
War for Kpop/Kpop Hyunters


Onew woke up and frowned at his surroundings. What happened to their dorm? Why was it so dirty and why were there other idols here? Then he remembered… Oh yeah…they got kidnapped by freakin Hyunters…

            How could one island country so small manage to kidnap all of them? He stretched and looked around. He heard a few whispered words from through a crack and his eyes widened. He looked around and no one was gone, yet. He quickly found his group members, safe (or as safe as one could get in enemy territory), and breathed a sigh of relief.

            He walked over and sat down next to a worried Minho. “Is everyone okay?” he whispered.

            “Ani, I don’t think Taemin’s cold is going to go away so easily.”

            The maknae gave a smile through his coughing. “I’m fine guys. Don’t worry about me.”

            Key made him lie back down. “Nope, you’re sick and you need to eat some of that medicine. Who knows how long we’re going to be here.” He looked around at the other sleeping idols. “The question is, are they even going to feed us?”

            Jonghyun frowned. “What we need to do is figure out a system for bathrooms, food, and also like elect a mini leader or something.”

            Minho looked up. “What about Onew?”

            Onew quickly backed away. “Um how about no. And also it should be one of the sunbaes that becomes the ‘leader’.”

            The door creaked open right behind them, causing Key to scream loudly and land in Jonghyun’s lap.

            The guard just smirked and handed them three boxes of cereal.

            Sungyeol, who had woken up at Key’s scream, walked over to them. “Is this breakfast?”

            “Nope, it’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Enjoy!” The door slammed shut, waking everyone else up.

            Onew stared at the boxes in his hands. “So, who want’s breakfast?”

            He looked at the serving size. If there were about 14 cups in each box, then that meant there were about 42 handfuls total…That wasn’t nearly enough for about 120 idols.

            Yonghwa nudged him. “Yah, just divide it up. We trust you.”

            Onew gave about 25 little cheerios to each person and the boxes were empty. “So if this is all we’re getting today, we should probably eat it throughout the day.”

            Mir raised his hand. “What about water?”

            “We’ll figure something out.”


            Doojoon groaned. Somehow the entire group had managed to form a giant circle going around the warehouse and everyone was terrified, but also bored out of their minds. Everyone was about what they missed, which was mostly kimchi and makeup.

            “You know what, I really don’t miss the fact that we missed one of those workout sessions.”

            Sunny laughed from across the room. “And also practices that start at 2 in the morning and go until midnight.”

            “What about our CEOs?” Dongwoo asked, causing groans.

            “Yep, they always have our best interests at heart,” muttered L.

            “I don’t miss our dorm. That place is seriously haunted” G.O. called out.

            Minho agreed. “I saw a ghost in ours once…”

            Minhyuk raised a hand. “What about 3 hour long concerts in the middle of the summer?”

            “Don’t forget chicken CFs.” Victoria grinned.

            Onew rolled his eyes. “We weren’t even allowed to eat the chicken, they like stuck toothpicks in it to make it not fall apart.”

            Krystal calmed Dubu down. “At least we aren’t in dance rehearsal with our maniac of a choreographer.”

            “Does anyone regret being an idol then?” Taeyeon asked quietly, but everyone heard her.

            “I don’t think so. I think it’s just a lot harder than I thought it would be. The fans make up for it though.” Hoya reasoned.

            “Yah, forget the scripted thing the CEO gave you. True feelings.” Said Changmin.

            “Okay, yes it’s hard but it’s still a lot of fun. And I have the best group members.” Woohyun slung an arm and Hoya as Sungjong cheered

            “Guys, do you think the fans can get us out?” Gain asked.

            “They could… Maybe…”

            The idols were a little unsure with their answers.

            Just then the doors opened again and the scary ahjusshi with the baseball bat came in again. “Okay all the girls line up and walk outside.”

            Yoona scooped her small handful of cereal, or the 15 pieces that remained, into Taemin’s hands. “Here you go Taemin, I wasn’t feeling hungry anyways. Feel better!”

            “But Noona—“ Taemin managed before Yoona was whisked out of the warehouse.

            Hyunsung blinked. “You don’t think they’re going to kill them, do you?”

            Eunhyuk tapped his head. “Yah babo, what’s wrong with you! They can’t just go and kill prisoners whenever they want to…”

            “But they’re hyunters.”

            Everyone shuddered as they remembered the terrible stories they had heard since they were little.

            A couple moments later, another man walked in. “I need everyone except for Key, Minho, Taemin, L, Sungjong, Hoya, Sungyeol, Dongwoo, Gikwang, Doojoon, Jinwoon, Lee Joon, G.O., Cheondung, Mir, Yonghwa, and Jungshin to line up at the door.”

            The members looked up in surprise. That was 6 groups that were going to be taken apart.

            Yoseob raised a hand. “So you’re saying we leave our group members here and you’re separating all of us? I think I’m cute enough to stay with them and not die, thank you very much.”

            Onew frowned. “Can you give us a few minutes to say goodbye?”

            The guard smirked. “What if I was just taking them to go get showers?”

            “Still five minutes?”

            “Fine. Hurry up though.”

            2am just rolled their eyes. Seulong patted Jinwoon’s head. “See you maknae. I guess we’ll be clean before you.”

            “Wait guys, what if you guys disappear and I’m all alone. Didn’t you promise that we would be together?”

            Jo Kwon smiled at him. “It’s okay Jinwoon, we’ll be back soon. But if we don’t, just remember to stay strong.”

            Changmin ruffled his hair. “You’re old enough to take care of yourself now.”


            Yonghwa and Jungshin looked enviously at Minhyuk and Jonghyun. “I guess we’ll see you soon then. Why do you think Onew said to give them a few minutes?”

            Yonghwa shrugged, but looked towards Shinee who was in a huddle. “I think something’s going to happen and Onew figured out what. But I guess we’ll see sooner or later.” He turned towards Jonghyun and Minhyuk. “See you guys soon!”



            L studied what was happening around them. “Guys something’s happening. I think we’re going to get split up soon.”

            Sunggyu shook his head. “We can’t be sent back already. They can’t have raised enough money for all of us already. Besides a lot of the visuals and popular members are staying here. If anything, they’re going to kill us off and then return you guys to South Korea.”

            Sungjong’s eyes widened. “What?”

            Woohyun shook his head. “Nothing’s going to happen to us Sungjong-ah. Gyu’s just kidding around. We’ll be back soon. But group hug just in case.”

            Sungyeol shuddered. “Why do you have to be so greasy?” But he joined in just the same.

            “But if something does happen, we’ll get back together again. Because we’re a family and we’re always going to stick together.” Dongwoo whispered just so the members could hear.



            Yoseob pouted. “I kind of wish I was staying… It seems like the safer option.”

            Doojoon shook his head. “Nope I think you guys are safer.”

            Hyunseung raised an eyebrow. “Wanna bet?”

            “I’ll bet a patbingsoo from that special bakery that Doojoon hyung and I are going to be in more trouble than all of you.” Kikwang stated.

            “Deal” Junhyung agreed. “Be right back.”



            Seungho was frowning the entire time. “I don’t like this. How come they’re splitting up groups?”

            G.O. just shrugged. “Just try and come back to us Yakuza.”

            Lee Joon nodded. “Yep, just get us back together again.”



            Onew pulled the others closer. “Guys Jonghyun and I will get you back.”

            Key frowned. “What are you talking about?”

            “I heard them talking about some ransoms being paid earlier this morning. And they probably got paid randomly because there is no way they would have left you guys over me.”

            Minho shook his head. “You never know hyung. Maybe they do like you guys better than us.”

            Jonghyun went over and hugged Key and Taemin. “So I guess this is goodbye then?”

            Onew gave a sad smile. “It’s only for now. We’ll get you guys back.” He joined in on the hug and Minho wrapped his arms around all of them.

            “Key, Minho, you guys have to really look after Taemin.”

            Key rolled his eyes despite the tears threatening to spill. “Don’t worry. And if you do get the choice of getting some of us out, just get Taemin.”

            The maknae just coughed, tears streaming down his face. “Don’t worry about me hyungs. Just try to get all of us back together again.”

            Jonghyun just hugged him tighter. “We promise.”



            “Okay enough with all the sentimental stuff. You guys are weird. Hurry up and get out of here.” The guard yelled.

            The door slammed shut and the warehouse was feeling very bare now.

            Key went over to a worried Jinwoon and gave him a hug. “It’s okay Jinwoon-a, we’ll just be a really big family now.”

            The others slowly came together and ended up in a bigger huddle. They stayed that way for the rest of the night.        



            Woohyun was the first to be dragged back onto the plane and see the rest of the idols as well. He turned to the nearest guard. “Wait, we’re going home?”

            “Yep, your ransom has been paid.”

            He grinned but the smile quickly faded away. “What about the others back in the warehouse like L and Sungjong?”

            “Oh they haven’t been paid for. I don’t really know what’s going to happen to them. I wonder if we’re allowed to kill them”

            Woohyun gulped. *Okay maybe this wasn’t such a happy ending after all…*

Hi guys! Happy belated Thanksgiving and happy black friday (which i consider a holiday itself) So about this shinee and infinite are turning out to be more main than the others and there's so many characters... i will keep the others but i think 2am and beast are going to have to take the backseat in this one...unless someone's reading this for them, in which case i'll write more of them...'s the story so far?

Thanks for reading guys!

- chocolate-notes :)


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Chapter 1: ;_; I love this
soonah #2
Chapter 11: PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH!!!!!!
Chapter 11: This update is awesome!
How could the CEOs be like that??!!
By the way, update soon!
Chapter 10: Good luck for your exams and remember to update soon.
D part abt d confusion of d idols' personalities was funny!
Foreversnsd01 #5
Chapter 2: I don`t understand ??? it is that they kidnapped SNSD AND INFINITE OR 2NE1 AND INFINITE??????
cnsdGirl #6
Chapter 10: LOL! It's her who got fool by Taemin's act! Merong!!!! :P
Geez! Banana? :/
Chapter 9: Taemin oppa! Why?! Don't worry! Shawols & Taemints (including me) will save you. Hwaiting!
Please update soon and don't kill any of the SHINee members!
Chapter 4: SHINee... Why, why, why?
And what's in the box???
Chapter 8: Killed characters off O.o well no I won't mind if it brings the plot forward lol but if it doesn't -.-'' well you know what people say-when you don't know what to do with them or simply can't do anything with your characters = you kill them off haha
But go ahead and do whatever you like ^~^ The Idols are still alive in .. the world of erm reality anyhow :))