Shine, our Aegi :)

Baby and Us

Kyungsoo is busy going around the kitchen to prepare for their dinner. He's been craving for his very own recipe he created, The Kimchi Spaghetti and decided to make it for their dinner. Jongin is getting busier lately and they didn't get to spend their time that much. After 2 years, Jongin managed to open his very own dance academy with Yixing. He could say they are quite financially stable now.

"Baby, do you miss Daddy? Um- no, Mommy misses him too." He rubbed his belly. Since Jongin wanted their baby to speak in english fluently, he decided to call themselves as Mommy and Daddy instead of Umma and Appa. His reason being 'I didn't get to do it when I was a baby. If I did, I must have been cooler than I am now.'

"Baby Byullie, I think we should start thinking of your names now. We should stop giving you nicknames. But Mommy loves your nickname, Byul. I want my precious baby to shine like a star. Hmm should I ask your daddy later? Seriously, mommy can't wait to know your gender tomorrow. If your daddy doesn't want to know, let him be." Kyungsoo rolled his eyes when he remembered Jongin saying that they should keep the baby's gender as a surprise. They even had a fight over this matter and Jongin childishly wouldn't give up even when Kyungsoo threw him out of their room. He willingly slept on the floor and the couch for a week. But Kyungsoo being the diva he is, he managed to show Jongin who is the boss. So obviously, he won the fight.

The sound of his phone ringing cut him off from his daily chat with his baby. Kyungsoo smiled when he saw the name of the caller and immediately answer it.

"Yeobo, what are you doing?" Jongin asked sweetly, but Kyungsoo still could sense the exhaustion in his voice.

"I'm cooking dinner. Where are you right now?"

"I'm on my way home. Why do you miss oppa so badly?" Jongin asked with a suggestive tone and Kyungsoo rolled his eyes though he couldn't see him.

"Seriously Jongin, stop it. That sounds so... ? Oh my god, I don't even know what to say." Kyungsoo said with an annoyed tone.

"Hey, you were the one who screamed Oppa out loud when we were--" "JONGIN STOP IT! YOU'RE EMBARASSING ME! I DON'T EVEN WANNA KNOW IT!" Jongin laughed loudly, he could imagine his boyfriend's face turns bright red and decided to stop so teasing his cute boyfriend. 

"Just come home quickly, you ! I'm hungry!" 

Jongin snorted and mumbled "When are you not hungry..." and he quickly cut Kyungsoo off when he was about to yell "Kay babe. By the way, your cute little is much more attractive than mine." Jongin laughed and immediately ended the call before Kyungsoo starts yelling.

On the other hand, Kyungsoo's face turned bright red after Jongin ended the call. He threw his phone away while mumbling something angrily. "Baby, why is your daddy so erted? Mommy is so gonna teach him a lesson tonight. Okay maybe not, since Mommy is too tired and I bet Daddy is too. Oh well, whatever. We should wait for him now." He set the table for both of them and watched Pororo (Jongin banned him from watching his lame soap dramas) while waiting for Jongin to arrive.





They're laying on their bed, with Jongin on Kyungsoo's lap non-stop kissing his tummy after their wonderful dinner, along with some teasing and smacking.

"Jongin, stop it. It's ticklish, and baby doesn't like it." Kyungsoo stop reading and hit Jongin lightly with it. Jongin pouted at him. "But why? I wanna shower baby with lots of kisses and love. I'm kissing baby okay, not you." He stucked out his tongue childishly at Kyungsoo but Kyungsoo just ignore him.

"Our Baby Byullie, how are you doing in there? Are you being a good child to Mommy? What? You are? That's my baby! Grow up healthily okay? Daddy will buy you a lot of toys and teddy bears, so you must come out fine and well okay? Daddy can't wait to see you! Oh and Mommy too." Jongin said and kissed Kyungsoo's tummy for the last time. Kyungsoo smiled at his cute affection for their baby.

"Kyungsoo, don't you think we should start think of some names for our Byullie?" He raised his head to look at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo nodded and ran his fingers through Jongin's hair softly.

"Do you have any ideas? But we don't even know if our Byullie is a girl or a boy yet?" Kyungsoo asked cutely.

"Hmm... if our baby is a girl, maybe we could stick to the name Byul. Like you said before, so our baby will shine like a star wherever she goes. Oh oh! How about Hanbyul?"

Kyungsoo tapped his chin lightly while pondering for a while. "Hanbyul? That's a nice name." He said. Jongin got up from his lap and faced him excitedly. "I know right? So that she would be the only one star that would shine the brightest among the stars. I'm a genius right?"

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at him. Jongin is always, and will always be, full of himself. "And I thought you want a baby boy. So that he could be as y, hot and manly like you." he said sarcastically. "Oh Kyungsoo, don't be so jealous. Not my fault that I was born to be a god. You should be thankful to have a y boyfriend like me."

"And a one at that, who got me pregnant." Kyungsoo added which earned him a cute pout from Jongin.

"But it doesn't really matter to me. I mean if our baby is a girl, then she would be so pretty and perfect like you. If he's a boy, then he would handsome like me." Jongin grinned. 

"Well if our baby is a boy... what about we name him... Myungsoo? That would be perfect since your surname is Kim then he could be the next Kim Myungsoo." Kyungsoo said with a dreamy look. 

Jongin looked at him weirdly. "You mean like Kim Myungsoo, the INFINITE Kim Myungsoo? Why should we name our baby after him? Soo Baby, are you thinking of another guy other than me?" Jongin gasped dramatically and faked a look of hurt.

"Come on babe, stop being a drama queen. I think it's a nice name, and it's even close to my name. The only difference would be the initial letter. Don't you think?"

"What about Kai? It has been a long time since you called me that. I don't mind giving baby my nickname. So he could be like Kai Junior or Kai the Second?" Kyungsoo made a face at his idea.

"Why should we name him after you? Kai Junior? God please, I hope our baby will be nothing like you. We definitely don't need another Kai in this world." 

"Meanie. I didn't know pregnancy could turn you into some naggy and sarcastic ahjumma."Jongin pouted. Suddenly his face lighted up brightly. "Since, you don't want the name Kai, maybe we could name him. JongOut? I mean like, I'm JongIn and my son is JongOut. Wouldn't that be awesome?" He asked.

Kyungsoo mentally facepalmed at Jongin's idea. Like seriously, how could a person think of such a horrible idea? "Are you serious Jongin? If you keep on giving our baby silly names, I'll make sure our baby's name will not have a single trace of you. Might as well use my family name, and not yours." Kyungsoo threatened. Okay, that really shut him up.

"What? It isn't that bad--" Jongin stopped talking when he saw Kyungsoo's death glare. He knew that glare all too well, that glare would make him end up sleeping on the floor tonight so he better stop before that happens.

"Fine, I'm sorry. I was just too excited to give our Byullie some names..." Jongin said quietly. Kyungsoo's face immediately soften and he felt guilty for being a meanie towards his boyfriend. He's glad to see that Jongin is excited to have their baby. And he should be thankful that Jongin loves their baby so much. Some of the moms in this world even had to abort their baby. But Jongin  accepted their baby happily even when they are not well prepared. He worked extra hard to open his own dance academy so that their family could live in a better condition. He couldn't ask for more. They are indeed the perfect family that everyone dreamed of.

Without him realizing, tears started to roll down his face. Jongin panicked when he saw his boyfriend started to cry and wiped the tears away. "Babe, you okay? Are you having one of your mood swings again? I'm sorry, okay?" he said and hugged Kyungsoo while patting his head softly. Kyungsoo buried his face on Jongin's chest, taking in his boyfriend's sweet scent.

"No, I'm sorry Jongin. I didn't mean to yell at you, I don't even know why but I just can't help it. I just can't control myself. I'm sorry for putting you through a hard time. I'm really thankful that you could put up with my s without complaining, and I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to.. I--" Kyungsoo didn't get to finish his words when Jongin placed his lips on his. Jongin kissed him softly and smiled when he pulled away. 

He placed a kiss on top of Kyungsoo's head and patted his back softly. "Hey, its okay. I understand. It's not like you really want to get mad all the time, it's the hormones. I'm not gonna lie, I did have a hard time. But it's nothing compared to yours. I'm the one who should be thankful. I knew you went through a lot more pain than me. I should thank you for bearing those hard times and being the mother to our baby. So stop being sorry, because I don't mind it all. Because I love you, and you know that. So now, stop crying. I prefer the naggy and diva Kyungsoo, not the crybaby Kyungsoo." He . And Kyungsoo chuckled softly.

"Now, that's my Baby Soo. Now it's time for bed, okay? We should continue thinking of the names after your appointment tomorrow." Jongin pushed him lightly and patted his head softly. Yes, to Jongin, Kyungsoo will forever be his favourite baby.

"I love you, Jongin." Kyungsoo whispered softly. Jongin smiled.

"I love you too, Kyungsoo. And our baby, Byullie.."




Sorry for the super late update. How is it this chapter? I wanna say thanks to the new subscribers and also thanks for the comments (:

So what do you guys think? are they going to have a baby boy or a baby girl? And yeah, I'm still thinking of the names for the baby. Do tell me your idea. And if you have the time don't forget to drop me a comment ;D

Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS EXO! They won the BEST NEW ASIAN ARTIST AWARD. This is even better than the Rookies award. Not only EXO-K won but EXO, our OT12 WON! 

so if any of you have twitter, do follow me @xiaoludeer

maybe we could fangirl together or something :D again, thanks a lot xx 

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Chapter 10: Aahh i can't wait for another update><
Dkdlti #2
Chapter 5: Hey..can you do the sequel for the s*x where jongin and kyungsoo making love with the chocolate???...arghhh
Wakermelon_bin #3
Just looking at the publication date excited hahaha.
yourdeer7 #4
Chapter 10: Aaahh I'm so impatient for the next chapter🤧I hope this fanfic had a next chap bcs I wanna know wth happen with chanbaek
Chapter 10: 2021 and I'm just gonna let u know that I'm still waiting sweetly .
chanlily2109 #6
Chapter 10: Hi I’m anticipating your update. ❤️
Chapter 10: I can't wait for the next update~~! <3
esther_noyel #8
Chapter 10: After 3 years... Still there readers like me reading your work... So if you can pls update and make it up to completion...

This kaisoo's is really good one...
Gracegesang #9
Chapter 10: Chapter 8: it would be nice if you wilk finish this fic. May you have the time and inspiration to finish this.
Chapter 10: Yesssss please!¡!