Midnight: Shinee and CN Blue

War for Kpop/Kpop Hyunters


CN Blue was pulling another all-nighter, practicing their music when Yonghwa got the text message.

            “Hey guys, we have to meet manager hyung outside in like 10 minutes.”

            “Why? We were just getting to my solo!” Jungshin complained.

            Yonghwa ruffled his head. “Aigo, our poor Jungshin-i. No but seriously it’s like important or something.”

            He looked down to see the next text message. He dropped his guitar, which was barely saved by Jonghyun.

            “Yah Yonghwa, you can’t go breaking the instruments.”

            Minhyuk waved a hand in front of his leader. “Hyung, are you okay?”

            The cool leader of CN Blue’s mouth had dropped open and his eyes widened. “Guys, this is serious, we have to get out of here and manager is taking us to the main office.”

            He grabbed his jacket and ushered the others into the elevator.

            “Hyung, can’t you just explain what’s happened?”

            Yonghwa bit his lip and kept pressing the buttons. “All the idols are gone.”

            Jungshin frowned. “What do you mean?”

            They all disappeared. No one noticed anything but apparently Mblaq disappeared in the middle of their concert.”

            Jonghyun laughed. “How can they disappear in the middle of a concert?”

            “Apparently they did. Infinite was having a break day and 2NE1 got caught at a water park... but their managers can’t get in touch with them right now. Beast missed their practice and aren’t picking up their phones, 2am missed their fansigning, and SNSD has been off the map since this morning.”

            Minhyuk blinked. “Wait, all the idols disappeared today? And we just found out about it?”

            Yonghwa looked as the elevator counted down and kept looking at his text messages and the internet news. “We've been practicing all day...No one knows what happened. They’re all doing so many schedules that no one knows where anyone could be right now. Also, they think Super Junior went missing in Japan, 2pm are supposed to be in Thailand right now, and Big Bang is in the US. No one’s heard from TVXQ all day either.”

            Jungshin frowned. “They’re all gone?”

            “Apparently Big Bang is safe, they’re in the middle of some concert right now and security won’t even let anyone near them right now. But no one’s sure about the others.”

            “Are we going to get captured too?” Minhyuk whispered as they got to the ground floor.

            Yonghwa smirked. “I don’t think we’re popular enough for that. Besides, manager hyung is going to pick us up in like 2 minutes. He said he’s around the block.”

            Jonghyun grinned. “It might be fun to get kidnapped Minhyuk-a, you never know!”

            “Yah, be careful what you wish for.” Jungshin admonished.

            “Is anyone else still ‘alive’?”

            Yonghwa refreshed the page and nodded. “Besides the rookies, I think it’s just us and Shinee.”

            Minhyuk nodded gratefully. “Those guys are more popular and they have that rich SMent or something. They’ll get kidnapped before us.”

            Their car pulled up to the curb and Yonghwa opened the door. “Nothing’s going to happen to us.”

            Minhyuk bit his lip and shut the door behind him and asked their manager. “Hyung, do you know what’s going on?”

            The doors locked and the car was speeding down the highway.

            Jonghyun turned white and shrank back in his seat. “You know what, I take it back. Being kidnapped is not fun.”

            Yonghwa flopped down on top of Jungshin. *Aigo babo, I should have checked to see who was driving!*

            “Nope, they’re still there. I just checked with Onew myself! Yes I understand what’s going sir. I’m only a couple minutes away from the dorm right now.” Shinee’s manager hung up on the CEO, turned his phone off, and rubbed his temples. If all the groups, except for the rookies, were gone, what was going to happen? Shinee was the only one still here. Those kids better stay in the dorm, locked up, and not open the door for anyone or else…

            He parked his car on the sidewalk and ran up 2 flights of stairs to the Shinee dorm. He quickly pressed the buttons and hurried inside. Onew had said they were going to stay in the living room together in order to stay safe.

            The manager ran into the living room and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the huddled figures under their blankets. But when he the lights, they were just pillows stuffed under some blankets.

            He went and checked every single room and called the various members.

            He flipped open his phone to see that he missed a message, when he listened to it, his heart stopped. He groaned before calling the CEO. “Sir, we have a problem.”

            A few minutes before their manager came in.

            Onew frowned as he got off the phone and anxiously ate a piece of chicken. He piled a bunch of blankets in the living room and went to each of the members.

            It was close to midnight, but that wasn’t what he was worried about right now. Minho and Taemin were absorbed in that soccer video game again so he didn’t worry about them just yet.

            He opened Jonghyun’s door and dragged him out while he was still listening to the music they had to memorize by tomorrow.

            “Yah what are you doing! We have to learn all this by tomorrow! And it’s in English.”

            “Shut up and go get Key, we need a meeting.”

            Jonghyun’s sleepy eyes widened at that, Onew never said bad words, and went next door to grab Key.


            Key was sleeping, curled up in his blankets, while a fashion magazine lay open in his hands.

            Jonghyun grinned and scooped him up. “Come on Key, wake up Onew wants a meeting.”

            “I don’t wanna…” the diva muttered sleepily.

            He woke up when he was dropped on top of a pile of blankets and glared at the members. “Yah, I was enjoying my dream thank you very much.”

            “It was of me wasn’t in!” Jonghyun smirked.

            “Nope, it was of me,” Minho muttered barely looking up from the game.

            Key rolled his eyes and went back to sleep.

            Onew frowned and turned off the tv, sat on Key, and took away the headphones.

            “Hyung! I was going to score a goal!” Minho shouted.

            “Shh. I’m serious.” Onew turned off all the lights, locked the doors, and drew the curtains.

            Taemin sneezed and blinked. “What’s going on?”

            Their leader took a deep breath. “We’re sleeping here and together tonight.”

            “Why? Taemin’s sick and I don’t want to get sick before our next concert!”

            Onew did the same thing Yonghwa did and pulled out his tablet and scrolled through the news, talking along the way.

            “SNSD missing, all major boy bands missing, rookies holed up in CEO mansions, everyone’s been missing from this morning, afternoon, overseas, and CN Blue was just reported missing a few minutes ago.”

            Key snorted. “What? We would have heard about it before now if it happened like this.”

            “Well we didn’t. And we’re the only group that’s still in Seoul.”

            Minho’s eyes gleamed; he always loved challenges… except for the kind where everyone’s going to die. “So what’s the plan?”

            “Manager said to stay here and wait until he comes. Then he’s going to take us to the main building and we’re going to spend the night there.”

            Taemin coughed. “Wait everyone else is just…gone?”

            “Yep. So are we just staying here?”

            Minho frowned. “Are you sure you don’t want to go next door or something? That way they won’t know where we are.”          

            Jonghyun looked up. “Guys, I think we’re going to get caught no matter what we do. It says that 2am and Beast were last seen at a hair salon. If they disappeared there, and Mblaq in the middle of their concert, then this isn’t good.”

            Key took the tablet from him and scrolled down. “I agree with the dino, it says SNSD was taken from the SM building… and all the cameras had malfunctioned at the time.” He tilted his head and looked at s, the screen lighting up his face. “Wait, why are the idols in danger? We haven’t done anything wrong.”

            Minho was trying to calm down a terrified Taemin with a bottle of banana milk. “I don’t know, but they must be really good if they managed to get that many idols in 1 day.”

            Jonghyun got up and returned with a kitchen knife. “Well, at least we’re prepared.”

            “Jjong, it says that they found nun chucks at Infinite’s dorm and their rapper is a third dan. Do you really think a kitchen knife is going to help?”

            Jonghyun shrugged. “Maybe they were overpowered or something. Guns aren’t allowed in Korea, remember? Besides maybe everyone just went on a giant vacation and it’s all a secret camera.”

            Suddenly, something knocked on the door. Everyone froze and instinctively huddled together.

            A chuckle echoed in the quiet apartment. “They’re all still in their Sir. I heard them talking a minute ago.”

            “Is everything locked?”

            “Yes sir.”

            Key was cutting off all the circulation in Jonghyun and Onew’s arm, but neither of them really noticed at that point.

            “Just use that thing. We’ll get them on the plane to Hyunteria soon enough.”

            Onew froze and took out his phone as a clattering noise came from outside.

            He dialed a number, which was directed to voice mail but he didn’t have any time to waste.

            “Manager, we’re in trouble. So they’re going to do something to us and then we’re going to have to go on a plane. And… it’s Hyunters. Hurry up hyung!” he hung up and turned to s.

            “We’re going to be just fine, okay?”

            Taemin was crying. “Why are they taking us there?”

            Onew pushed down on the panic that was threatening to rise in his chest. “It’s okay Minnie, we’re going to see our friends in a little bit. Okay so Minho stick with Taemin and Jjong stick with Key.”

            “What about you Onew?”

            “I’ll be fine. Just make sure we all look out for each other, okay?”

            They all nodded when something came crashing through the window.

            It was a box that let out a long hiss, and that was the last thing any of the members remembered.

Just to clarify...they're being kidnapped by hyunteria/hyunters because nargoonians is stupid... so yeah... it's a made up country just keep that in mind!!!

so that was all our introductions and yay we can now kinda start the story...


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Chapter 1: ;_; I love this
soonah #2
Chapter 11: PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH!!!!!!
Chapter 11: This update is awesome!
How could the CEOs be like that??!!
By the way, update soon!
Chapter 10: Good luck for your exams and remember to update soon.
D part abt d confusion of d idols' personalities was funny!
Foreversnsd01 #5
Chapter 2: I don`t understand ??? it is that they kidnapped SNSD AND INFINITE OR 2NE1 AND INFINITE??????
cnsdGirl #6
Chapter 10: LOL! It's her who got fool by Taemin's act! Merong!!!! :P
Geez! Banana? :/
Chapter 9: Taemin oppa! Why?! Don't worry! Shawols & Taemints (including me) will save you. Hwaiting!
Please update soon and don't kill any of the SHINee members!
Chapter 4: SHINee... Why, why, why?
And what's in the box???
Chapter 8: Killed characters off O.o well no I won't mind if it brings the plot forward lol but if it doesn't -.-'' well you know what people say-when you don't know what to do with them or simply can't do anything with your characters = you kill them off haha
But go ahead and do whatever you like ^~^ The Idols are still alive in .. the world of erm reality anyhow :))