
I Still Think Of You (Old Title: The Other Side of the Forever Hidden)

Song that Matches My Mood: Easy- B2st


Nobody takes me seriously.

I'm just a joke to everyone.

It's like I'm invisible or I'm incapable of doing things.

Not even my family respects me in any matter.

They redicule me and my dreams.

My friends ignore me a lot now a days.

Of course, it's not on purpose, but still.....

I feel alone.

I like being by myself.

It's a lot more easier and I don't have to deal with anyone else.

My heart's at ease and I don't have to try to please everyone.

I remember telling my mother once,"When I grow up, I'm going to go to a collage somewhere far far away from you guys."

She just laughed and said okay.

Maybe this is why I want to be an idol.

Maybe I would feel less lonely.

There's bound to be at least a couple people that like you.

Later, some may turn their back on you, but others would stay.

They wouldn't discard you.

Right now, I'm a beat up mini van.

But hopefully, I'll be a sports car in the end.

Will that be possible?

Probably not.

Look at me trying to dream big.

I can't even persuade myself.

For now, I'm better off by myself.

It's dark outside of my window; 10:30 P.M.

I find myself look out into that darkness and staring at the single streetlight that's dying near my street.

When I first moved to this house many years ago, it was bright and glowing.

As time goes by, it gets darker and darker until it will die.

Funny......... It reminds me of me..........

When you close your eyes, what do you see?

Your goals or your fantasy world?

I see absolutely nothing.

Could I hold onto the last shred of my dream for a little more?

The thing I'm afraid of the most is.....

I don't really know.........

Maybe the fact that I can't get my dream?

That I'm incapable?

Of all the imperfections that I have..........

They will obviously bite back at me, even of the ones that I didn't cause.

It really hurts.

Nothing is ever easy.

Ther's always pain and only sometimes gain.



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Mela_Suthriat #1
Chapter 9: WOOOHOOOOO!!!! THAT IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!!! CONGRATZ!! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! I KNOW YOU WORKED VERY HARD! You are so beautiful!!!! Good luck on your interview! <3<3<3<3<3<3
Chapter 9: Woohoo :D that's great! Good luck. Cant wait to see you around again on aff
Kpoplover9419 #4
Chapter 8: I can totally relate your story. Mine is somewhat like that. But mine was in rpw when I'm 13 and rich girl. Ikr
Chapter 8: I love it! This chapter makes me feel guilty too, we all have something to learn from this story! :-)
Chapter 7: You should rest more! Health is number one, and good luck with your study~
Chapter 7: Fighting!! Good luck on your studies, Unnie! But also be healthy. You sure don't want to kill yourself over your studies! ;)
Chapter 7: keep healthy! fighting ^^
Chapter 6: <33333 truly an heart-aching chapter. I just love the fine description. Unnie, good job!!
Kpoplover_621 #10
Chapter 6: Woahh this made me cryy :'( Waaaaa i really love this story