Chapter 29- Problem Resolving?


"What's wrong?!" GD demanded when Minji walked out of the room, getting a glass of water. She hurried over to the cabinets and went on her toes to get the cup from the cupboard. Her eyes showed nothing but confusion and uncertainty. Pouring herself the water, she made the angry, confused and impatient Pack leader wait as she drank it. Gulp after gulp, his neck grew more and more red. He folded his arms, piecing the only fragments left of his patience together. After the drink of water, Minji gripped the marble counter and shook her head, sighing.

"I...I don't know-"

"What do you mean, you don't know?!" He cut her off sharply, stepping closer. The hairs on his neck stood on edge and his veins bulged in his arms, "Why can't CL remember me? How come she remembers everyone else-but me?!"

Minji slapped the counter and looked at him, "I. Don't. Know." She whirled away and set the glass in the sink and sighed, controlling her temper, "Usually it'd be the other way around, werewolves forgetting people they just met and keeping those who are close to them a fresh memory. CL is a different case. I've never seen anything like it. I may have to run more tests and do more research on the ingredients used in the healing potion. Maybe even take her back into my world to do a few more experiments." GD groaned and shook his head.

"No, I can refresh her memory. I can bring her back to our Family Pack, show her the places we spent the most times together, the places that were important to us." He insisted. But in the dim light, his fear was visible. What if her memory of him never returned? What if he turned from the best friend-and love-to the weird guy she doesn't even know? He didn't want that. He'd just been reunited with her, after he just realized his feelings, watched her die and now suffers the pain of CL not remembering him. "I can do it."

Minji bit her lip, "Can you?" She asked cautiously.

"If we were meant to be together, I can. I know we were meant for each other. It took me eighteen years to realize it, but I know, me and CL are meant for each other. I love her enough to put effort into getting her back." He pointed to the bottom cabinet, "Get me the bottle of wine in there?"

"GD, I know you're distraught but now is not the time to be stress drinking!" Minji scoffed.

GD rolled his eyes, "Ani! That's not why I want it! It's CL's favorite, during celebrations and tough times, we'd drink it together on the rooftop. Maybe it'll bring back some memories." With that being said, Minji hurried and grabbed the dark glass bottle.

She checked the label, "Casa Lapostolle Clas Apalta 2005?"

He nodded and held out his arm, "That's the one." She gave it to him and they grabbed a wine glass and entered the room.

"Hyung! Hyung, we gave her the Rilakkuma bear you got for her eighth birthday," Seungri smiled proudly, showing that it was his idea, "she's starting to have more memories coming back. You should listen to this." The Panda dragged his leader forward and left Minji to pour the glass of wine. Indeed, CL was on her bed, cuddling with the big Rilakkuma doll. She smiled up at the familiar people, but her eyes faltered of its warm gaze when she saw GD. He grinned at her cuteness and let Seungri leave his side, "Noona, do you remember anything?"

She nodded, "Neh...I see...a crescent moon over a blue hands were small and holding onto this doll for dear life. I felt cold, wet...maybe I was at a beach? Someone wrapped their arms over me and said something. But after that, the voice is muffled and I couldn't see the face." GD cleared his throat silently. That was him with CL. The day after her birthday, she wanted to get over her fear of water without their parents recognition. She took GD with her at night and she almost backed out of it. But being the best friend he was, GD said it'd be ok, and that he'd be right behind her. He even brought a plastic bag so she could hold onto the Rilakkuma doll without it getting too wet. They trudged into the water until they were more than waist deep, she was scared, but he held onto her and told her he wasn't leaving her side. And they stayed there until CL smiled and said she wasn't scared anymore.

"Hyung, didn't you get in trouble for going into the water late at night once?" Key asked. He nodded, "That was you right?" He nodded again, making CL frown.

"Why can't I remember you? Everyone told me...that we were best friends, that I know all your secrets and you know all of mine. They said," she gulped, "they said I love you, and you love me. But...I can't remember anything about you." GD was probably turning as red as his hair, his fists clenched and his knees buckled at the words she said. Key and Zelo caught him and helped him sit on the floor, "G-Gwenchana?! Mianhae, I didn't mean-" 

She was interrupted by Minji who came forward with a glass of wine, "He'll be fine, CL. But, drink this. Tell me if you see anything." CL carefully put the glass to her lips and closed her eyes while downing it. Afterwards, she sighed in relief and smiled once again. "Do you like it?"

"I...can tell, this is my favorite. I drank this all the time with someone...with... Jiyong?" She questioned, "I see his face. And, I feel pain in my chest. Not something phyiscal. But emotionally..."

He knew it, that night, the night he told CL he was in love with Bom and they were drinking to celebrate the new year, "I told you I was in love with Park Bom that night." He said aloud, "I didn't know you loved me at the time."

"All my memories of you gone? That's absurd. Why only you?" Karma. That was the first thing he thought of. Karma came back to be a to him.

"Let's get rest. We'll figure this out in the morning." Minji declared and gestured for CL to lay down. They all walked out and left the confused CL to herself. GD checked the clock, it was already early in the morning. Christmas day... "GD, I'll be staying to help CL with her memory loss."

He nodded, "Neh. If you must." He left for his room and sighed. Officially, the worst Christmas ever.



CL woke up, with barely any sleep. But her mind was clouded with questions. Who was this GD guy? Did he really mean so much to her? Can she really trust him? She didn't know why she remembers everyone, except the one person that's supposed to mean the world to her. She sat up and looked around her room. The window was open, letting in enough light to let her see the room entirely. There was no question that with her wide open eyes, she wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. So, CL walked out of the house and made her way to the border. She even remembers her enemies, her enemies. Yet, she can't put her finger on GD. This must be the most tragic memory loss ever. The dark sky illuminated her face as she touched the border. She remember being locked up by Jay, but didn't remember how or when she got out. She knew her death was by blocking a bullet, but for who? "It's not safe to be out alone. Especially when I killed you once."

She looked up, her face grim, "I was just trying to figure out something Jay. I mean no harm."

He stepped closer, smiling faintly, "I guess the healing potion worked." Of course they knew about the sub potion, Daesung used it in battle and Ailee made that miraculous recovery on her back. 

CL shrugged, "Mostly..."

"What do you mean?"

"It, has side effects. One of them I guess, was memory loss. I can't remember someone who's supposed to mean everything to me." She saw that his eyes glistened. Did he actually enjoy her memory loss?

"GD?" He guessed.

"Even my enemies know he means so much to me. I had no idea who he was when I woke up. I felt so sorry for him." She pushed her hair behind her ears and remember the pain in his eyes when she asked him who he was. The pain grew into something more when she told him she couldn't remember him. His knees buckled and he looked so lost. Her heart started hurting when seeing him like that. Did she really effect him like that? 

"You wanna know something about GD?" She turned to look at Jay, her attention suddenly focusing on what he had to say, "You loved him. But he didn't know it, you loved him for eighteen years, he still didn't know it. He was blind, while you were hurting. To me, I congratulate you on your memory loss. I don't want to see you in any pain." And with that, he disappeared into dust and left her. Was that some way of saying that Jay liked her?

"Aw damn." She hissed and turned back to the house. She's had enough for one night.














A/N: Well...she's getting some idea on who GD is xP

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-TAIwin <3

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*cousin-in-law's funeral.


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 54: Yay for happy ending ☺
Chapter 54: Finally ^^ #thumbsUp !
I hope in the end SkyDragon & Darayang.
Chapter 46: #giveusKPOP
WHAT!? What happend!
Well good news i have BIGBANG songs on iTunes!
Chapter 3: It ends with Darayang i hope
Chapter 32: In the earlier chapters, I did think that CL was too strict with her pack and could have been a little bit more warm to the others; but in this chapter now that she has a new life, she has changed for the better and I like that. It adds more dimension to her character. And I should say, I love the twists and turns that you're doing with skydragon. Since I'm still halfway through I'm excited and expecting more surprises to come their way. I also love the fact that you added CL's fanboy Jay. You don't get a lot of that in skydragon fics.

Moreover, I love that this fic is Daemin. I think this couple is grossly overlooked in YG fics (I don't really like the Seungri-Minzy pairing and if I encounter them in fics that I read, I just skip them over). Daesung's character here is the best. He's so bad ! I hope he and Minzy end up together, their interactions here are so interesting.

And GD. I love the fact that his character is very genuine, he is very strong, but has his weaknesses. You can see how his values are tightly knitted to being the leader of the pack. I love the dynamics between his pack, and also that of the vampires, too. But I would think that there's too many people on each side, but then this is your story. Haha.

Oh and I love the Darayang interactions too! Although at this point Dara hasn't chosen yet. I'm not reading the previous comments for fear of spoilers. I do hope they get a happy ending with each other. Taeyang seems to really care for her, and did not hesitate to side with her when she revealed what she truly is. I mean, that's pure, unadulterated love right there! Right? :P

Okay so I think I wrote too much. Hope I didn't tire you with my ramblings. I love this fic.
Chapter 3: ㅋㅋ park bom love to tease yb doesn't she?
Chapter 2: Waaaa Dara, be careful~
Chapter 1: Ikr Chae, xD
Vampielicious #10
Chapter 37: Daragon!! I'm here because it's daragon.. I'm so sad.. Og my heart aches.. ;(