Angel Guardians Of EXO - The Story (Remake)


When Aesook stepped through the borders, she had stepped in alone as Xiumin had followed after her a few seconds later. The moment she had stepped in, like everyone else, she was surrounded by thick fog. She shut her eyes and when she opened it again she was in some kind of topsy-turvy world. 

"What the hell? Is this supposed to be Wonderland or something?" She cursed as she grew aware of her surroundings. "Guys?! Girls?! Where are you?" She called for her group but nobody was in sight so she walked. She soon reached a place where everything was much bigger than her. As she took a step, she heard squaking behind her and there stood an enourmous parrot which had then tried to peck at her causing her to scream. 

"HOLY- OH MY GOD!!" She stepped backwards but the bird which was much bigger than she was followed after her. "NO! STOP! GO AWAY! SHOO!" She tried to chase it away but it merely tilted it's head slightly before trying to peck at her again. It was as if it thought she was food or something. Scared, she ran towards a field of trees where she tried to hide behind a tree. She let out a sigh of relief when the bird flew off, giving up because it couldn't see her. She stepped out from the tree and carried on walking. There, she came upon a huge rock and as she was feeling tired, she climbed onto it and sat down. The next thing she knew, a pair of claws had swooped her high up into the air.

"AH!!! LET ME DOWN! LET ME DOWN!" Aesook hit the bird's claws over and over,wanting to get down but to no avail. She used her powers to shoot it and the bird released her in surprise. Soon, she was falling down the sky while screaming. The next thing she knew, she was thrown into a field by an invisible force. 

"Aesook!" Kairi ran up to Aesook and fell to her side as the other two reached a few seconds later. "Are you okay?" Kairi asked the shivering girl. 

"I was falling from the sky but I'm fine.. I'm perfectly fine now. Birds were chasing me so it was a little scary but I'll be okay." Aesook said, looking up at Kairi. "Where are the others?" She asked.

"That's the thing. We don't know. We're looking for them.." Kairi explained and Aesook nodded. 

"I'll help you guys. Come on." She got off the floor and they began walking around the large field trying to look for the others when they came upon Xiumin who was lying on the floor. 

"Xiumin!" Aesook ran up to him and helped him up. "What happened?" She asked.

"I.. I..I was freezing in some kind of a snow desert.. but you were there." Xiumin looked at her before remembering what had happened. Quick as lightning, he shoved her away as he moved backwards. "No. Don't come near me. Don't kill me!" He was saying over and over again and the others looked at him cluelessly. 

"Xiumin!" Kairi yelled at him. "It was just an illusion.. Nothing was real. Aesook didn't try to kill you as she was trapped in her own illusion. There was no way she could've killed you." She told him but he shook his head. 

"Minseok!" Luhan gave it a try and it worked because Xiumin looked at him with wide eyes as Luhan approached him. 

"What they're saying is true..It was just an illusion. I don't know what you saw but I can promise you. What everyone experienced or is experiencing is twice as scary. We were all scared too but we got out. We're safe now." He told him softly "I killed Haneul in my illusion so I can gurantee. I understand how scary and confusing it was." He told the guy who was older than him by a few months. Slowly, Xiumin calmed down and accepted the situation. With that, the others began to look for the remaining people.


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Decided to get Haneul to stay behind in the mortal realm so that everyone else gets to star! hehe


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Chapter 16: awww poor Xiumin. He'll probably still be scarred from Ae Sook at least they have friends to help them.
Chapter 16: each of the got some illusion which make them fobia with somethibg..sound not good there..fighting for them and you too, author-nim!!!thanks for the update!xD
Chapter 15: Oh no! I wonder what happened? Poor Luhan thinking he killed her.
Chapter 14: I wonder what the other illusions are like?
Chapter 12: Wow the drama! Looking forward to the other couples.
Chapter 12: somehow it's getting more complicated but oh well~it also seem like this two couple will be better now and love that for!XD can't wait for other couple!!i'll still waiting for you to update more!!~^^fighting!
Babyatheart #7
Chapter 9: it's ok! This was a good chapter! I can't wait for more! I can't wait for the girls to meet the boys
omg i'm late to see this ><
i like eunjoo here, she looks like someone who is quiet

( it's JEJswagstyle btw. e u e; )
Chapter 7: ugh..this make my hands felt really itching..want to read more...XDDD
by the way!still..thank you for the update~^^
i also wondering what the meeting about..hohohoho..
i hope for some of the other couples you allow tension to grow first and maybe not realize and/or question their feelings for one another. Or maybe for one couple have a one sided love for a long period of time. I like tension and it gives time for the pairs to grow. I hope they all don't immediately fall in love and jump into the arms of their soulmate though some is ok I wouldn't do it for all of them.