Unexpected Encounter

This Stupid Marriage

 Soo Jin’s (You) POV

I shot through the doors and headed straight to the kitchen.

You can say I was panicking. No. I AM PANICKING!

Say, out of no-where, a visit from my in-laws, who wouldn’t be panicking.

I pulled on some ingredients in the fridge as I walked here and there trying to figure out what to make. “L.Joe! What do your parents like to eat?!” I screamed.

So annoying. While I am down here, working my off to prepare, L.Joe is all the way up in his stupid little room taking a cool hot shower and watching television…. I think?

“I don’t know. Just make anything. Don’t make it to sweet though! They don’t really like sweet stuff!”  L.Joe replied.

“Gee. That helps,” I muttered. Time for me to work! With a clap of my hands, I started making varieties of food.

End of Soo Jin’s (You) POV

You wiped the sweat off your face as you sighed and leaned against the counter. The food was all there on the dining table looking delicious and mouth watering. You patted yourself on your shoulders and gave a small smile.

Hearing footsteps, you turned around seeing L.Joe in his white v-neck shirt with grey trackies.

“A little help would be nice you know.” You crossed your arms, obviously pissed.
“Like I said, I don’t cook and I wouldn’t want to.”

Your ears couldn’t believe his words. “Then please, do not eat any of this okay? I worked on these for 3 straight hours and what did you do? Nothing. Go and eat take away. I remember you said that you won’t eat what I cook so shoo.” You sent him a glare before storming upstairs to take a cool shower. *You need to calm down Soo Jin. Calm down. Just 8 months…8 long and horrible months.*

“Tch. Like I want to eat them,” L.Joe scoffed. He looked at the food on the table as his stomach grumbled. “Why now?!” He cried, tapping his stomach.


Just as you stepped out of the bathroom wearing your loose rabbit cartoon denim jumpsuit, you heard the door bell ring.

Alarmed, you quickly sat in front of the mirror and applied some light make-up and brushed your hair.

At this time, your heart was racing as you breathed in and out. “Fighting!” You pumped your fists before turning the door knob.

The moment you stepped down the last step, your eyes widened as you looked at the person in front of you. “Myungsoo oppa?!” You squealed.

Soo Jin’s (You) POV

What. What. What is he doing here?

Does he know L.Joe? How? What on earth is happening?

“Soo Jin? Why are you here?” He questioned in a calm voice.
“Simple. She’s my wife!” L.Joe smiled as he came over and s his arms around my waist.

I squirmed a little as I gave a fake laugh. “Y-yeah.”

“You two know each other?” Mrs. Lee pointed at Myungsoo and I.
“Yeah, we met at Jej-“

I gave Myungsoo a pleading look as he stopped what he was saying and looked back at Mrs. Lee. “-I helped Soo Jin when this thief tried to steal her hand bag once.” He finished off his sentence.

I sighed as I looked over at L.Joe who had a smirk on his face.

Why is that smirk on his face? Beats me. Pfft.

“Oh, excuse my rudeness. Annyeonghaseyo abeoji and eomeoni,” I bowed.
“Aigoo Soo Jin dear. We are family, don’t need to be that shy okay,” Mrs. Lee smiled. She is so nice! Unlike her stupid son.

“Soo Jin ah, you see Myungsoo here is my cousin. He is older than me by a few days.” L.Joe spoke.

COUSIN?! THEY ARE COUSINS?! What world am I living in? Well compared to L.Joe, Myungsoo is more of a sweetheart. Great. I think I am comparing everyone with L.Joe now.

Stuff it.

He won’t know.

“Ah. I see.” I nodded.
“Shall we eat? Soo Jin cooked many delicious looking foods especially for today! Come on umma, appa and hyung.” He smiled and waved them over to the dining table.

The adults left leaving Myungsoo standing in the living alone with me.

“We meet again. I told you we will meet again.” He smiled.

OH. How much I miss that smile of his!

“Yeah. Are you psychic?” I teased.
“Of course. I can tell your future already!” He waved his hands in the air in a circle motion.
“What is my future?”
“Your future is happiness!” He chimed.

I don’t understand him. Isn’t he supposed to be mad for me not telling him that I am married? I feel guilty.

But puh-lease! Happiness?! Yeah, that will be after I divorce that stupid L.Joe.

“Babe! Come here!” L.Joe called.

What am I? A dog?!

“Coming!” I forced my happy tune out. “Come on Myungsoo oppa, let’s go!”

I think he whispered something afterwards but I didn’t quite get it. Hmm. I wonder what he was saying.

L.Joe’s POV

Oh her priceless face when I told her Myungsoo is my cousin.

But why did she seem so shocked? Mostly, why did she seem so happy and bubbly around him?

Could it be that she likes him? OH MY GOSH.

I called my parents over to the dining table. Hyung was missing, so I looked up only to see him chatting with Soo Jin. SOO JIN. MY WIFE.

I don’t know if this is rage or jealousy but I was pissed off. Hello! It’s eating time. Not chit chat.

“Babe! Come here!” I called with a sweet smile. She rolled her eyes at me before looking back at Myungsoo and skipped towards me.

She rolled her eyes at me. I hate people who do that. Especially, to me.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me,” I whispered.
“Make me.” She poked her tongue out before taking a seat that I pulled out for ME to sit on.


“These are delicious! You’re a really good cook. You should be a chef when you graduate!” Myungsoo complimented Soo Jin.

I turned to her as I saw her cheeks flush red.

“Oh, Soo Jin is indeed a very good cook. She can be a chef at your father’s company Myungsoo ah.” My dad joined in.

Are you serious right now?

“Aniyo. I don’t think that is possible. She needs to stay home and take of her husband like a wife does,” I sliced my meat.

Soo Jin’s (You) POV

After eating and washing the dishes, Myungsoo had to leave early because his parent’s needed his help. Sometimes, I feel bad for him since he isn’t able to be a normal teenager and hang out with friends but has to help his father out with business and taking trips here and there.

We promised that we will clearly explain our identities better next time we meet before he got into his car and drove off.

My in-laws are in the living room chatting with L.Joe about marriage manners. I scoffed as he glared at me. I walked upstairs, sneakily going into the guest room to get a bag out gifts out that I bought from Jeju Island.

“Abeoji and eomeoni,” I called.

They turned around as they smiled.

“This is a gift that L.Joe and I bought while we were on our honeymoon, it’s nothing much but this is Aloe Vera cream, it’s really good for your skin and this is Ginseng tea for abeoji since he works every night. I know they have this type of tea is Seoul too but I think that this one is way stronger and will be a good benefit.” I handed them the bag.

No. L.Joe didn’t buy them with me. Why would he? I didn’t even know where he went.

I bought these then I was out with Myungsoo. I’m using my manners to gift my in-laws since I know they will like it.

“Aigoo. Gomawo dear, but you didn’t have too!” She chuckled.
“Aniyo. It’s nothing!”

I turned over to L.Joe who is just looking somewhere else.

“Anyways, we better get going now. It’s too late. You need to sleep early since you have school tomorrow okay dear?”


Sometimes, I feel so bad for lying to them. They are just too good to me.

I walked them out the door and waved. Turning around, I sighed in relief. “Oh my god, I survived!”  I jumped around forgetting that L.Joe is still sitting in the living room.

“How did you know my Myungsoo hyung?” He spoke.

I stopped jumping and looked at him. “I don’t think that is any of your business.”

“I’m just asking. Just be careful, if you get caught around him don’t blame me if they call you cheating on your husband.”

“Well thank you Mr. Lee for your concern, but I don’t think I need it. I clearly know how to handle things by myself and aren’t you going to say thank you for helping you back there?”
“You helped me?”
“When I said that you and I bought that present for your parents.” This guy is really forgetful.

“I never told you to say that.”

And to think I saved his stupid back there. Jerk.

“That’s right. You never told me to do that, but I did it because I didn’t want your parents to think that our relationship isn’t working out well. At least I’m sticking to the contract you cold, useless person.”

“In which part did the contract say that you have to back me up?”

“In a part in which we all know why you even agreed to this marriage. What, scared of losing your stupid car that much?” I crossed my arms.

L.Joe stood up and walked towards me. I stood firm on the ground and kept my focus on him. Oh, he looks so hot when he is mad.

“Yes. What about it?” He stepped closer.
“You don’t want to lose your car? Then start acting like a couple. I don’t want to be the only one acting if you’re the one who wrote this contract.” I turned around and walked upstairs.

Great. I’m so angry, I don’t think I will be able to sleep right now.

How did we get into this conversation anyways?

Myungsoo’s POV

Soo Jin is L.Joe’s wife?

How come she never told me?

I don’t know what I felt inside the minute I saw her come down from that staircase. It was filled with mixed emotion. Surprised, shocked, happy and determination.

I was surprised to see Soo Jin.

Shocked because she is in L.Joe’s home with his wife. Mr and Mrs Lee told me to meet L.Joe’s wife but I never knew it would be Soo Jin.

Happy because I saw Soo Jin again. Is this fate?

And lastly, determination.

When I first met her, my heart raced for the first time in years. I felt like Soo Jin is the girl I need. I wanted her and I will get her...hopefully. Now, that I know she is L.Joe’s wife. Things are going to get more difficult for me. I know this is wrong to steal someone else’s property, but as they say; love is a battlefield.

“You’re future is happiness!” I spoke.

Then, L.Joe just has to interrupt our moment. Soo Jin left to the dining table leaving me standing there.

“With me.”

That was the last thing I whispered before heading towards the dining table, joining the rest.

A/N: I have no idea what happened to me, but i am in my writing mood.. for the past 2 days all i did was think write think write haha meaning, more updates for you!... maybe? kehe ^^ thank you for your supportive comments xx and the people who subscribed ! xx i'm happy this fic is going smoothly... i think.. am i too slow? hehe ^^ are you hoping that they will fall in love? and my swans, Myungsoo is not evil hehe he's too adorable to be evil.

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wow, this story passed 700 subscribers even though its finished! i'm so grateful and thankful towards the readers :') have a happy and safe holidays xoxo


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Jjongshi #1
Chapter 45: Damn this story is sweeeeet ... I love it author-nim... Nice job~~~
Chapter 45: Ghad id been reading this story for almost 11 times (i think more) xD yr storyline is soooooo good and ill be reading diz again soon ^^
Chapter 45: Kyaaaaaaaaaaa so cuteeeee I'm going to die of too much fluffiness I loved it author nim now time to check out your other ff anneyong
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 45: chappie 45: hahahaha....
it didn't come to mind that daehyun will be the name of their son....
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 44: chappie 44: yahoo!!!!
hope l.joe and soo jin will be happy together....!!!!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 42: chappie 42: awhh....
so sweet..
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 38: chappie 38: i really hope, really really hope.....
l.joe and soo jin will be together back......