Chapter Four

I'm Dating A Kid?! O.O



Janey’s POV

I really can’t believe they did this to me. Wait! Why do I have to cry? I know that those B.A.P oppas are player. I don’t have to be like this. Janey ah, uljima!

The next day I went to the café late and hoping that I won’t see Jun Hong oppa. I mean B.A.P oppas. I served people with my wide smile like my usual day. When suddenly,

“Janey ah~!” Jun Hong’s oppa is here! Eotteokhae? Etteokkaji?

Of course I can’t run because it’s my shift now so I faked smile “Your order sir?”

“Janey ah, what I’ve said before is true~ I really want to protect you from them,” he say in low voice.

BUT I DON’T CARE! “Sir, your order please,” I faked smile again.

“Janey ah~” he tried to hold my hand but I move it immediately.


The customers turn their heads to us as I bowed to them and ran outside.

I ran to the nearest park. I turn back and thank goodness, Jun Hong oppa wasn’t following me.

I sit at one of the swings. I closed my eyes, relax and swing myself.

“Janey ah, I’m so sorry~” I heard his voice again. As I opened my eyes, Jun Hong oppa’s face is in front of me up-side-down and it’s really close.

“YA!” I pushed him as I almost fall from the swing. He caught my back and again our face is really close.

“Janey,” he called my name again.

I pushed him “YA! What do you think this is? A DRAMA?”

“What drama? Are you imagining things? I was just catching you from falling,” he chuckled.

I crossed my arms and look the other side.

“Janey ah,” he took my hand. I look at him “I really didn’t mean for it.”

We sat on the swing “It’s the hyung’s idea. I wasn’t going to do for the bet. I’ve told you that I want to protect you from them right?”

I look at his face and he really looks sorry, “But why you don’t tell me earlier?”

“Because they’re my hyungs. I try to stop them but you found it out first,” he explained.

“What do you want me to do now?”

He stands and kneeled down in front of me “I want you to give me second chance.”

“Tch- What second chance?” I rolled my eyes.

“Second chance to date you,” I dropped my jaw. “But without the bet this time,” he continued.

I’m so flabbergasted so I just nodded.

“Thanks,” he hugged me.


Junhong’s POV

I sent her back home. Yeah it was awkward but butterflies flying in my stomach. I’m so happy this time. As we arrived, I kissed her fore head, wave goodbye and she went in. I took out my skateboard and skate home.

“Jun Hong ah! Where have you been?” Jong Up hyung opened the door.

I went to the kitchen and take a drink.

“Jun Hong ah, you’re not dating with Janey right?” Jong Up hyung closed the refrigerator.

I just nod and continue drinking.

“What? What is that nod supposed to mean? You’re not dating her right?” he keeps shaking my hand when I was drinking.

“Ah hyung~!” I pulled my hang and wipe off my mouth. “Yes hyung, I date her. So what?”

“You’re dating a kid Jun Hong ah,” Dae Hyun hyung suddenly appeared from nowhere.

I sit down at the dining room “Hyung stop it, like you never been a kid before?”

“I’ve been a kid but never DATE a kid,” he sits in front of me.

“Hyung, she wouldn’t be a kid forever!”

“She’s two years younger than you!”

“So what? You want me to date a girl that older than me instead? That’s you hyung, not me,”

He nearly punched me but the other hyung stop us.

“Dae Hyun! Stop it!” Yong Guk hyung stands between us.

“But hyung, he date a KID!” Dae Hyun hyung pointed at me.

“Dae Hyun, let him be,” Young Jae hyung finally agreed.

I pushed hyungs hand and went to the bed room. I bumped up to my bed and look to my phone. It’s a call from Janey!




Sorry for making Dae Hyun oppa such a jerk here x3 Even myself is mad at him! xB

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Chapter 19: Yay mom is finally accepting her little by little
hansunhwaCx #2
Chapter 13: I've always love the GIFs on the end part of the story it makes me laugh XD pwhahahhaha
Chapter 2: About chapter 2
The pic at the end of chap two is so funny
Chapter 13: woah~ I forgot to read this when its alert 'new story update' a few days ago.
but WOW!
how did you manage to complete it all o.O?
Chapter 19: hmm Zelo's dad isn't that bad well.... his mom is -_-
;A; why does it have to end so short? <//3 OTL
great story though ^_^
Chapter 11: Omo! Zelo's parents are so arrogant ><!!
update soon author-nimm!
Chapter 11: OH NO ;A; -dead-
his parents are so mean -.-"