Chapter 48- Rebellion


Jongup crouched quickly behind a bush, darting his eyes left to right frantically. He had left Baekho back in the tent, tied and unconscious. Jongup wasn't stupid, he knew Baekho would rat him out, getting him into some serious trouble. No, instead of telling Baekho what happened, he knocked him out and tied him up, dashing out with his staff and wand. There was no way he was going to let Yongguk down. They had planned it all from the very moment they found out about the test. Don't do anything, was Jongup's main priority for the last couple days. Whoever was first to get curious as to why he wasn't doing anything was the victim. It just happened to be Baekho, and Jongup was fine with that. Baekho was also a good Dark magic student, he knew how to really use some spells and weapons well. So to get Baekho gone was a bonus. Jongup now had quite a few others to stop from harming his new friends, but it had to be a piece of cake. He saw the others, not far away, preparing what looked like a wolfsbane bomb Baekho wanted to create. The bell-like purple plant stuck out of the ends of the bag it was in, Min was excitedly stuffing more in. Her friends, Jia and Fei were looking out for trouble while JR, Aaron and Doojoon were clicking lighters to their wands. 

Jongup looked around, wondering what he could do. He needed to act fast, Min seemed to be almost done. All had sharp reflexes, but poor improv skills. Ruffling his feet against the ground, he tapped his wand against a leaf and blew. The dirt below him started to darken and it cracked a trail towards the other students. He prayed they wouldn't notice, but didn't count on it either. JR looked up suddenly and pulled out his wand, flashing a crackle of light towards the ground. The darkening path continued its journey. "GET UP! MOVE!" He shoved them to the side as the magic burst against a tree, sending chips of wood flying. Jongup stood and raised his wand, crashing with Aaron's as they both tried to penetrate each other's magic. 

"THE HELL JONGUP?! Stop!" Min cried and stuffed the bomb in her pocket, "Aaron! Lower your wand!"

"If I do, he gets to kill us!" Aaron growled, "Face it! He's been waiting for this!" Jongup sighed and pushed harder, walking forward at a steady pace. JR raised his wand too and shot lightning towards him. Jongup raised his hand and created a shield over himself.

"Damn it." JR hissed and pushed his friends out of the way. Jongup's magic hit another tree, "Jongup! What is going on with you?!" 

Jongup wiped his lips with the back of his hand and called back, "We can't go on with this test! I won't let you." 

"What are you talking about?!" Jia felt for her wand, "Min, throw the bomb."

Jongup glared, "Do, and you'll regret it."

"Min, don't listen to him. Just throw it." Min had the best arm out of them all, surprisingly. She looked nervously from Jia and Jongup and decided to do her own intentions. She scratched a match over the tree bark, set the bomb on and threw it towards the Werewoves' House. Jongup cursed loudly and jumped, taking the bomb by hand and throwing it to the ground and blasting it to bits. "God damn it Jongup!" Jia pushed herself off a tree and tackled him down, with Doojoon's help they managed to grab a hold of his arms.

"Let me go!" He cried and thrashed in their hold. The others ran to him and examined his eyes.

"He must've been hypnotized by the vampires, or by Thunder." Aaron gasped, still slightly tired from his magic blast off with Jongup.

JR shook his head and threw Jongup's face to the side, "No. His eyes aren't different colors. If he were hypnotized, at least one would be an unnatural color."

"Maybe they've mastered something so we wouldn't think anything was wrong." Fei suggested.

Jongup growled, "Trust me. This is all me." Aaron looked at JR and bit his lip. JR bent down and Jongup continued, "We're messing up our chances of surviving right now. We need to join forces with the vampires and werewolves. And you all know it."

"No. Jongup, no. We were born into who we are because we were made to kill them and to cleanse the world of them-"

Jongup groaned, "You're all not getting it. Humans will start to wonder. Why do they hear strange noises in the night? Why is there always someone who dies? Why do they hear howling every single night? Why are all these things so out of order? Do they really know if this is fake or not?" He tensed, "They'll find out, they'll turn the world against us and we can't be accepted with everyone. If we turn against each other, killing each other, we won't have anyone to go to for supposrt. To help us. We'll be alone. But we need to work together."

Doojoon couldn't help but listen, his grip loosened and tightened quickly, "What makes you think like that?"

"I...that's not the point. Minji feels the same, B.A.P feels the same. We know that this is what's right. No matter what you all think. This is what's right. You just can't see it yet."

Min panted and looked up, "Where's Baekho?"

"Knocked out. In the tent." Jongup said, kicking up and flipping out of Jia and Doojoon's grasp. He brought out his staff from his belt and crashed into JR. The other magician groaned and kicked him in the leg.

"You can't fight six other Dark magic students! You'll lose no matter how good you are!"

Jongup looked around. The others were drawing out their own weapons. He smirked, taking his wand and staff in each hand, "I think my chances are pretty good." And he lunged.



There was a small fight between Minji and her father. Thought it only ended with the usual 'I've had enough of this go to your room' from YG. She stomped up to her room but really needed to let go and find some peace. Without telling her brother, she pulled on her shoes and wand and staff and summoned a portal. No one could stop her now. She stepped through without hesitation and breathed in the air, suddenly jolting her head to the side. She heard grunts and shouts-faint but close. They sounded somewhat familiar until she heard a noticeable cry. Jongup just cursed. Minji ran forward, maybe she came to the wrong place for some peace and quiet time. 

She looked down, "JONGUP DUCK!" He responded, dodging his head down as Minji ripped off her emergency charm and threw it with a flick of her hand. The others knew what was going on, however they didn't react fast enough. The charm expanded and took the other students into a green bubble. They pounded on it, but it was no use. Minji ran down and helped Jongup to his feet, "What the Hell?!"

"I tried stopping them from bombing the werewolves. It was me against them. Baekho is tied up in the tent." He panted and sheathed his wand and staff, "Thanks for showing up." 

She patted his back, "No problem." She stepped up and looked at them.

"Holy , Minji. What is going on?!" JR cried, slapping on the floating bubble.

"Jongup, fill me in." He did, telling her what happened step by step. "Alright. You guys really don't get it?"

"Minji! You're YG's daughter!-"

She flinched and growled, "Don't say that! I'm more than that!" They shut up, "I don't want to be known as YG's daughter-or U-Kwon's sister. I want my own name to be burned into history. And we can change the whole way we live. This is the 21st century, guys. Really, we gotta start acting like it." They looked at each other.

"What makes you think everyone else will agree with you?" Min asked, leaning against the bubble.

"I don't. But I can try to convince them." Minji admitted, "I can't force anyone. I can't force the people. But I want to at least get some sense into them. Can I get it into you?" JR and Aaron exchanged looks and so did the others. They had some silent conversations, whispering to each other and shrugging.

Doojoon spoke for them all, "Well. Let's get down from here, and we can talk."

Minji rolled her eyes, "Yea no." She walked towards the house, the bubble following in suit. Jongup trailed it and wiped his sweat off his forehead.

"Yah Minji!" She looked up and grinned, waving.

"Annyeong, Daesung~! Get GD and Seunghyun for me will you? We got some talking to do."














A/N: I'm planning on ending the story soon, not sure what chapter, but it will happen soon. I've got another story idea so, I hope you guys look forward to it! I'll be sure to post it soon after this one or when I get impatient. xP

Remember to COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE and LOVE (.^_^.)

-TAIwin <3

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*cousin-in-law's funeral.


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 54: Yay for happy ending ☺
Chapter 54: Finally ^^ #thumbsUp !
I hope in the end SkyDragon & Darayang.
Chapter 46: #giveusKPOP
WHAT!? What happend!
Well good news i have BIGBANG songs on iTunes!
Chapter 3: It ends with Darayang i hope
Chapter 32: In the earlier chapters, I did think that CL was too strict with her pack and could have been a little bit more warm to the others; but in this chapter now that she has a new life, she has changed for the better and I like that. It adds more dimension to her character. And I should say, I love the twists and turns that you're doing with skydragon. Since I'm still halfway through I'm excited and expecting more surprises to come their way. I also love the fact that you added CL's fanboy Jay. You don't get a lot of that in skydragon fics.

Moreover, I love that this fic is Daemin. I think this couple is grossly overlooked in YG fics (I don't really like the Seungri-Minzy pairing and if I encounter them in fics that I read, I just skip them over). Daesung's character here is the best. He's so bad ! I hope he and Minzy end up together, their interactions here are so interesting.

And GD. I love the fact that his character is very genuine, he is very strong, but has his weaknesses. You can see how his values are tightly knitted to being the leader of the pack. I love the dynamics between his pack, and also that of the vampires, too. But I would think that there's too many people on each side, but then this is your story. Haha.

Oh and I love the Darayang interactions too! Although at this point Dara hasn't chosen yet. I'm not reading the previous comments for fear of spoilers. I do hope they get a happy ending with each other. Taeyang seems to really care for her, and did not hesitate to side with her when she revealed what she truly is. I mean, that's pure, unadulterated love right there! Right? :P

Okay so I think I wrote too much. Hope I didn't tire you with my ramblings. I love this fic.
Chapter 3: ㅋㅋ park bom love to tease yb doesn't she?
Chapter 2: Waaaa Dara, be careful~
Chapter 1: Ikr Chae, xD
Vampielicious #10
Chapter 37: Daragon!! I'm here because it's daragon.. I'm so sad.. Og my heart aches.. ;(