


Chapter 6


“Get off me”

Minho let of the girl waist without any hesitation; his eye looked at Yuri with playfulness, due to the fact that she will always trying to make a distance away from him no matter what.

“Let’s go home, Miss Yuri”

She strike her head high like she doesn’t care what he asked and demand to do what she wants “No” She bluntly response without looking at Minho.

“Miss Yuri you have an appointment with your friend at seven”

“That’s my business, since when do you have to right to tell me what to do with it!”

“My apology” 

“And one more thing, I don’t need you to follow me everywhere like some kind of lost dog, so why don’t you run back home and just wait there in your cage till the own come home and feed you!” She said it out loud, isn’t bothered about the fact how he might feel with her insults; it’s all because of her stress.

“Yes, Miss Yuri” Minho said with his straight face like the usual but it doesn’t show either he will do as she told or is he obeying it.

“Whatever” Yuri hissed then rolled her eyes before she turn her body away from Minho and walked away from him again. He watch Yuri walked away from him before he took his long leg and step toward her, following Miss hot headed girl close behind. As he walk pass the street that seems dark, and lonely since he if following Yuri.

But then he suddenly takes a left sharp turn and went into the other small street that cars could not go in and leaning his back on the wall of the building silently.

What is he doing! He can’t let her out of his sight!

The three mysterious man wearing a basketball cap that covered almost half of their faces making their way out from the busy crowd and about to walk pass the small street that Minho now at, but then suddenly one of the three man turn his pace to the corner where Minho is supposedly in, he then quickly uses his hand and put it inside his black denim jacket before he took out is silencer gun and shoot it at Minho who dodge the bullet just in time.


The bullet struck itself into the pile of trash and boxes that was a few meters away from the him, he hissed due to his mistakes, and quickly run and chase after Minho who is running or what it seems like sprinting to some other people because he is so fast, the man followed Minho deeper into the street, as the distance are getting further away from people Minho turn himself around with his hand holding his silencer gun and quickly aimed at the intruder. The man’s eyes are wide open with surprise and unexpected, but it’s too late for him to hide or run away.


With such a fast and accurate aiming, the silver bullet pierced its way into the man’s forehead before he fell to the ground.

Minho put away the gun and keeps it inside of his black suit pocket and walked toward the dead body of the stranger and whip out his phone and dial in someone’s number.

“I need you to sort this out later” He stood still for a second, listening to the person on the other line speaking “Yeah, he’s dead. And he’s the one who started shooting me first, the evidence is bullet at the pile of trash near the side of the building, tell the police as much information as possible to clear this problem, but if there is any difficulties along the way mention Sir Sung Ki” With that he walked pass the dead body and make his way out from the small street while saying his last word before he ended the call “Come here as soon as possible before this problem will get out of hand, I will leave the body here, you’ll know where it is” That was when he finally finish the call and put the phone back into his trousers’ pocket.

He leaves the area to sort out the other two, and yes there’s no need to ask what they are after.

His little, Miss Yuri



Once more Yuri looked outside the window, seeing people walking pass the coffee shop while letting out a deep sigh. She doesn’t know who to blame, herself or that stupid bodyguard of hers, but then she decided to say that is Minho’s fault. Why? Is because he didn’t walk behind and followed her like what a bodyguard supposed to do that’s why. Just because he got yelled, and being insulted doesn’t mean he can just drop his responsibilities as a bodyguard like that right? How dare he! He’s been given the job as a bodyguard by her father, even though is temporary but he have to follow her around all the time though… He can’t just go home just because she’s being horrible to him like that.

“Just you wait. When daddy comes back….” She lifted her head up, noticing that she started to become one of them tattle-tale girl. And once again is because of him! That Minho! A voice keep spoken in her head, making her temper started to boiled once more.

Yuri grabbed her cool drink that is sitting on the table and start taken a big gulp of it, not caring that she might get a brain-freeze, but that maybe what she is needed, something to cool herself down. But that doesn’t means it will make her hate Minho any lesser, but only because she is thinking about the fact that her rudeness, and her loud mouth started to become aggressive every time she is with him or even near him, which he of course deserves it! He deserves to be looked down at, yelled at, insulted at, and that’s because he’s the one who make her lost the man she loves.

The man she loves….Really?

If so…. Then why and how can she stand to be with him?

When someone that you love so much been taken away. Doesn’t that make you so angry that you would just want that person to be dead, like what they deserve?

Even though Yuri might have decide to kill Minho by asking Taeyang for someone to get rid of him, but now she just feel so bad and guilty about it. Even though back at the time when she just lost Taecyeon she might have wish that Minho was dead but she was stuck. Stuck with the questions on her head from all these years and that is…

Why. Why did he do it? And why did her father have to cover this up, and protect him. Or is it because her father is the …

Yuri shakes her head from side to side, trying to get rid of these mad thoughts of hers. She love her father, she really does. Not in a million years that she will think her father can do such a thing to hurt her feelings, and he knows it. He knows how much Taecyeon means to her, he won’t do such a thing. It must be Minho, yes him, he’s the one who’s behind all this, only him!

But why does she have to feel so uneasy to just kill him? What’s with the hesitation and guilt.

She turns her face to where the clock was, telling her that is half pass three in the afternoon. Telling her that only a couple of hours away when she has to face Taeyang and when she may will finally get her revenge.

Ring Ring~

The sound of the bell by the entrance door of the shop can be heard as the door was being pushed open before another costumer enters the shop, the girl immediately looked up and looked straight into his eyes that are searching for someone, it was Minho. She couldn’t help but shakes inside since in only a few hours she might never see him again, and she’s the reason behind it. At that moment he walked toward her not knowing what will happened, not knowing that the girl in front of him will bring a horrible danger to him, and not knowing what is in her evil mind.

But what if he knows? Will he still be polite, still, emotionless like he always are. Or will he...

Decided to kill her?

“I’m here to pick you up, Miss Yuri”

She glance at him with an eye that cannot be read, Minho who is also glancing down at Yuri who doesn’t seems to move or get up from her seat, he decided to called out one of the waiter who is about to walk pass him before getting out his credit card from his suit pocket and handed to the waiter “Bill for this table, please”

The waiter politely takes the credit card “Yes sir” With that he leave to the counter where the cash register is.

He once turn his face to Yuri, and ending up meeting with one more, until the waiter came back with a piece of recipe, a pen, and Minho’s credit card also. He then passes the pen from his little wooden tray to Minho, he quickly sign in his name before the waiter politely bow and left the table.

Minho raised his hand to the direction where the door is “After you, Miss Yuri” he said. “You have a meeting with your friend at seven in the afternoon”

That’s when she decided to slowly stood up from the red cushion seat, acting like as if she doesn’t want to go “Alright” She said while sighing at the same time. Minho looked at her strangely with his eyebrows twitches a little due to the fact that Yuri’s act couldn’t help but makes him wondering what is going through her head at that moment, she doesn’t seems like herself, she look like as if something is bothering her. But he keep his mouth shut, and moved away to make a way for Yuri to walked pass by with that she walked toward the door, dragging her feet’s and left the shop with Minho followed her closely behind.

Even though he might be sure that the two strangers from today could no longer touch or some near Yuri for the second time since he already took care of them with his bullet, but that doesn’t mean he can put his  feet up and relax just yet, knowing that it will affect the safety of this woman.



‘Gogung Garden’ The name of the restaurant where Taeyang arrange to meet up with Yuri.  It’s the restaurant where is filled with nature, the sound, the smell and the bright atmosphere with a biggest river in Korean streaming underneath the area. It would have been better if the meeting time is in the afternoon than in the night where it seems like everything is hidden under the darkness making the area not trustable, lonely, and a little scary for only one person to be traveling by their self. The only light can be seen is the moon since there isn’t any street light, after the entire restaurant is set in what it seems like to be the forest.

Like what she have thought, Minho will never let her travel here by herself or even just to travel here just he and him, that’s why there are about 5 bodyguard driving their car behind and other 5 in front of hers car where Minho is in the divers seat, one of the bodyguard on the front passenger and Yuri sitting on the passenger seat at the back. Even though she should be annoyed and angry to the fact that Minho brought all these bodyguards, but instead she felt relieved, maybe that will make it harder for Taeyang to kill Minho. At least Yuri hatred toward Minho could not match the hatred toward a man like Taeyang himself.

But how can her anger lead her to this mess? How can it make her decided to do such a horrible than anyone could ever do, and even agree to the man she hated, and willing t cooperate with him.  She couldn’t help but feeling angry toward herself, not anyone else, but herself.

“Hello! My gorgeous, little Miss Kwon Yuri. Wow haven’t seen you for ages, you’ve gotten so much prettier”

The flirty voice that belongs to Taeyang spoken from the quiet atmosphere as she walked inside the restaurant that is filled with a wooden decoration, also the beautiful dimmed orange light that gives out the romantic feels to the place.

“Taeyang” She greeted him with a polite manners, not friendly but polite, with Minho standing next to her.

“Come and sit here then, gorgeous” He tapped on the seat next to him with a smirk on his face “So I can talk to you comfortably, since y’know, we have seen each other for ages”

The only person who move is Minho, he stepped in front of Yuri before he pulled out the chair on the opposite side from Taeyang, from learning the polite manner Yuri know what she must do, without any hesitation she quickly sat on the chair that Minho has pulled out and accept his little generosity, but she also felt relieved that she doesn’t have to ending up sitting so close to Taeyang who is now given Minho his cold glare.

“For you to do that I don’t think you give me the respect you should, mister bodyguard” He said with a smile, but it’s more of an annoyed or angry smile while Minho stood still without any responses. He stood there silently behind Yuri, looking straight into Taeyang’s eye emotionless and fearless.

“So how long have you been waiting for?” Said Yuri purposely wanted to attract his attention on her, she doesn’t know why but she just hate it when he put himself up and make Minho look like he is some sort of loser and have a power over him. Maybe is because her and Kwon Sung Ki is the only people who can be like that, no one else has the right to do so, no one.

“I’ve only been here about ten minutes ago, just want to be here early since I want to make sure everything looks perfect for you, sweetheart” He said before he rest his back on the table, and raises his hand up “Who how is it, you like the style of the place babe?”  

“Yuri” She said with a cold voice with her pride up to here “My name is Yuri, so I will be really glad and less annoyed if you would call me by my name”

“Aw sure babe, it’s only that. If you want me to call your name then I can do that….. My Yuri”

She felt like as if she wanted to jump across the table and kicked his face in, gosh how he hate that smirk of his, this guy can really annoys her by just saying something or even smiling. Inside of her head keep saying and telling her what a big mistake she makes, she shouldn’t have pick up and phone and ring him, arranging to meet up with him. She hates everything about Taeyang, she even hates him much more than Minho, she hates him, and disgusted by him. There is nothing good about him whatsoever except his handsome face or more like a mask to cover up his true personality, it’s like a trap for the girls out there who have fall for him over and over again.

“Shall we order?” Taeyang spoke before he looked up at Minho and said “And as for you, why don’t you take a step back. We’re trying to eat here, to be honest I think I will lose my appetite from you watching”

Minho still remains where he was, as if like he didn’t hear Taeyang’s words.

“Ya! Don’t you hear what I just said? Look at you, standing so close to Yuri, what do you think I’m gonna do something to her or what!”

“It’s his job that is what he supposed to do” Yuri said coldly.

Taeyang raised his eye brows from surprise, and then speaks again with his evil smirk “Oh… Baby, don’t tell me you’re changing your mind after about what we were discussing about last night?”

Yuri eyes widen a little while moving a little, feeling uncomfortable.

“Whatever” Taeyang let out a sigh “You still have your chances to confirm that thought of yours that we were talking about, but for now let just start our dinner”

After that the waitress quickly walked toward with a menu on her hand the politely handed Yuri and Taeyang their menu politely. After finished ordering their food Taeyang have been chattering and blabbing on about himself non-stop. And Yuri herself rarely response to his words or talks, in fact she doesn’t really pay much attention to what he was saying and just listening to her own thought.

The only thing she could think of is what does gonna happen next, anything could happen, whenever. Because of Taeyang, the way he is acting, cool as a cucumber, he must have already has a plan and she knows well that tonight is the night, but the only thing she doesn’t know is when.

Sorry for the late update guysT^T 

I'm so busy lately with the test and all, please forgive me!

Oh and happy valentines you guys! ^^ 

Have any valentine? Well I DO!!!!! ME!^^

anyway PLEASE leave a comment, don't forget to subcribe and give it a vote :3



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Chapter 9: Will you finish the story??? :-)
chocobean #2
Chapter 9: Uhhhmm..Could you please update.. I'm so liking this..
Chapter 9: Im glad youve updated. :)
I wonder what will happen next. ^^
author_sirj-nim #4
Chapter 9: ikr you've updated? :) Anyways, i salute to those who could write action and make the readers imagine. Proof they are great writers. Nice chapter!
Chapter 9: Oh god.. Minho really risked his life to just wanna save Yuri!
I hope they will be found quickly!
Update soon!
Hitomisayaka #6
Chapter 9: poor minho :( he's doing his best, but it's too much even for him. I want to know what's gonna happen!!
Chapter 9: Omo.... i hope minho will be alright and yuri father people can find them soon.....
minyul8 #8
Chapter 9: Ahhhhhh!!! I hope that their okay, thank you for the update ^^
Hope you can update soon.

The suspense~~~
Chapter 9: wowwww u update....thanks for update hehe