Chapter 42. Perfect couple

This Stupid Marriage

The sounds of birds singing outside the veranda made your eye twitch.

Slowly rubbing your eyes, you smiled as you felt L.Joe’s arm around your waist.

“You look like an angel,” L.Joe whispered in your ear.

You giggled and turned around to face him. “How long have you been awake for?”

“An hour or so,” he casually spoke.

“And you didn’t even care to wake me up?” You poked his chest.

“I was enjoying watching you sleep. Such an angel but the minute you wake up you turned into a devil,” he teased.

“Hey!” You glared.

“You snore by the way. Even I don’t snore.”

“I did not snore,” you protested.

“You so did,” L.Joe smiled.

“Urgh, you are so annoying already,” you mumbled as you pushed yourself away from L.Joe and sat up.

“You know I’m only kidding right?” He chuckled as he pulled you down and came in contact with your lips.

You smiled in the kiss and spoke, “I hate you.”

“CONGRATULATIONS!” Teen Top bursted through the doors. “WOAH !” They shouted as they quickly made a u-turn and slammed the door behind them the second they scrambled out the room.

“Were they?” Niel breathed heavily.

“This is why I told you guys to knock!” CAP rolled his eyes.

“It’s supposed to be a surprise so why would we knock?” Chunji shook his head.

“Well, looks like we got the surprise instead,” Ricky laughed.


“Oh my god, this is embarrassing!” You ran around the room.

“Relax. I promise you they won’t even talk about it,” L.Joe tried to assure you.

“Are you sure?” You sighed.

“I’m sure,” he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.

“I’m going to change now. I can’t meet them wearing this,” you pecked L.Joe on the cheeks and walked towards the bathroom.

Soo Jin’s (You) POV

As soon as I finished changing, L.Joe went in the bathroom and did his normal routine.

I was brushing my hair when L.Joe stepped out wearing a white dress shirt with a matching black skinny tie and black jeans.

Gosh he looks hot.

“Did anyone ever show you how to do a tie?” I chuckled and walked towards him.

“Yes, but I did this on purpose so you can do it for me,” he smiled.

I completed the tie and pulled it up harshly.

“You’re choking me!” He gasped.

“You deserve it.”

“Will you two lovers get your asses down here already?!” Niel hollered.

You can really tell by his voice that it’s Niel.

“Congratulations, congratulations~” They sang as soon as we walked down the stairs.

This is so embarrassing.

“My my my, look at what we have here! Two love birds coming out from the same room! Looks so much like a married couple!” Niel teased.

“Shut up,” L.Joe sent him a glare.

“Hyung I helped you get back Soo Jin okay? Don’t be mean,” he pouted.

“Just because of that you think I will be nice to you?” L.Joe replied.

Niel gave L.Joe a look and walked over towards me, putting an arm around my shoulder. “L.Joe hyung is mean but Soo Jin, you won’t be mean right?” Niel smirked.

That action only earned him a hard slap on the arm. He quickly retreated his am away from my shoulder due to the pain. “Rude!”

“What are you guys doing here anyways?” L.Joe spoke as he pulled me towards him.

The boys looked at his actions before bursting into laughter.

So embarrassing stupid L.Joe.

“We’re just here to surprise and congratulate you but I think we got the surprise of our lives when we saw you two smooching on the bed.” Changjo winked.

I was flustered.

I turned to L.Joe and raised a brow. Yeah, totally.

They won’t even talk about it he said.

L.Joe picked up what I was sending and gave me a meek smile.

“Just go home already and let me go to work,” L.Joe huddled them towards the door.

“Can we hang out with Soo Jin?” Niel questioned.


“Pretty please!” He begged.

L.Joe just slammed the door in front of his face.

“L.Joe, be nice,” I warned.

“Sorry baby but I don’t want any one of them near you.” He coolly replied and pecked my cheeks.

Seriously. Overprotective freak.

“Anyways, I’m going to work now. Make me food!” He grabbed his coat and headed out the door.

I could only laugh.

We’re not even married and we act like a married couple.



It feels so weird.

To be married then divorced with L.Joe and now, we are together again.


I went home and received a bunch of ‘congratulations’ from my parents, L.Joe’s parents, Shelly (L.Joe’s sister) and Jaejoong.

Words really do get around fast.

After having a talk with the adults and with Shelly unnie, I walked out the backyard to have a conversation with Jaejoong.

“I hate you,” I muttered.

“I know you love me.”

Conceited much?

“So this was your plan all along?” I asked.

“Of course! I joined forces with Shelly and Teen Top. Aren’t I great?”

I could only roll my eyes at him.

“But Soo Jin?”


“What are you going to do about Myungsoo?”

My lips pressed into a firm line. I forgot about Myungsoo for a while there.

“I mean he should have the right to know right?”

“Yeah. I’ll call him up and meet with him later then,” I replied.

This will be hard…and very awkward.

“Thanks oppa,” I smiled.

“Anything for you my girl.” He embraced me in his arms. “Oh! I have a coffee date with Shelly. Need to go now!” He quickly hopped up and ran off.

Wait what?

Shelly? As is L.Joe’s sister?

Are they seeing each other?

I laughed and shook my head.

Myungsoo. Myungsoo. Myungsoo.

First things first, I need to make lunch for L.Joe.

After an hour and a half, I was already heading off to meet L.Joe at the company.

As soon I stepped in the grand lobby, the employees recognised me and gave me a smile.

Arriving at the level, I stepped out and asked L.Joe’s secretary for directions. I thanked her before heading towards L.Joe’s office.

“Come in,” he spoke.

I smiled and walked in, only to find Myungsoo sitting there on the couch.

“Oh hi oppa,” I greeted Myungsoo.

“Ey. What about me?” L.Joe complained.

“Oh I see you nearly everywhere so there’s no use greeting.”

“Congratulations to you two,” Myungsoo gave me an affectionate smile.

“Thanks hyung,” L.Joe pulled me over and s his arm around my waist.

I could see the slight disappointment in Myungsoo’s face as I sighed.

I need to talk to him.

“L.Joe can I have a talk with Myungsoo for a while?” I asked.

“Sure thing! Go ahead!” L.Joe nodded as he sat down the couch.

I sent him a look. “Alone?”

He hesitated for a while before giving up and stomping outside.

“That is seriously not how a boss acts.” Myungsoo shook his head as soon as the door clicked. “About yesterday, I’m sorry for leaving early,” he apologised.

“Oh it’s okay really! I had a great time,” I smiled. “About L.Joe and I, I’m sorry. I should’ve told you earlier.” I fiddled with my fingers, feeling guilty for leading him on.

“It’s okay I understand. Even though you were with me, your heart is always with L.Joe. From the start when I knew about your marriage with L.Joe, I already knew that we couldn’t be. Still, I tried but I guess fate didn’t let us become one,” he chuckled, almost bitterly.

He just made me feel way guilty then I was before.

“Hey, don’t feel guilty okay? It’s all good. Plus I think I have someone I like,” he winked at me.

“Oh really? Who?” I curiously asked.

“A waitress at a coffee shop in New York. She’s Korean you know,” he smiled.

“I am so happy for you!” I smiled and threw my arms around him. When I realised what I’ve done, I quickly pulled back and awkwardly smiled.

I am such an idiot.

“Whoops. Sorry, got a little carried away,” I mumbled.

“It’s fine. Anyways I’m leaving. Tell L.Joe I said bye too! Hope you guys last and make cute babies together!” He joked before sliding out of the room.

Myungsoo’s POV

I sighed the moment I got out of the room.

It was all lies. I don’t have anyone I like except for Soo Jin. Well at least for now. The waitress was made up, everything was made up.

It hurt me to hear the news of L.Joe and Soo Jin getting back together but it pained me to see them acting so in love. I guess, Soo Jin will never be mine right?

Even though everything was a lie, there is one thing that I am truthful about.

I do wish them a happy future.

Before Soo Jin came, L.Joe and I talked about what will happen between us. I told him the same thing, that I am over her and that I have developed a feeling for someone else. We settled things quite well.

Soo Jin and L.Joe are meant to be.

And if Soo Jin is happy, then I am happy.

L.Joe’s POV

I walked back in the office after a while, finding Soo Jin on my chair swinging around.

“Did he already leave?” I spoke.

“Oh scared me!” She jumped.

What a cute expression.

“Yeah he left. He said bye though,” she spoke.

“Why do you look so worried?” I walked up to the desk.

“I don’t know, I feel bad for Myungsoo.”

“Feel bad or guilty?”

I couldn’t help but to feel jealous.


“Look Soo Jin, he told you he’s happy for us right?”

She nodded.

“Then be happy because that will make him happy. If he sees you frowning what will he think? Plus, didn’t he say that he developed feelings for this waitress in New York or something?”

“Yeah. I’m so happy for him but I feel like he’s making that up just so I don’t feel guilty about myself,” she frowned.

I sat on the table, facing opposite her and lifted up her chin.

“Don’t worry. Myungsoo doesn’t lie and with the way he talked about her, I could see some sparkles in his eyes. Stop worrying okay? He won’t like it if he sees you like this.”

Again, she nodded but now with a slight smile. I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers.


A/N: Gosh i snuggled in bed forgetting to update -.- HAHA Thankfully i remembered. Thank you to those who commented, made my day (y) Urgh, i'm so hungry... but its nearly 12am stomach is grumbling :(( I'm talking to much...Goodnight lovelies!

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wow, this story passed 700 subscribers even though its finished! i'm so grateful and thankful towards the readers :') have a happy and safe holidays xoxo


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Jjongshi #1
Chapter 45: Damn this story is sweeeeet ... I love it author-nim... Nice job~~~
Chapter 45: Ghad id been reading this story for almost 11 times (i think more) xD yr storyline is soooooo good and ill be reading diz again soon ^^
Chapter 45: Kyaaaaaaaaaaa so cuteeeee I'm going to die of too much fluffiness I loved it author nim now time to check out your other ff anneyong
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 45: chappie 45: hahahaha....
it didn't come to mind that daehyun will be the name of their son....
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 44: chappie 44: yahoo!!!!
hope l.joe and soo jin will be happy together....!!!!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 42: chappie 42: awhh....
so sweet..
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 38: chappie 38: i really hope, really really hope.....
l.joe and soo jin will be together back......