What's going on?

Remembering The Love We Once Had :)


-Che Eun’s POV-

It was already our last subject. I was copying notes when my eyesight became blurry. My head ached. I blinked. Eunhyuk looked at me.

“Are you okay?” My eyesight went back to normal.

“Oh..Ne” The bell already rang. It was time for our dance club again. Others were already standing up but I was still sitting down.

“Hey,are you really okay?” Eunhyuk asked me again.

“Yeah. Come on let’s go now.” I quickly grabbed my bag.

We went to the dance studio for our dance club.

What’s wrong with me just now? Our moderator was sitting down.

“Hello,dear members.Now I want to announce that there are 3 of you who will join in a competition.”

 We were shocked. It was really a surprise announcement.

“Silence everybody. I’ll announce now who they are.” My heart was racing.

“Lee Donghae.”We clapped.I’m proud my best friend was chosen.

“Next is Lee Hyuk-Jae” I clapped loudly. Now my boyfriend was chosen.

“Last but not the least, Kim Che Eun.” I was shocked. Why am I chosen?

“Now the 3 of you will do a group dance. You’ll be dancing O.M.G.Now start practicing now.”

The 3 of us gathered. The atmosphere was really awkward. I’m with my best friend / the guy who confessed to me just hours ago and My boyfriend who doesn’t even know that my best friend confessed to me. I sighed.

“Let’s start creating steps now.” Donghae said coldly.

Eunhyuk and I nodded.

Finally our dance practice was over. I drank water and wiped my sweat. Donghae then approached me.

“So I guess you two are together.” He pointed at Eunhyuk who was talking with our moderator. I nodded.

I didn’t know what to say.

“Well… I’m a type of guy who doesn’t give up easily,Che Eun.” He looked at me,smiled and then went out of the studio carrying his bag.

I stood up then got my bag.

“Bibi!”Eunhyuk hugged me from the back.

“Bib- What?Bibi?” I turned around then looked at him. He smiled.

“Yeah,That’s what I’ll call you.” He laughed then said.

“Taemin want to see you tomorrow, He’s also bringing his girlfriend.”

Oh yeah, tomorrow’s Saturday.

“Hmm..Okay Sure” I smiled.

“Where will we go?” I asked him

“The park, maybe.” He smiled.

“Come on, I’ll drop you home.” He grabbed my hand.

After 15 minutes,We arrived safely.

“Thanks for dropping me home.” I smiled. “Sure” He smiled showing his gums.

“I’ll go now,Bye” I was about to go out when he grabbed my hand.

“Whay are you still holding me?” I asked him.

“I forgot something.” He smiled then kissed me.

I was shocked by his sudden kiss. That was our first kiss.

“Bye now.”He let go of my hand. I went out of the car and waved him goodbye. I quickly went inside.

I was about to go up when I suddenly felt bad. My head was aching again. My body felt weak. I was

 about to faint.

-end of POV-


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lollipopzoupa #1
hhhhhh daebak !!!
Hahahhahahahahahahahahaahhaha :))))) JELLY ? Hahahahah :))) jelly eun hyuk :D
FREEEEAAAAAAAAAK ! i'm sweating because of this: Han Eun Hwa(fictional)- Lee Taemin's Girlfriend :))))))) i <3 <3
minew328 #5
update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update
minew328 #6
welcome update soon
@minew328 : Updated :) thanks for subscribing to this fanfic again :)
minew328 #8
tnx for the update,update tomorrow
UPDATED:)<br />
minew328 #10
update later or tomorrow