CEO meeting

War for Kpop/Kpop Hyunters


Sunggyu followed Woohyun into a large conference room that was usually used for discussing politics. Now it was where every idol and every CEO was. There were dozens of stars and very powerful people in that one hall.

            He sat in his reserved seat and looked at the folder in front of him. He was just about to open it when someone cleared their throat and dinged their water glass with a pen to gain attention.

            It was the minister of Korean entertainment (this is fiction…). He nodded his head to everyone and motioned for them to sit.

            “Good afternoon everyone and welcome to our newly returned idols.” He smiled at the younger generation in the room. They weren’t exactly smiling back. “Now I discussed the options with the CEOs and I believe they have come to a conclusion. Now if you don’t mind. I have to step out for a meeting with our president, but I’m sure the rest of you can finish the meeting without me. Goodbye!” he did a dignified run for the door and everyone could hear the click that followed.

            *note I’m pretty sure the CEOs aren’t going to be as follows…but again this is fiction so yeah…

            S.M.’s chair stood up and talked in a loud and clear voice. “Yes. Now first of all we are very glad that we managed to get you back. And we are very sorry for what happened to the others. In light of recent events and the public eye on this issue, we believe that it is only proper to do one thing. Please open the folders in front of you and sign where the lines are highlighted. Thank you for all of your hard work.”

            Sunggyu flipped his folder open and stared at what was inside and raised a hand before standing up. “Excuse me. This is a letter of resignation. Are you asking every single idol group in this room to disband?”

            YG’s CEO nodded. “Well except for Big Bang, all of you have been taken to Hyunteria and we do not know what might have happened to you there. For all we know, you could have been brainwashed and are here to kill us.”

            Sunggyu felt his hand shaking as he glared at what he had once considered a group of role models. “So first of all, we aren’t getting our friends back. Second of all, you’re disbanding all of us because you think we’re terrorists.”

            His own boss nodded. “That pretty much sums it up. You have to look at it realistically Sunggyu, the budgets don’t work. And if we leave the others behind, then that means we will get more anti-fans.”

            A loud thump was heard as a chair was overturned and the owner grabbed a random CEO, which happened to be Cube’s head.

            Jonghyun had grabbed the collar of the poor man’s suit and was yelling in his face. “You mean to tell me that we are never going to see Kibum, Taemin, or Minho ever again and we have to quit or jobs as well? Actually, no screw our jobs, we aren’t getting innocent people back? How do you sleep at night?”

            The CEO very meekly wiped his face of sweat and replied. “Don’t worry. There will still be kpop, we decided to have the rookie groups take on more songs and just advance the line of trainees.”

            Everyone turned to Exo, BAP, and the other huddled groups who launched into discussions within their respective groups.

            A CEO nodded. “Yes discuss the endless possibilities for your careers.” He pressed a button. “Could you please send some guards in to some of the young ones out?”

            A voice replied back through the speakers so that everyone heard. “I’m afraid we can’t send in any security sir. One of the officials said you had to work out your differences or something along that line.”

            Jo Kwon raised a hand. “So we aren’t getting our maknae back, three members from Shinee, pretty much all of MBLAQ, most of Infinite, half of CN Blue, and members from Beast?”

            “I’m very sorry for your loss,” One of the CEOs muttered as he sipped his water.”

           Onew frowned. "They aren't dead yet. And they won't be if you cut into your precious budgets to just save them."

            One CEO studied two people in particular. “Actually for Onew, Jonghyun and Sunggyu, Woohyun, we could make duets out of you guys. You were the main vocals of your respective groups and you could put all this pain into some song writing. It would easily sell 500,000 cds each.”

            Woohyun calmly poured his water all over the CEO, his cheerful smile overshadowed by his murderous. “Please sit down, sir. I have no interest in doing anything like that.”

            Leeteuk ran in, panting. He gave a charming smile at a random man. “So all of our hoobaes are pretty much doomed?”

            “Yes, but what are you doing out of the army?”

            “Oh I came to recruit.” And he punched the man in the face.

            That’s when things started going a little crazy.



            Amidst all the arguments, attempts at negotiations, and fights (yes there were some very high spirited idols in there), Baekhyun walked up to the center and tapped on a microphone to make it squeal and cause everyone to look at him.

            He gulped but took a deep breath as s stood behind him. He bowed and held several pieces of paper in his hand.

            “On behalf of Exo-K, Exo-M, we called them, BAP, B1A4, Block B, and other groups, we decline your offer of taking the place of the current main groups of the companies. First of all, they’re our sunbaes and friends. Second of all, we do not want to work for people who will drop us like that while they all call us ‘family’. ” He threw a folder at his own CEO. “Here are all of our resignations all signed on the lines and in order. Now if you’ll excuse us, we’ll go pack up our things now.”

            They jumped over the tables, groaning people on the floor, and quickly left the room.



            The CEOs looked shocked. They no longer had their rookie groups, the trainees still had at least a year of practice left, and they had just told their main groups to leave.

            “Wait how are we supposed to make money now?”

            A foot collided with his pot-belly and he fell to the floor.

            “I can’t believe there are people like you in the world.” Minhyuk bowed to them and gave his eye-smile as if nothing had happened. “Thank you for your work, but it isn’t needed right now.” He grabbed Jonghyun and left the room.

            One by one, the other groups left and Onew slung a bruised arm around Leetuek. “Hyung? Can we go into the army right now?”

            He chuckled. “There needs to be a war before they start taking young idols like you. By the way, everyone head over to the Olympic stadium. We’re doing an event.”

            Everyone blinked. Doojoon raised a hand. “Um why? And how did you do that?”

            Leeteuk shrugged. “I called in a few favors and tweeted my fans and also got a time slot in the 6:00 news. We’re going to hold a little concert.”

yay this chapter was fun to write (its kinda short so sorry!) AND i'm sure the ceo's aren't like that 99% and it's only to keep the plot moving so yeah :) hope you guys liked reading this!!! and thanks for subscribing and comments are always welcome! i want to know how i'm doing!!!

ahem so the next update may take a while...because it's exam season yipee hoorah (not) and its only for a couple weeks for last minute tests and exams and 2-3 hour concerts so don't ditch me jebal!!! i'll update as soon as possible!!!

Til then!

- chocolate-notes :)

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Chapter 1: ;_; I love this
soonah #2
Chapter 11: PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH!!!!!!
Chapter 11: This update is awesome!
How could the CEOs be like that??!!
By the way, update soon!
Chapter 10: Good luck for your exams and remember to update soon.
D part abt d confusion of d idols' personalities was funny!
Foreversnsd01 #5
Chapter 2: I don`t understand ??? it is that they kidnapped SNSD AND INFINITE OR 2NE1 AND INFINITE??????
cnsdGirl #6
Chapter 10: LOL! It's her who got fool by Taemin's act! Merong!!!! :P
Geez! Banana? :/
Chapter 9: Taemin oppa! Why?! Don't worry! Shawols & Taemints (including me) will save you. Hwaiting!
Please update soon and don't kill any of the SHINee members!
Chapter 4: SHINee... Why, why, why?
And what's in the box???
Chapter 8: Killed characters off O.o well no I won't mind if it brings the plot forward lol but if it doesn't -.-'' well you know what people say-when you don't know what to do with them or simply can't do anything with your characters = you kill them off haha
But go ahead and do whatever you like ^~^ The Idols are still alive in .. the world of erm reality anyhow :))