
Learning to Love again



Author's pov :


"Neh?" you managed to say. With wide eyes, mouth slightly open, starring at the boy infront of you. He was the only person out of a million that you trusted. The only one who you thought that wouldn't judge you. The only person who was able to make you laugh and thought that genuinely care for you, but you were wrong. 

"Are you deaf or you're just plain stupid?!" he snapped at you with his voice slightly raised. By now, the whole school was crowding around both of you. You looked around with fearful eyes, starting to panic. Beads of sweat were already forming and sliding down the side of your cheeks. 

"We.Are.Done." he repeated with a pause in every word that came out of his mouth. Tears blurred your vision. Taking a step back, a tear slid down your cheek.

"Wae?" you locked gazes with him as that word slip out of your lips. 

"Why? Did you just asked why?" scoffing, he smirked, glaring at you with the most hateful eyes that you ever seen but at the same time you caught a glimpse of sadness and regret in them but pushed it away knowing that if you softened even by a little you would crumpled by then. Trying your best not to flinch, you nodded your head bravely. His smirk grew wider, taking a step towards you. Looking into your eyes, leaning forward, he spoke.

"Do you really think that I, Kim Myungsoo would seriously date a girl like you?! You are a nerd, a nobody, ugly duckling. I a kingka would date a nerd? I only dated you because of a dare and nothing else." as he spoke those harsh words, it was like a thousand knife stabbing through your heart. A bitter smile grew on your sad face as tears trickled down like a never ending tap that had been broken. 

"Huh, that's what I heard every single day without fail. You're right, why would someone like me would ever find someone that could be a future idol. Big glasses, messy hair, braids, ugly, nun, that's the thing that I'll forever be. Thanks for the wake up call though." looking at him with overflowing emotions piercing through his soul as though you wanted to kill him right there and then. 

"Sorry for wasting your precious time on someone like me." you harshly wiped away your tears, stepping forward and another till your face was right infront of his.

"Let's see who will regret first." you whisper into his ear as you look over his shoulders with a blank face but cold eyes. With that you lock gazes with his once more and walked out of the school, out of his life leaving no regrets behind. Stunned, he stood there where you walked away with both his fists balled up. Clenching his jaws he fought back the tears that were threatening to fall. Bringing his fist up, he swung it towards the wall nearest to him. Students turned and look his ways but returned to what they were doing before. Behind him stood six other guys who were looking at him, observing his every move.

They knew how Myungsoo felt and what was going through his head. To him if it was just somebody else, he wouldn't have acted that way. If it was someone he hated, he wouldn't be frustrated like this, The Kim Myungsoo they know would just walk away and act as though nothing had happen, he would just hurt you with spiteful words that he could ever think of but they weren't to sure anymore. 

The Kim Myungsoo that was right infront of them was now a whole new and different person they never knew existed before. 

"Hyung, kwenchana?" Sungjong asked, careful of what he was saying, Myungsoo shook his head in return, leaning against the wall with his head lowered, shoulders slumped. Sungyeol eye his best friend's expression carefully knowing that something was off. Advancing towards him, stopping just a few feet away from him. 

"You," Sungyeol started but pause as Myungsoo looked up, meeting his gaze.

"Fell for her didn't you." he finished not hesitating. Myungsoo didn't even try to deny his feelings anymore knowing that the girl he liked and actually cared about was already gone. He nodded his head. A smirk formed on his lips but this time it wasn't his usual cocky one but it was a bitter one. 

"I'm crazy aren't I? I said that I wouldn't fall for her but that girl," he sighed not even wanting to finish his sentence. He starred at his friends with a expression that they couldn't read or even understand. 

"I, Kim Myungsoo had actually fallen for the biggest nerd in our school. She wasn't just a nerd but someone that actually changed my perspective of nerds. She was the only one that had broken through the barrels that surrounded my heart. Because of me, she cried, because of me she became like this. And because of me, she wouldn't trust just anyone anymore." finally a tear rolled down his cheek, glistening in the sunlight. He was broken, shattered and confused, hating himself for hurting you. Regretting every word that he said. 

"Why don't you just go after her then?" Sungyeol spoke after a moment of silence. Going through a hand over his hair, a sigh escape his lips.

"I can't and never will, she hates me now and the worst thing is, I made her to." Sungyeol open his mouth to say something else but Sunggyu stopped him knowing that his fellow member was more than depressed then he is already. Sungyeol sighed and resolve to patting his shoulder, looking at him with pity and also regretting coming up with the idea of the dare. 



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CandyLove996 #1
Chapter 7: I love it! Update please im crying for another chapter its sooo cool and i love it than my deary crush srsly
JungJiWoo1991 #2
Chapter 7: awww. the story is cute!~~bt the frist part is cuter!~~^^
manlyteabubbles #3
Chapter 6: I can't wait!
Chapter 4: Update soon
ilabya2 #5
JungJiWoo1991 #6
Chapter 5: update update!! i'm so curious yeah!~~^^
B2BapFinite #7
Chapter 5: Author-nim Jjang! Update soon!
B2BapFinite #8
Chapter 4: Ahahaah! You wrote B2BapFinite! Ahaha! Komawo unnie^^
manlyteabubbles #9
Chapter 5: Update soon~! *Fighting!* ^ ^
JungJiWoo1991 #10
Chapter 5: but i want joonki to be with the oc:)