Our Other Non-Date

Taeil's Secret

I served Taeil's parents, Taeil, Jihoon and myself, then sat by Taeil and across his mother. She was really sweet, despite having a mother's notion that something was indeed going on between Taeil and me. I tried my best to avoid her questioning eyes and ambiguous questions.

"What have you been up to, baby?" Mrs. Lee asked.

"Just modeling at the fashion store," Taeil answered.

"Anything else?" she asked again.

"Not really..."

"Tell me about your friend here," she was really curious.

"There's not much to tell," Taeil quietly said.

I wanted to scream, "There's too much to tell!!" But how could I?

"I'm just a co-worker of his," I badly lied.

"Then what were you doing making dinner for him?" Taeil's father very seriously asked.

"It was just a friendly..." I began.

"And the couch ordeal?" he asked again.

"Dad, I slipped," Taeil pleaded.

Jihoon whispered something in Taeil's ear but got his foot stomped on. I wonder what he said?

Anyway, we made it through the evening...kind of. They said they would visit again.


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Chapter 8: OMG what a meanie!!!! I would slap him!!! And make out with him. But seriously smack him. LOL
Chapter 7: EWWWW morning breath kisses LOL
I feel so bad for the protagonist ='(
Chapter 5: WOW they're fast with their excuses =/
Chapter 4: Awwwww no... a secret boyfriend. That's cr@p =/
Chapter 3: Ooooh, BB Cream kiss, huh? LOL =D
Chapter 1: The guy on the poster with Taeil is pretty... who is he?!?
Chapter 8: XD what??!!!!taeil!!!!!!!!you you!!!!!why would you do that??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just loved this...so sad it is over....so sad....keep writing stories!!!!:)
Chapter 7: he is sooo brave!!!!!1he gonna tell!!!!!!!!!go taeil!!!!1confess!and it's okay for guys to like guys or girls to like girls!nothing wrong with that!!!!!!
Chapter 6: awww...dad seems very scary!
Chapter 4: haha block b such cant even start...aww sad taeil and you have to be secret lovers in a way....sad....but i loved the chap. :)