01. Choosing what you review

It’s Time to Review Reviews!


The first step in reviewing is accepting your request.

This sounds so basic and redundant to even point out, but something as simple as accepting or declining the request is something that seems to need some attention in the reviewing behaviour I have seen on AFF.

To put it into one short and succinct statement: If you know you can’t review a particular story properly and fairly, don’t accept the request. It’s as simple as that.

I’ll use myself as an example. I don’t write ; never have and never will. I don’t read stories, either, unless the is only a small part present in a story that I’m already reading and enjoying. I have absolutely nothing against (well, maybe, when the writer is twelve years old and clearly has no idea how it all works, but that is not relevant right now), but I would decline reviewing any story that is primarily -centred. The reason is simple: I wouldn’t be able to review it accurately or give it a justifiable review. If I don’t even read , how will I be able to grade it properly? I haven’t the slightest clue on what’s considered “good ” (unless it’s ridiculously crappy and unrealistic), nor would I know if the in the particular story I’m reviewing is “original” or “creative”. I also wouldn’t be able to give the author any words of advice or improvement; how would I be able to do that if I’m an “outsider” to this genre myself?

Another possible case is if you have some particular, personal dislike towards a certain group or idol. In all honesty and sensibility, a reviewer really shouldn’t let something like this get in their way of accepting requests, but if you really believe you’re not going to be able to even endure reading the fic, let alone review it, or you have the feeling that you’ll end up docking unjustifiable marks in the characterization section because of your personal bias (yes, I’ve seen this happen, as insane as it sounds), I would advise that you simply reject the request. It simply wouldn’t be fair on the author of the story.

There is absolutely no rule dictating that you must accept every single request, and it wouldn’t necessarily be rude if you rejected a few (but don’t do it too much), as long as you approach the situation in the right way.

If you run or work at a review shop, maybe put the particular genres or idols that you don’t and can’t review (though only do this if you absolutely cannot review a story involving them). Inevitably, some may find it strange of you to specifically point them out, but at least they would have understood and acknowledged it. That way, your requesters get a heads-up and you don’t come off as unreasonable and irrationally selective when you reject certain stories, which may then appear as though it’s based on a personal level.

If you’re just a reviewer who accepts requests sent to you personally, like me, you can simply explain kindly to the requester that you do not think you are capable of providing them with an adequate and legitimate review. They should understand, so long as you’re friendly and nice about it. After all, you’re not doing anything wrong or being disrespectful in any way, as some reviewers assume when they guiltily reject a request. It’s better to simply decline the request than to end up disappointing them by giving them an incompetent review.

Another thing I’m going to point out is based on personal experience. Some more experienced reviewers may already know this (and possibly shake their heads at my slowness), but it is simply not possible or practical to review a story that is a series of one-shots. One-shots on their own are fine, but I once had to endure the challenge of reviewing a story that I only found out to be a series of one-shots after I had begun the review. It should be pretty self-explanatory as to why it is not practical: all the one-shots are literally separate stories with different characters, plots and purposes. Reviewing them as a whole does not seem like a logical thing to do, in my personal opinion, and since I made the mistake of not contacting the person and telling them that it was virtually not possible for me to review their series of one-shots as one, I ended up giving them an inadequate review which consisted of many “I can’t really mark this section accurately because they’re all different for every individual one-shot” explanations. For those who ask for reviews for stories that are comprised of separate one-shots… I suppose it would be more reasonable to suggest the reviewer to request one particular one-shot and not “the whole thing together at once”. If you’re desperate for a review for every single one of your one-shots, then ask for however many separate reviews you need for each one-shot. I’m not too sure, but to me, it seems that there really isn’t another way around it. However, if you know of a way that these series of one-shots can be reviewed, please do let me know in the comments; I’d be very interested in finding out.

In conclusion, be clear of what you are and are not capable of reviewing before you make the decision of accepting a story to review. And remember, it’s fine to reject a request – sometimes it may even be the better decision.

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Chapter 6: This is so freaking awesome and helpful- <3
Please update soon ;o;
Chapter 6: I really agreed with your (this) story
and it helps me a lot...
Please take care of it and continue ;A;
I have a question regarding deducting points: do you think it's right to give zero points just because the reviewer says it plainly ?
Because I once sent a request for a review and I got below 20 points out of 100 just because most of the sections which got graded 'plainly '. The reviewer also said word for word 'your plot maybe is original but it '.
Also is it right to use such words such as , hell, and other which are always used in this century?
Just want to hear your opinion because that one review for my fanfic was stuck in my head which deleted right afterwards.
shawolistic #4
Chapter 6: the section about the title was spot on! There have been numerous times when reviewers have just written "It is too long for a title" and skipped on to the next section not actually paying the sort of attention a title, especially the excessively long and the excessively short ones need. Old comedies and the early new comedies reveled in their long, ridiculous and farcical titles!
contrarily, I have met reviewers who are not fans of one-word titles. if anything, they are pretty anti one-word titles (obviously, not a healthy indulgence either. they believe such titles are too elusive.
Also a lot of author do resort to flowery words when it comes to titles to "grab attention". This practice is something which passively condoned by reviewers, readers and authors. So I really find it difficult to laugh at such titles because technically, they are trying to meet the criteria of a "good and acceptable" title (and failing miserably). I have had several reviewers politely and impolitely point out how a more flamboyant title could have done more justice to the "attractiveness" of a story.
As for symbols and emoticons, I have never seen one on the title of a novel however, we all know that the dynamics of novel writing do not apply to the fanfic world since the fanfic world is freer and more experimental only because of a lack of scrutiny. Having said that, I am intrigued by the prospect of using titles with symbols. Not just abusing symbols to attract more readers or to make a story "prettier" but to genuinely add on to the title. In such case, to establish the normative style of writing titles in such strict boundaries leaves little space for possibilities.
P.S- sorry for indulging in this commenting spree. AFF does have several good workshops some polite, some rude but all of them very informative but I like the fact that yours is so concise. It actually encourages me to finish a chapter and not be intimidated by the length.
shawolistic #5
Chapter 5: I genuinely can't rant enough about reviewers who deduct marks despite the story/section being "absolutely perfect". It has happened to me several times and each time I have avoided asking for a reason because I assumed if they had a reason to deduct my marks they would have mentioned it.
I think some reviewers feel that if they give full marks in sections that they deem important and consequently, allot higher total marks in, renders them as someone who is either very lenient or is not a "serious" reviewers. One of the popular stereotype on this site is that a "serious" stereotype is highly stingy with her marks which is okay as long as there is a justified reason for it. whether there is or not i'll never come to know because as you have mentioned they just do not write it down or even hint towards it!
shawolistic #6
Chapter 2: I am in two minds about this particular issue. While I am in complete agreement with your argument, I do feel that the fanfiction community especially that of AFF is more informal than any other community (for e.g. hpff) This informality persists because of the use of emoticons and abbreviations in reviews. What this sort of approach towards writing reviews does is that it often puts the author at ease. This is to be taken into account because AFF, unlike hpff, where stories are screened by admins and if deemed worthy, are published online, is all inclusive.
Since it is also a place for not-so-good writers to write stories and also get it reviewed maybe it is advisable to keep the reviews informal in such cases (?) Of course, choosing "such" cases questions the criteria of meritocracy on this site which is subject to doubt. however, my point is that if there are certain not-so-respectable transgressions in the realm of "professional reviewing", on this site in particular, then I think some of these transgressions can be forgiven simply because it helps make certain authors feel at ease. To put it simply, one can write a scathing review but mellow the effect a little with some random digressions, farces, abbreviations or emoticons.
Also, and this is just a doubt, if a review is published in an all accessible medium like the internet i.e, the review can't be made any more public than it already is then doesn't it give us the right to copy paste stuff from it as long as we credit the reviewers. We do that with articles, essays, journals, other genuinely professional reviews, then why not with the ones on AFF? :\
KrystalHana #7
Chapter 6: i am so grateful for this chapter! i've always been stuck at how to grade titles. do i grade them at first glance or after i finish the stories and such. but this really helped!
bless this chapter :D
Chapter 6: Agreeing with every point up there! I just face-palm every time I see stories with a whole lot of fancy symbols and weird fonts. I mean, it's fine for a shop to have those, but stories? You don't ever see books on shelves that have hearts and stars and fleur-de-lis symbols in their titles ><

Oh and there's another thing. I realised lots of people here like to use titles with foreign languages like Latin. I'm not saying it's a definite no-no, but really, some don't even fit the story's theme/ genre/ 'feel', which makes me wonder if they use those words just to look cool ~
Chapter 6: Amen to this.

Another point I'd like to raise though, is the use of overly flowery words. Sometimes I would scroll down an author's fanfics, and it would be chock-full of stories with complicated titles featuring English words even the dictionary doesn't actually realise the existence of. Like, wow people. This is not a vocabulary contest. Make some sense and stop trying too hard to impress people; let your writing speak for you rather than how mindblowingly complicated the title is.
As a reviewer who only started reviewing a month ago, I find this tutorial very helpful!
I have a question though: Is it okay if the total marks is over 100?
I made 125 the total marks because I felt like some criteria's needed more attention and I made the total marks for them higher than the rest.