, let’s go and grab some lunch in the kitchen first. I’m soooo hungry”

“Ya! I’m surprise you still have the mood to eat when you’re beloved best friend is about to faint. I really don’t want to believe it at all that on this planet earth there will be someone so bad at taken the situation serious”


“Anyway, what is there to eat for lunch then?

“A lot”

“If I don’t love your chef cooks, I’ll probably continue to argue for an hour or two till I actually faint at the spot”

“Ha! When that time comes, do whatever you want” Yuri said, after that she linked her arms with Yoona and the two walked toward the kitchen, well it was before Yoona looked back at Minho and said “Come with us, Minho. So when I’m faint you can catch me, hehe”

“Yes, Miss Yoona” A young tall guy nodded his head slightly, and finally for once after standing in that same spot for almost fifteen minutes. But, not really understand why that makes Yuri angry again.

In his whole life, will ever refuse anyone!? Except her! Is it because of Yoona’s charm that make him can’t even spit out a word? Why does he have to do what she says! Why not her! Ha… But her friend is probably not that ‘low’ to actually fall for someone like him though, right?


After a delicious lunch that seems to please Yoona very well. During lunch Yoona ask Yuri where she wants to go out today. Without even thinking about it Yuri immediately said that she want to go to the music store, she want to be at a place where it is peaceful, and quiet since for the past two days she have been stressing out way too much. She love the music store atmosphere, is a place where it’s not hectic with people, it’s cool, and very relaxing. And of course why would you go to the music store to just standing around, the place provide with many music instruments that can be play with all day with no charge. The place is where Yuri will always go to before she left to England, she just love it there. This is the reason why right now she is sitting on the seat behind the big white, expensive but very elegant piano that match her white summer dress very well.

“You interested?” Yoona ask while smiling at Yuri as she saw her the key board of the piano while admiring its beauty. Yoona knows well that ever since Yuri was little that she love music, especially piano and violin.

“The shop has changed a lot. I mean before I move to England this place only have about ten instruments and now coming back here there are just so much. And I use to remember when at this exact spot it used to be a big black piano but now it change into a white one”

“But you like it thought, right?”

Yuri nodded her head while smiling.

“Then why don’t you just buy it”

The smile that was once on Yuri’s face is no longer there as she heard what Yoona have said which brought back the memory of her love one. Taecyeon doesn’t like it when Yuri play music instrument. He always tell her that he doesn’t want her delicate hand to be working hard and ending up getting bruises etc… And besides, in her situation she can just order any artist to come and play music for her if only she ask. Of course back at a time Yuri will disagree with Taecyeon and will always argued about playing the instrument and command for him to let her play since the melody of the each instrument captured her heart and sink into her brain, and it’s something she love since she was little, and she’s happy to create that melody herself.

But when Taecyeon passed away she got rid of her old violin, and put it in a room where is like a prison cell, and never again will she get it out and touch it ever again.

Hope you like chapter 4

And happy late newyear! ^^ 

Right well I just have a lot of feeling right now, so there's MinYul for the people who

don't know my obsession well MinYul is one f them xP and having them tango  dance without

as a surprise, if you scream when you know the news that Yuri and Minho share a stage is just a great

new year present ever (I cried) and there's I got a boy MV being released the day after is 

just overwelming really :'D I couldnt help but cried because I'm so happy and I'm sure

there are a lot of people who feel the same way as me. 

Best way to start 2013 so far!

Anyway please surcribe, vote and PLEASE leave a comment!! :P


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Chapter 9: Will you finish the story??? :-)
chocobean #2
Chapter 9: Uhhhmm..Could you please update.. I'm so liking this..
Chapter 9: Im glad youve updated. :)
I wonder what will happen next. ^^
author_sirj-nim #4
Chapter 9: ikr you've updated? :) Anyways, i salute to those who could write action and make the readers imagine. Proof they are great writers. Nice chapter!
Chapter 9: Oh god.. Minho really risked his life to just wanna save Yuri!
I hope they will be found quickly!
Update soon!
Hitomisayaka #6
Chapter 9: poor minho :( he's doing his best, but it's too much even for him. I want to know what's gonna happen!!
Chapter 9: Omo.... i hope minho will be alright and yuri father people can find them soon.....
minyul8 #8
Chapter 9: Ahhhhhh!!! I hope that their okay, thank you for the update ^^
Hope you can update soon.

The suspense~~~
Chapter 9: wowwww u update....thanks for update hehe