Chapter 24- Running Behind Schedule


GD has never ran so much at one time in his life. Seoul to Hwaseong is a long way to go. But never stopping, it's a good workout for him, but also it's causing his lungs to inflame within and his sides to ache. How long has it been since he's left his home? An hour? Two? He lost track of time after the ten minute mark. In his slight daze, he almost got hit by a truck when crossing the street. The driver swerved to his right and threw some curse words at him, causing the red wolf to growl and bark in return. GD shook off the feeling and kept running into the forests, slapping his paws into mud during the process. Where's the Family Pack again? He wondered to himself and looked around, slowing his pace down a bit and sniffing the ground. Ah, this is familiar. 

He continued walking down the path and looked for any recognizable features in the land. Some things made him know where he was. Dents in trees, paw prints and mixed scents of his family members and friends. Thinking he was close, GD shifted back into a human and walked on foot. He fluffed up his hair and started running forward, pushing back twigs and leaves. And he saw it. His home, white or brown houses close to one another, forming the shape of a square, about three houses in the center and five houses around them, around a flaming bonfire. GD quirked a small smile, he remembered the good memories near that bonfire when he and CL were kids. Them and the other young werewolves would camp out in its warmth. The eighteen year old stepped out and walked forward, searching for someone that might know where his best friend is. "Jiyong?" 

He turned towards the familiar voice and smiled, running forward, "Omma!" That caught the attention of everyone in the Family Pack. They all came over to greet him and noticed his tired nature. His parents made him sit down near the fire and catch his breath. 

"What are you doing here?"

"I...I'm looking for Chaerin." His father looked up towards CL's parents. They shrugged, signaling they didn't know where their daughter went off to. 

Mr. Lee stepped up, "I suspect she didn't go far though. When the kids all left she went the opposite direction, tired and a bit...upset about something. I don't think anyone could've managed to get what was on her mind out in . Besides you Jiyong. She went down there, and we haven't seen her since." He pointed down west, towards the beach.

"Gamsahapnida, I should be on my way to go find her. I'm really worried." GD said, bowing his goodbye to the elders and those of his upper yea, the elders and running across the homes of his Family Pack. He jumped down the small rocky ledge and his feet hit the soft white sand. In the gloomy light, it looked gray, and the waters seemed stormier than usual. He took off his shoes and set them down behind him, walking over towards the other side. He didn't see anything in sight. Not a single dot of color. Which made him a bit nervous. He spent huge amounts of time searching in the general area, maybe a mile or so out of range. She just wasn't here anymore. "What the hell?!" He cursed and kicked up sand, "Where is she?" He asked himself. So...did she already go home? "Aw damn!!" GD forced his shoes onto his feet and hurried back into the forest, running even faster than before to get home.



Dongwook watched as a new wolf appeared in sight. Light and tawny, bigger than the ones he was used to. He noticed the cold aura it carried and the strong muscles that bulged under its thumping body, its eyes were steady and cautious, glancing from tree to tree. He wrinkled his brows, Definitely a werewolf I've never experienced. Most werewolves he's met don't usually take pre-cautions, they're strong and powerful animals, but only masters of the species can concentrate in both phases. Which werewolf was this? The way it looked, he could tell it was a girl. Could it be that CL character his cousins keep saying is 'Seoul's Baddest Female' in both the mortal world and the monster world? Wait-why was he waiting?! Didn't the Pack leader love this girl? And isn't she the Pack's second-in-command? Talk about a major weakness. Dongwook leaped into action and ran for her, while she was close to the border. 

So close, but her ears pricked and she jumped, dodging him just in time to grab on a big branch and yank it off, throwing it at him. Dongwook got hit pretty badly in the stomach, but he recovered quickly. Tossing the log off his body, he charged again. But CL was ready for him. She slid against the forest floor and raked his stomach, adding an extra kick to his head. He felt dizzy for a mere second and shook it off. Damn, she was strong. Though, the vampire didn't give up on this opportunity. Quickly, what are his strengths? He heals much faster than her, he can kill her in a mere five seconds. But he needs her alive. He was faster-though stronger was a question. 

So he charged faster this time, and managed to grab her by the scruff and threw her against a tree. She yelped in pain and struggled to get up. This was his chance. Dongwook lunged and gave a few punches and kicks to CL's weak self and mentally congratulated himself for having such a plan. It didn't take long until the werewolf collapsed with exhaustion and was forced back into her human form. Give her props, she stayed conscious longer than anyone I've ever seen, he thought and looked her over for a moment before checking her pulse. She's alive. He picked her up dridal style and ran back to the others. "Seunghyun!!"

The Choi Clan leader stepped in the room, a bag of fresh blood in his hands. He was chugging some down and nearly choked it up at the sight, "WHOA? Dongwook what is this?!" He demanded.

"What is it Jagiya?" Bom came beside him and widened her eyes, "Is that CL?"

Dongwook nodded proudly, "Neh. I fought her at the border, it looked like she was returning."

"Why do you have her though?" The sudden attention brought all the vampires and their allies into the room. Dara and her brothers gaped their mouths open and shared a surprised glance.

"What's a better winning strategy than having a hostage? Who happens to be extremely close to the Pack leader and is also the second-in-command. Now come on, tell me that isn't a good plan." Dongwook smirked.

Kyung shrugged, "He's right. It's a good plan. If we start to lose the battle, we can always threaten to kill her." Jay quickly smacked his brother upside the head, making sure no one saw. Kyung hissed in pain, "Ow Hyung!"

"Shut up." Jay demanded and gritted his teeth. His brother rolled his eyes, but kept quiet. Dara sent both a glare, lingering at Jay. 

"Who wants to do the honors of that then?" Dongwook asked, carefully lifting up the unconscious girl. As if she were nothing but a meal.

Dara quickly quipped, "I think Jay should do it."

"Whoa-why me?!"

"Why not?" Sooyoung snapped, raising a brow. Jay gulped and forced back the anger for his sister. He knew that having a crush on this girl led to more battles and problems in the future. But killing her off-was that necessary for him? He had no choice but to agree to the plan.

"Fine. I'll do it." And he walked back outside, creating a suspicious atmosphere towards the magical. Where do their loyalties lay?

Thunder noticed the tension already and chuckled nervously, "Uh, mianhae. Our brother isn't really the 'killing' type."

Seunghyun nodded, "Well, we might not have to kill anyone. Make sure he's still ok. We should discuss this plan more."

"Where to put the prisoner?" Sulli asked, smiling to herself about her brother's accomplishment. 

Bom-who was still dazed that they were actually going through this plan-nodded her head upstairs, "There's...a cell up there. The stainless steel door with a key pad and lock. I'll make sure that Jay has access to it." Dongwook followed Bom up the steps while everyone smiled brightly about this new hope. However, a few weren't so sure if this would actually turn out right. And one person-just didn't want to do it at all. But how could he back out? When he has the most important part?














A/N: What does this mean?! Battle coming up...? And Jay...doesn't want to do it?

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-TAIwin <3

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*cousin-in-law's funeral.


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 54: Yay for happy ending ☺
Chapter 54: Finally ^^ #thumbsUp !
I hope in the end SkyDragon & Darayang.
Chapter 46: #giveusKPOP
WHAT!? What happend!
Well good news i have BIGBANG songs on iTunes!
Chapter 3: It ends with Darayang i hope
Chapter 32: In the earlier chapters, I did think that CL was too strict with her pack and could have been a little bit more warm to the others; but in this chapter now that she has a new life, she has changed for the better and I like that. It adds more dimension to her character. And I should say, I love the twists and turns that you're doing with skydragon. Since I'm still halfway through I'm excited and expecting more surprises to come their way. I also love the fact that you added CL's fanboy Jay. You don't get a lot of that in skydragon fics.

Moreover, I love that this fic is Daemin. I think this couple is grossly overlooked in YG fics (I don't really like the Seungri-Minzy pairing and if I encounter them in fics that I read, I just skip them over). Daesung's character here is the best. He's so bad ! I hope he and Minzy end up together, their interactions here are so interesting.

And GD. I love the fact that his character is very genuine, he is very strong, but has his weaknesses. You can see how his values are tightly knitted to being the leader of the pack. I love the dynamics between his pack, and also that of the vampires, too. But I would think that there's too many people on each side, but then this is your story. Haha.

Oh and I love the Darayang interactions too! Although at this point Dara hasn't chosen yet. I'm not reading the previous comments for fear of spoilers. I do hope they get a happy ending with each other. Taeyang seems to really care for her, and did not hesitate to side with her when she revealed what she truly is. I mean, that's pure, unadulterated love right there! Right? :P

Okay so I think I wrote too much. Hope I didn't tire you with my ramblings. I love this fic.
Chapter 3: ㅋㅋ park bom love to tease yb doesn't she?
Chapter 2: Waaaa Dara, be careful~
Chapter 1: Ikr Chae, xD
Vampielicious #10
Chapter 37: Daragon!! I'm here because it's daragon.. I'm so sad.. Og my heart aches.. ;(