Angel Guardians Of EXO - The Story (Remake)

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Once everyone was seated, Taehye turned to look at Haneul who just blinked at her. "Haneul, we heard from Baekhyun that you were attacked by someone whilst you were out in the garden. Can you tell us about it?" She asked Haneul who nodded. 

"Of course." She said in reply before proceeding to tell them all that had happened earlier.

Earlier That Day,

Haneul crumbled into pieces as she cried whilst she was in Baekhyun's warm embrace. It reminded her far too much of Luhan causing her to burst into another round of tears. She felt angry and betrayed. Completely betrayed. He had promised her that nothing of this kind would ever happen. Ever, but it did. It happened right before her very eyes and just earlier that day, Luhan had been so sweet and nice to her. They had even made plans to go on a date after their meeting with her fellow angels but it was now all gone. 

Completely swallowed by misery, Haneul had not noticed that two boys had landed behind the both of them with black, leathery bat-like wings flapping in the rain as they landed. That was, until she heard a few cracks as well as a snake-like hiss. Slowly, she pulled away from Baekhyun's hold and turned around to see Kibum and Shindong standing there with smirks on their face. 

"Well, well, well, if it isn't little miss angel." Kibum said with a teasing tone while Shindong cackled in laughter. The both of them were one of the 12 demons who worked for the Other Queen of Angels and they were one of the few with special powers which were powerful. Extremely powerful. Kibum, could manipulate amphibians while Shindong could manipulate bones hence their current position where Kibum was a half-snake, half man at the moment while Shindong had bone-like wings sticking out of his back. The both of them still had their wings out causing them to look even more demonic than usual.

"Kibum. Shindong." Haneul said with gritted teeth as she glared at them. Desperately, she tried to hide Baekhyun behind her in fear that they would hurt him. "What do you want?" She asked, her eyes glowing a soft lilac purple. Her aura was now visible causing Baekhyun to gap at her in surprise. He had not expected her to glow purple nor did he expect two human-like beings to look like that. It was clear that he was frightened even though he tried to hide it. 

Both Kibum and Shindong chuckled seeing how defensive Haneul looked and how weakless the supposed angel prince looked like. 

"Oh nothing. Just dropping by to see how he would taste." Kibum said with a smirk as he completely turned into a white snake, dropping onto the ground. He was huge and not just ordinary snake huge but huge as in he was at least 20-30 feet long. He looked like he could even swallow a bus if he was hungry at the moment. Shindong on the other hand, had bone-like spears sticking out of his fingers now and the both of them lunged at the couple at the same time.

If it wasn't for Haneul's fast reflexes in creating a plasma shield, the both of them would've been goners. "Baekhyun, when I count to 3, you run in. Got it?" She hissed as the two boys kept flinging themselves onto her shield. There were several cracks on it by now and she was afraid it wouldn't hold. Not with her unstable mental condition at the moment. Baekhyun, upon hearing her instructions shook his head stubbornly. 

"I have no idea what is going on here but I want to stay and help. You can't possibly face those," He paused and glanced at the two boys who looked completely odd at the moment. "Those Things!" He continued even though he knew full-well that Haneul was glaring at him.

She looked pretty with her hands outstretched, her drenched hair flying behind her and her, glowing purple. Baekhyun wanted to say his thoughts out loud but he knew now wasn't the right time for his cheesy comments.

"BYUN BAEKYHYUN! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" She snarled as she created another layer of shield after they broke her first shield. Baekhyun stubbornly shook his head and remained next to her. "YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING JUST BY STANDING HERE! IF ANYTHING, YOU'LL JUST COST US OUR LIVES!" She screamed at him in fury as she hit the two boys with pink plasma bolts over and over until Kibum decided to strike her with his huge tail which caused her to fly back and hit the wall.

Injured, Haneul glanced up at the two boys with blurry vision and muttered her incantation which helped her focus. 

"Alugara Menti!" She said.

With those words, she began to glow purple to the point that the three boys had to flinch and look away. As she glowed to the point that it was completely bright, her powers exploded causing Kibum and Shindong to fly back and land somewhere far away from where they were whilst creating a shield around Baekhyun.

Slowly, the light began to subside.

Once it was dim, Haneul who was floating, slowly began to fell onto the ground. This time, unconscious. Luckily, Baekhyun was quick enough to catch her.

End of Flashback

"And that was what had happened." Haneul concluded what had happened earlier with a nod. All of her friends were staring at her in shock.

"So Kibum and Shindong saw you guys and attacked?" AeSook asked and Haneul nodded in reply.

"This is even more serious than I had imagined...” Taehye mumbled in agreement. 

"Super Junior is attacking faster than any of us can imagine...” Eunae said softly to Eunjoo who nodded firmly. 

"Yeah, what should we do?" Eunjoo asked as she turned to look at Taehye and Aesook. "The boys aren't even properly trained yet!" She added. 

With that, all of the girls began to shout out suggestions until Kairi couldn't take it anymore. "Silence!" She yelled and everyone kept quiet at once. "Not all of the boys know of their true identities yet either. We should break it to them before taking action. Agreed?" She asked and everyone nodded.

"Then it's settled. We should meet all of the boys tomorrow. Haneul, try to set up a meeting for us in the garden where the fight took place." Taehye said while Haneul nodded. She knew why she had been asked to set up the meeting. She was after all, the only angel who was currently closest to the boys. 

"Alright. Everyone is dismissed. Haneul, get some rest. I'm sure it wasn't easy to get rid of the two Super Junior boys." Taehye said, standing up. With that, everyone began to leave the room excluding Haneul who merely went back to sleep. 


Play This:


That evening, 

Haneul woke up at 7 in the evening just as the sky gradually turned darker. Groggily, she sat up and rubbed her eyes before looking around the room. It was only then, did she realize that this had turned into her bedroom.

The color theme of this particular room matched her taste as well. It was white and baby blue. She noticed that there was a white wardrobe over at the other end of the room, a white study table, a white bookshelf which had blue details on it. There was even a baby blue rug in the middle of the room. The windows were white and furnished with lacey curtains. Her bed was baby blue with white detailing. The floor was rugged making it soft and comfy and the wallpapers were white with tiny little blue bows. It looked exactly like her room back on EXO Planet. 

With a sigh, Haneul stood up and walked over to her bathroom which was connected to her bedroom to wash up.

Once she was done, Haneul left her bedroom to see that her fellow housemates were getting ready for dinner. There, she saw Yura bringing out dishes. Her guess was that their leader, Taehye was cooking. Next, she saw Eunjoo and Eunae playing games on the television just like teenage boys causing her to chuckle since it was unusual to see Eunae behaving that way. Aside from that, she saw Songeun by herself, reading a book by the corner. She seemed so lonely that Haneul wanted to go talk to her. 

"Hey Songeun unnie. What'cha reading?" She asked curiously. 

"Oh! Haneul-ah! I'm just reading a fantasy novel. It's rather interesting how mortals write about us angels and that we don't eat or drink when we actually do." Songeun replied with a smile as she slipped a bookmark into the book and closed it. They weren't really that close but they were indeed friends. 

"I-" Haneul was cut off by Yura's yelling. 

"TIME FOR DINNER!!" was heard throughout the entire apartment. Footsteps were heard as everyone raced to the dining room where Taehye's homemade food were served.

"This looks awesome!!" Haneul praised with a grin and Taehye smiled at her.

"Dig in everyone." Yura said and everyone began to eat. The atmosphere was light and cheerful. It seemed as if they were just normal teenage girls housing together and that there wasn't any chaos that was going to happen at any moment. 

That night, Haneul was once again, inside her bedroom while everyone else were in their respective rooms. She gazed out of the window and looked at the stars. "Stars... I wish… that time would just turn back and...Luhan would come back to me." She mumbled. "I'm not used to seeing him being with someone else... I don't know why but it feels wrong... really wrong... It's so... heart-wrenching too...” She muttered, closing her eyes as a tear slipped down. "We were supposed to be going out tonight too. If nothing had happened, by now we would be by the Han River taking a walk together." She said sadly as she reached her hand out. "Stars... won't you make my wish come true?" She asked only to chuckle sadly.

"Look at me. I must be crazy for talking to stars." She said bitterly as she closed the window and pulled the curtains together before walking over to her bed. 

Lying down, she stared at the ceiling and with a little magic, she made glow-in-the-dark-stars appears on the ceiling. With a smile, she switched the lights off with her magic and locked her entire room before going to sleep with a tear-filled face. 


A/N : AND! Here's my second update! I hope you guys liked it. I promise I won't focus too much on Haneul after this but I thought she might need a special section to well, show you how she was feeling from the incident of Luhan and Seonyul.


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Decided to get Haneul to stay behind in the mortal realm so that everyone else gets to star! hehe


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Chapter 16: awww poor Xiumin. He'll probably still be scarred from Ae Sook at least they have friends to help them.
Chapter 16: each of the got some illusion which make them fobia with somethibg..sound not good there..fighting for them and you too, author-nim!!!thanks for the update!xD
Chapter 15: Oh no! I wonder what happened? Poor Luhan thinking he killed her.
Chapter 14: I wonder what the other illusions are like?
Chapter 12: Wow the drama! Looking forward to the other couples.
Chapter 12: somehow it's getting more complicated but oh well~it also seem like this two couple will be better now and love that for!XD can't wait for other couple!!i'll still waiting for you to update more!!~^^fighting!
Babyatheart #7
Chapter 9: it's ok! This was a good chapter! I can't wait for more! I can't wait for the girls to meet the boys
omg i'm late to see this ><
i like eunjoo here, she looks like someone who is quiet

( it's JEJswagstyle btw. e u e; )
Chapter 7: ugh..this make my hands felt really itching..want to read more...XDDD
by the way!still..thank you for the update~^^
i also wondering what the meeting about..hohohoho..
i hope for some of the other couples you allow tension to grow first and maybe not realize and/or question their feelings for one another. Or maybe for one couple have a one sided love for a long period of time. I like tension and it gives time for the pairs to grow. I hope they all don't immediately fall in love and jump into the arms of their soulmate though some is ok I wouldn't do it for all of them.