Goodbye Summer

I Still Think Of You (Old Title: The Other Side of the Forever Hidden)

Goodbye Summer- F(X) ft. D.O (EXO)

Even though you hurt me, I came to like you a second time.

And a third....

Not to forget a fourth....

Pathetic, right?

He didn't even know about those others.

I played it off cool and continued to scar myself by trying to push him towards his new crushes.

Someone like me shouldn't be shaken so easily.

The reason why I hate, but yet adore love.

You are weakened to the point that you are willing to give up your pride for the one you love.

You become soft and it makes it easier to get hurt.

Yet, you change for the better sometimes.

New things are learned and thought about more often.

Bitter sweet love.

I might not like L.Joe as much anymore, but he comes to mind way too often.

After affects of your first love.

I may have stopped talking to him, but I wonder more than anything.

Does he have a new girlfriend?

What if I meet him on the streets?

The thought makes my heart sink.

I can't let him see me again.

Funny, how you remember the bad memories as well as the best ones.

Falling in love is something that should have a caution lable.

Your symptoms and after affects definitely occur.

I love seeing couples on the street acting cute and lovey dovey, but I always somehow feel sad.

Not just because I'm alone, but because they too may go seperate ways in the end.

When I fell for L.Joe for the second time, I was trying to hook him up with my best friend.

The third time, with one of my distant friends.

The fourth, again with my best friend.

The memory hurts just as much as when it happened.

I hid behind my phone as I contacted the both of them.

The hidden scars hurt the most.

False hope.

Unshed tears.

Hidden emotions.

The summer I had to say goodbye to you, I was numbed.

I left with sadness and dread, but I could barely feel it anymore.

If only I liked someone else.

Not someone as cruel and forgetful.

As inhumane as this sounds, I wish I liked someone that would hurt as much as me if you had to leave each other.

They would feel extremely hurt.

At least I would know that they had feelings for me.

Not a person that seemed as nothing mattered.

I tried to throw out the cards, letters, and text messages we had together, but I can't let it drop.

I still have your number, but I'm sure that you deleted mine as soon as I left your sight.

Shoulders slumped, insecurities hit me like bullets.

I had a stage of sadness to anger to emptiness.

Love is nice to see, but no great to experience.

Shaky breath.

Half hearted smile.

Blank stare.

Cupid just had to shoot me and give me pain.

Unrequited love.

Love of a friend.

Friend zoned.

The crappiest feeling you'll ever feel alone with break up.

In a couple, everything looks perfect.

But, no one thinks about the girl/guy that is hurting because of that couple.

The number one reason why people like dramas.

You wish you could find someone like that.

Someone so amazing, but life doesn't work that way for all your love stories.

My Language Arts teacher asked for a six word memoir.

Fine, I'll say one.

Dried up eyes.

Bruised heart.


Nobody wants to hear something like that though.

Most don't want to hear about reality.

They want to live in a life with rainbows and fairy dust, but as soon as something heart breaking happens, that's when they wake up.

You don't have to dread over things to be reminded.

Your mind just does it for you.

The most powerful thing humans have; their mind.

It tortures us.

I have no more energy for something like love, yet.

Two years, but still no enthusiasm.

I guess it's not that I'm not ready, but rather I don't want to be ready to get hurt again.

To doubt and to regret.

I'm scared.

I changed to match L.Joe, but all in vain.

It wasn't enough.

He likes those out going, pretty, girly girls.

I don't match any of those.

But, I tried to.

Effort counts the most though, right?

No, wrong.

The outcome counts.

Effort was looked at in kindergarden.

Not in real life.

Why is it that I am never good enough for those I want?


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Mela_Suthriat #1
Chapter 9: WOOOHOOOOO!!!! THAT IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!!! CONGRATZ!! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! I KNOW YOU WORKED VERY HARD! You are so beautiful!!!! Good luck on your interview! <3<3<3<3<3<3
Chapter 9: Woohoo :D that's great! Good luck. Cant wait to see you around again on aff
Kpoplover9419 #4
Chapter 8: I can totally relate your story. Mine is somewhat like that. But mine was in rpw when I'm 13 and rich girl. Ikr
Chapter 8: I love it! This chapter makes me feel guilty too, we all have something to learn from this story! :-)
Chapter 7: You should rest more! Health is number one, and good luck with your study~
Chapter 7: Fighting!! Good luck on your studies, Unnie! But also be healthy. You sure don't want to kill yourself over your studies! ;)
Chapter 7: keep healthy! fighting ^^
Chapter 6: <33333 truly an heart-aching chapter. I just love the fine description. Unnie, good job!!
Kpoplover_621 #10
Chapter 6: Woahh this made me cryy :'( Waaaaa i really love this story