Taeil's Confession

Taeil's Secret

I was making lots of food. Taeil and I invited his parents and the rest of Block B for dinner. We were finally going to tell everything tonight. I was nervous, and Taeil was noticably so as well. We waited anxiously as 18:00 slowly got closer and closer.

When everyone finally arrived, I went into the kitchen and dragged Taeil with me.

"I changed my mind," I panicked. "I can't do this."

"Don't worry," Taeil said comfortingly. "It'll be alright." He ended that statement with a kiss.

When we were finally ready for dessert, Taeil filled our glasses and said he had an announcement to make.

"You all know mouse, here," he began.

My heart was pounding already.

"And I can see in your eyes that you have suspected something going on."

His parents' faces became very stern.

"Well, you're all right. We've been together for a while now."

I closed my eyes and put my head down.

No one said a word for a while.

I listened to my heart pounding in my ears, waiting for someone to get up and leave or to start shouting. No one did.

Then, somebody snickered. It was Zico.

I lifted my head to see everyone smiling, including Taeil, and watching my intently. Soon after, they all started laughing.

"What's going on?" I asked Taeil.

"Did he tell you that I told him men should be with women?" his mother said, still laughing.

"Did he tell you he might lose his friendship with us?" B-bomb added.

"Of course we know he's gay! He's our Taeil!" P.O burst out laughing again.

"He does this with all his boyfriends," Mr. Lee said, actually LAUGHING and SMILING.

I was dumbfounded.

"I'm really sorry mouse," Taeil confessed.

"Well, if they know..." I kind of began, right before grabbing Taeil and making out with him in front of them all.

I'd forgive him...someday.

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Chapter 8: OMG what a meanie!!!! I would slap him!!! And make out with him. But seriously smack him. LOL
Chapter 7: EWWWW morning breath kisses LOL
I feel so bad for the protagonist ='(
Chapter 5: WOW they're fast with their excuses =/
Chapter 4: Awwwww no... a secret boyfriend. That's cr@p =/
Chapter 3: Ooooh, BB Cream kiss, huh? LOL =D
Chapter 1: The guy on the poster with Taeil is pretty... who is he?!?
Chapter 8: XD what??!!!!taeil!!!!!!!!you you!!!!!why would you do that??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just loved this...so sad it is over....so sad....keep writing stories!!!!:)
Chapter 7: he is sooo brave!!!!!1he gonna tell!!!!!!!!!go taeil!!!!1confess!and it's okay for guys to like guys or girls to like girls!nothing wrong with that!!!!!!
Chapter 6: awww...dad seems very scary!
Chapter 4: haha block b such cant even start...aww sad taeil and you have to be secret lovers in a way....sad....but i loved the chap. :)