
Your POV:

Hoon sent me home that night. When you went up to your room & closed the door, Dongho was there.

"Jaggiya, pack your stuff now. We are going somewhere far away from soohyun, arasso? We will leave in an hour."

"Where can we run to?" I asked, shocked.

"We will go to the States. You will stay with kevin there."

"But i dont have enough money to buy my plane ticket."

"Who said anything about flying? We are going to run." He said, smirking.

I didnt really get what he meant. Its impossible for me to run from South Korea all the way to USA.Before I knew it, he carried me & my bags. He ran. He was fast, i should have expected that since he is a vampire. But will running away help escape from soohyun? Wont he be able to track us down?

"Once we reach Kevin's place, im coming back to fight soohyun. If i dont come back, dont come looking for me. Stay with Kevin. He will look after you. Only a fool would believe that he would leave you alone after killing me. Jaggiya, saranghae." He kissed my forehead & i fell asleep. I felt safe in is arms knowing that he would protect me. He calmed me down when he sang...

"Oh so we came a long way,from the darkest night, still I don't wanna fight you no more I'm so tired.oh so we came a long way, & I hate to see you the days fly by & the tears in your eyes telling me goodbye."


we were almost there when I woke up. I saw his smiling face when I opened my eyes. 

"Oppa, you have to promise me that you will come back for me okay?" He nodded in reply.

i was really worried that I'll lose him again.


Hoon's POV:

I should tell her now. 

When I knocked on the door, no one answered. The door was unlocked as well. As I went in, no one was around. "(YN)-ah!" I called. No one answered. I went to her room & found someone or something. It bit me & left me lying on the floor as I felt as if I was being burnt alive. The last thing I heard was "kill shin dongho".


when I woke up, my throat was dry & thirsty. I wasn't thirsty for water, I was very thirsty for blood. I looked into the mirror, my face & skin were god-like & I realised that i had fangs. I'm a vampire now. My only objective is to kill dongho & protect (YN). With this new power I'm given, killing him would be as easy as breaking a toothpick. Shin dongho, I'm coming for you. But first, I'm going to satisfy my thirst. Let the killing begin.

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Loooovvveeee iitttt DongHo! Saranghae!!!!
Chapter 5: OHHH PLEASE UPDAT !!!