Chapter 22- Solution Maybe?


Minji made Daesung lay Ailee down on the ground and took the bottle from his fingers gently. The blue liquid inside was still sparkly but its tone grew darker. The 100 won coin inside drifted along the bottom and flipped itself continuously. Minji looked up at the sky, making sure it was fully nightime. That's when the liquid is supposed to be used, or at its best time. The witch jiggled the vial and sighed at the body. She gently touched the scarring burn mark and frowned, "What the hell caused this?"

Daesung kneeled next to her and rubbed his hands together, "She and her best friend Eunji crossed borders and were found by Dara and her brothers. Dara shot her with some ball of electricity. Caused this burn to be the size of a basketball. Went down a bit due to some normal medication, but we couldn't find the healing werewolf potion in Jay and Thunder's collection."

Minji bit her lip, "That's because werewolf healing potions were banned to have for quite a while now. Those books you have might be out of date." Daesung's gaze fell and his fingers clenched up. So then...there was no way to heal her? "Yah, no frowny face. There are always loopholes in our laws. I made sure of that." They grinned. "Now why do you think I gave you this potion Daesung?" 

He shrugged then realization hit him, "You mean-?"


"-it heals werewolves?!" He hissed.

She nodded, "Not just heals wounds like this, it can bring back lost limbs and heal mental illnesses too. This can also bring people back from the dead. Long story short, if you're a werewolf with something needing to be healed, this can be the cure for anything."

Daesung's face showed that he was absolutely facinated in the witch's potion, but there was something that got in the way, "But...I read in the book that werewolf potions are gold. And if it's banned, why do you have some and where did you get it?"

Minji scoffed, "Jeez, so many questions," she popped the cork off the top, "but if you must know. I have one answer for all of your questions: I made this. It was kinda hard to get ingrediants and not be caught by anyone. But that's why its color is different and that's how I got it." She put a drop of the potion on her finger, "This is all you need for a wound likes this. However if it's something a bit more serious like a lost limb or death, a small gulp might be necessary. It all depends." Daesung nodded and watched as she touched the wound. The burn started to turn liquid blue, starting in the middle until it encased the whole thing. "Um..there are also some side effects that might occur."

He raised a brow, "Like what?"

Minji shrugged and counted them off, "Now, it's may. It's a huge possibility that none of these will happen. Person can experience a sore body for a few hours, a painful aching in whatever place may need healing but only for a second or two, rushes of high energy when wound is completely healed and minor memory loss. But most likely, that won't happen with Ailee here." They watched is the wound started healing itself as if turning back the clock. 

"How long would this take?"

"Again, it depends on the situation. Wounds like this and minor injuries can last about five to ten minutes. However, major things can last up to an hour." She looked to the anxious werewolf, "You have a lot of questions."

"I'm a curious person." He explained. They waited and just watched as Ailee's back became its normal skin color, leaving nothing behind, "Is she-?"

"DAMN MY BODY HURTS." The girl shrieked and groaned, struggling to sit up. Minji held onto her shoulders and helped her up. Ailee pressed her hand against her forehead and moaned in pain. She caught sight of Minji, "Aren't you Gong Minji?"

She nodded, "How do you feel Ailee?"

"...My body hurts!"

Minji looked to Daesung, "Like I said, side effect. The pain will last a few hours Ailee, your body is still adjusting to the other injuries that the potion healed. You need some rest, understood?" Ailee was too sore to argue, so she nodded wordlessly and let the two help her up into the house.

"Ailee?!" Eunji ran up to her best friend and sobbed as she hugged her. But Ailee, still being the sore person she is, fell back on the grass, pulling Eunji down with her, "Oof!" 

"OW!" Ailee whined, "Eunji, my body hurts, take me upstairs?" The older girl nodded and helped Ailee upstairs and set her down for bed.

GD watched them and looked to Minji, "How'd you do that?"

Minji tossed him the vial after stuffing the cork back in and placed a hand on her hip, "It's a substitute werewolf healing potion. Daesung can fill you in on its instructions and side effects. I have to go now, before my parents and brother find out that I left." She headed for the door and stopped, turning to face the Pack leader, "Oh and GD?" He looked to meet her eyes, "Aren't you glad Daesung didn't throw it away?" With a small smirk, she waved her hand and stepped back through the portal. 

GD patted Daesung's shoulder and smiled, "I am. Now, what did she mean by instructions and side effects? Oh and, substitute?"



The Pack stood up until the morning of the 23rd, studying things that were major in a witch/warlocks' fighting techniques and different uses of their wands and staffs. They also looked up some different vampire weakness, they could use all the information they could get. Everyone was also extremely attentive to the substitute werewolf potion and taking everything Daesung mentioned to memory. GD and his Pack were tired to the bone and needed another round of sleep. He and Jiho took turns sleeping on the bed or the floor, tonight was his turn to use the bed. And he was glad. "Ah Hyung, stop smiling like that." Jiho complained while brushing his teeth, "It's creepy."

"Mianhae. But I can't help it. I'm excited, we should be able to beat these vampires easily now." The red head jumped into bed and pulled the sheets over him.

Jiho spit in the sink and washed out his mouth, "Yea. But it's not fun with CL-noona in the fight." GD frowned at the memory, he had been so caught up in studying for this battle, he forgot the absence of his best friend. He felt guilty, how could he be so forgetful of her? "Hyung, don't beat herself up about her." Jiho said reassuringly and smiled. "Good bam!"

"Good bam.." Jiho turned off the lights and dove to the floor, making most of the blankets and pillows he had. It wasn't long until light snoring could be heard from the ground. But GD couldn't go to sleep now, a minute ago, he would've past out. But with CL on his mind he had the urge to know if she was ok and where she went off too. He couldn't handle a huge Pack by himself, and no one else could fit the job of his fierce friend. He specifically gave it to her for a reason. She was the most like him, she knew his styles and ways of thinking and he knew her's. Other than just recently. How long has she been gone now? Two or three days? He couldn't remember. But it felt like eternity without her. GD shifted in the bed, making something under the pillow crinkle and creak. He lifted his head up and grasped the smooth leather and pulled out the secret journal of CL. She shared this journal with no one, even he's never read it.

Might as well right now. After friends shouldn't hide things from each other. He opened it and randomly flipped through pages until a picture fell out on his stomach. GD picked it up and smiled. It was a picture of him and his HunChae during junior year..only a year ago. A word caught his eye, more like a name: Bom. He stopped and looked at the date: December 4, 2011. The day Bom had transferred to their school. Why is CL talking about Bom? He grew curious and read it:

November 4, 2011

A new girl came today, Park Bom. And I saw the face Jingyo-oppa gave her.. I couldn't believe it, he was falling in love with her. And it may seem like I'm over reacting, well I'm not. I feel so terrible tonight, I don't think I can sleep.

GD wrinkled his brows. Why would CL be feeling like that? He skipped a few weeks ahead.

December 2, 2011

Seunghyun fell for Park Bom too. Both him and Jingyo-oppa are in love with her. Why? I get Seunghyun, but why Jingyo-oppa? I don't understand. Can he really not be seeing the way I feel about him? Am I that hard to figure out that even my best friend can't realize I've been loving him since we were kids?

He widened his eyes. CL is in love with me?

December 17, 2012

Just when I thought Bom was enough and I could finally confess to Jingyo-oppa, a new girl came. Sandara Park. And she's exactly like Bom. Screw life.

December 19, 2012

Dara is a witch, well, in my eyes, I already knew that. Thank god Jingyo-oppa didn't defend her. But I can still tell he loves her. What does she have that I don't? I've been by his side since we were in diapers, I know him better than anyone, yet he still picks the human and the witch. Am I not good enough? Am I not his standards? Both girls are completely different from me, so does that mean he likes that type of girl? I guess I'm just not as exciting as a new girl in his life. I'm just the wasted best friend who would do anything to be the girl in his heart. I'm so pathetic to keep up these feelings for him.

GD noticed drops of liquid on this page. He bent down and touched it, it was crinkly but still there. Was she crying? He went to another and and the smell of alcohol laced in the air. She was always a stress drinker. "All this time..I've been such a and an without realizing it." He mumbled and closed the journal. CL loved him. But did he love her back? Didn't he love Dara? Dara was a rush in his life, but he's known her for only several days. Could he really say he loved her? "I love Dara." He checked his heart rate. Nothing. "I love HunChae, more than a friend..." his mind seemed to drift and he felt something tug at his heart as words just seemed to spill out of him, "I've always loved her, but I never really noticed it. The random heart thumps as we touched when we were kids, the holding hands in grade school, constant skin ship during middle school and taking things way farther in the past years. I never really knew what love was. But I guess to me, love was attraction with a rival who really did love that girl. My god-I love CL." He sat up and threw the blanket off and scrambled for his clothes. "Is it still ok to fix my mistakes? My eighteen years worth?" He kept wondering and praying and hoping CL was ok and that she could forgive him. "YAH! Jiho! Wake up!" GD grabbed the younger male by the shoulder and shook him until he woke up.

"Mmm?! Hyung! What?"

"Is CL still in Hwaseong?!" He asked urgently.

"Uh..I think soo..?" GD nodded and ran out, quickly followed by the still groggy teen who watched him run out the front door, making everyone jump, "Wait! HYUNG! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!"


Jiho processed what he said after a moment, "Why?"

GD ran out and looked back, "BECAUSE I LOVE HER." And with that he was gone.

Daesung scratched on the couch and grinned, "Took him long enough... He's sooo gonna get his kicked."















A/N: Substitute healing potion and GD finally realizes he loves CL. I say that this is a very successful chapter. -3- 

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-TAIwin <3

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*cousin-in-law's funeral.


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 54: Yay for happy ending ☺
Chapter 54: Finally ^^ #thumbsUp !
I hope in the end SkyDragon & Darayang.
Chapter 46: #giveusKPOP
WHAT!? What happend!
Well good news i have BIGBANG songs on iTunes!
Chapter 3: It ends with Darayang i hope
Chapter 32: In the earlier chapters, I did think that CL was too strict with her pack and could have been a little bit more warm to the others; but in this chapter now that she has a new life, she has changed for the better and I like that. It adds more dimension to her character. And I should say, I love the twists and turns that you're doing with skydragon. Since I'm still halfway through I'm excited and expecting more surprises to come their way. I also love the fact that you added CL's fanboy Jay. You don't get a lot of that in skydragon fics.

Moreover, I love that this fic is Daemin. I think this couple is grossly overlooked in YG fics (I don't really like the Seungri-Minzy pairing and if I encounter them in fics that I read, I just skip them over). Daesung's character here is the best. He's so bad ! I hope he and Minzy end up together, their interactions here are so interesting.

And GD. I love the fact that his character is very genuine, he is very strong, but has his weaknesses. You can see how his values are tightly knitted to being the leader of the pack. I love the dynamics between his pack, and also that of the vampires, too. But I would think that there's too many people on each side, but then this is your story. Haha.

Oh and I love the Darayang interactions too! Although at this point Dara hasn't chosen yet. I'm not reading the previous comments for fear of spoilers. I do hope they get a happy ending with each other. Taeyang seems to really care for her, and did not hesitate to side with her when she revealed what she truly is. I mean, that's pure, unadulterated love right there! Right? :P

Okay so I think I wrote too much. Hope I didn't tire you with my ramblings. I love this fic.
Chapter 3: ㅋㅋ park bom love to tease yb doesn't she?
Chapter 2: Waaaa Dara, be careful~
Chapter 1: Ikr Chae, xD
Vampielicious #10
Chapter 37: Daragon!! I'm here because it's daragon.. I'm so sad.. Og my heart aches.. ;(