Another side of L.Joe?

This Stupid Marriage

L.Joe’s POV

Did she just faint? Am I supposed to do something?

What is this? How can she just faint like that?


With a sigh, I lifted her up bridal style –why do I always end up carrying her now?- and brought her up to her room. Walking in, the room was filled with vanilla scent and everything was neatly organised. Wow. Neat freak.

I just realised, she is so light!  As light as a feather.

Oh no. The L.Joe is doing similes now? Urgh. What has gotten into me?

I sat on the bed beside her and looked at her pale face. How did she get sick so suddenly?


“I just felt sick. It’s probably because I slept with wet hair yesterday. I get sick of I don’t blow dry my hair,” she softly muttered.

End of flashback

So that is the reason?

I looked back at her face as a pang of guilt hit me. Of course, she may seem strong on the outside but inside she’s like a delicate little flower. NO. She is the wicked witch from the west. How can she be so weak?

Walking to the bathroom, I jumped as I see a string of underwear’s and bras.


I cleared my throat and looked away, but I couldn’t help to look back! It was somewhat…eye catching? Holy .

Strawberries? Watermelons? Does she have like all the fruits imprinted on her underwear’s and bras? Ah, I see… they are all a matching pair.

What on earth am I doing?

I took the towel from the hanger and a bucket, filling it with water; I walked out and placed it on the lamp table. Wetting the towel, I folded it and placed it on her forehead.


She was burning..


Stay calm L.Joe. Stay calm.

Oh yeah! She was cooking porridge before! Hopefully she finished it before she fainted, because I L.Joe simply does not cook.

Running downstairs, the pot was still cooking. I looked at the porridge from a bird’s eye view and casually shrugged. This is probably finished. It does not need any more cooking.

Soo Jin’s (You) POV

I woke up and looked around. Everything was still in a blur as I adjusted my eye sight. But something caught my eye, it was next to me… can it be?

A pole?

A big long stick?

I don’t know but it is looking deeply at me. It’s so uncomfortable.

Rubbing my eyes, I then got a clearer view at the pole/stick whatever.

L.JOE?! My eyes popped out of its socket as I suddenly sat up. What is he doing in my room?

“You’re finally awake?” He spoke taking the towel off my lap and plopping it in the bucket next to him.

“W-what are you doing here?” I stuttered.
“Some girl decided to faint while cooking. If I weren’t there in time, the house might’ve burned down by now,” he scoffed.

I looked down in guilt. It’s true. Why did I even cook when I’m sick? I’m so stupid!

“I’m sorry.”

I felt him looking at me with confused eyes. I think he kind of loosened up a little. “H-here, eat this porridge. It’s still hot. I don’t know what you did to it but yeah. So, just eat it.” He pushed the bowl of porridge towards me.

I smiled at his kind actions. First time, I see him like this. I kind of like it, instead of the cold, mean, arrogant, conceited jerk that I know of.

“Thank you. Oh, by the way. If you’re hungry, there are all sorts of food down the kitchen for you.”

At the mention of food, I heard something grumble. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t mine as I looked at L.Joe who is looking away. I smiled, he’s hungry. HAHAHAHHAAHHA.

“Go eat,” I instructed.
“I’m not hungry.” He folded his arms. Again, his stomach grumbled. I chuckled and looked at him.
“Are you sure?” I playfully smiled.
“Yes. Hurry up and eat.” He stood up and walked out the door.

“Thank you.” I mumbled.


L.Joe’s POV

My stupid stomach just has to grumble in front of her.

I went into my room and slammed the door shut. I’m so hungry. Where is mum to feed me? This is what happens when you get arranged marriage. Urgh! Why is my life like this again?

I need a shower. Yes. A cool shower is what I need.

I cannot believe my legs bought me here. Why?!

I gulped looking at all the food on the table. My stomach grumbled and I patted it. Alright, I’ll feed you.

Taking the cover off the food, i scooped out the rice onto my bowl and held up the chopsticks. my lips, I started digging in. I feel like a beggar.

End of L.Joe’s POV

Finishing your bowl of porridge, you wiped your mouth with a tissue and gulped down a big chunk of water. *I wonder if L.Joe is eating yet?* You stood up with the bowl of porridge in your hands as you started to walk out the room and descend down the stairs.

You heard rackets in the kitchen as you froze halfway down the stairs. *Is it a burglar? OH NO! I’M GOING TO DIE AT A YOUNG AGE!* Your eyes widened as you looked up in L.Joe’s room. *Or is it L.Joe?*

You sat down on the steps and looked to the kitchen. “L.Joe?” You whispered softly. There in the kitchen, lies a hungry beast. Gobbling down all the food, don’t worry, he has table manners. Thank god. You are the type of people who can’t stand messiness. If L.Joe does not know his manners, then you would crack it.

You tip toed down the stairs as you stood behind him without him knowing. You looked at most of the empty plates as you smiled. *He ate them all.* “I knew that you would be hungry. What-ever happened to ‘Ew? No’?”

L.Joe turned around with eyes as round as saucepans. He started to choke as he waved his hands frantically in the air.

“Do you want water?” You smiled.

He nodded as you quickly handed him your cup of water. Within 2 seconds, all the water from the cup was gone.

Your eyes rounded as you realised what just happened. *Did I just have an indirect kiss with him?* You blushed as you walked towards the sink.

“Where did you come from?!” He raised his voice.
“My room?” You answered while washing the dishes. You took the empty dishes on the table and brought it over to the sink. “I thought you said you said you’re not hungry?”
“Well, I don’t have a schedule for my hungry stomach now do i?” He started to finish off his bowl.

*At least he is eating.* You kept quiet and continued washing the dishes with a smile on your face.

“You seem to be getting better.” L.Joe muffled.
“Yeah. My porridge worked after all!” You beamed.

Unknowingly, a smile crept onto L.Joe’s face as he saw your lively and cheerful face. *This is the Soo Jin that I know not the lifeless, sad faced one.*

“Are you done?” You questioned.

L.Joe snapped out of his trance and looked at you. “Yeah. Here.” He brought the plates and bowls over.

“Looks like you ate everything.” You teased. In return, L.Joe gave you a glare but you didn’t mind it. You’re not scared of anything. No. You are scared of some things. You’re just not scared of him.

L.Joe slipped his hands in his pockets and walked off.

“HEY! Where are you going?”
“To my room? Where else?” He answered with a raised brow.
“Stay here.” You smiled.

*Is she asking me to stay?* He felt his heart beat at an abnormal speed.

“We need to sort out the house chores.” You finished off your sentence.

L.Joe’s shoulders fell as he frowned. “Simple. You do all the cleaning like a wife should do, while I go out and play. Have you forgotten? Rule number 8: L.Joe does not clean.”

You frowned at his stupid idea. “Fine. But I will not clean your mess nor will I cook you food. Rule number 7: Do not touch each other’s things. Looks like you’ll have you clean your stuff by yourself.” You shrugged.

“Fine with me. It’s not like I’m going to eat your food again.” He spoke then walked upstairs.

“Your choice.” You sighed then placed the dishes in the cupboard.

A/N: I am so sure that most of you readers want more than this right? I'm so sorry :( I would make L.Joe take care of her da di da di da and yeah but im having a massive headache due to the weather so i can't add anymore :( yes, i was planning to double update today but stupid weather, i will sure double update soon don't worry ! :) hehe until next time, please comment and subscribe ^^ xx

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wow, this story passed 700 subscribers even though its finished! i'm so grateful and thankful towards the readers :') have a happy and safe holidays xoxo


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Jjongshi #1
Chapter 45: Damn this story is sweeeeet ... I love it author-nim... Nice job~~~
Chapter 45: Ghad id been reading this story for almost 11 times (i think more) xD yr storyline is soooooo good and ill be reading diz again soon ^^
Chapter 45: Kyaaaaaaaaaaa so cuteeeee I'm going to die of too much fluffiness I loved it author nim now time to check out your other ff anneyong
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 45: chappie 45: hahahaha....
it didn't come to mind that daehyun will be the name of their son....
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 44: chappie 44: yahoo!!!!
hope l.joe and soo jin will be happy together....!!!!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 42: chappie 42: awhh....
so sweet..
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 38: chappie 38: i really hope, really really hope.....
l.joe and soo jin will be together back......