What Is the Drama?!?!

Why did you choose me? (Hiatus! Sorry)


Talking (Normal)         Thoughts (slanted)


*Kyoungneul's Pov*

"Neul!!!!!! " Kyoungmi screamed from the Kitchen table.

"WHAT! GOSH..!" Kyoungneul replied with a annoyed face.

"Uh,Why does our name both have "Kyoung" in it.

Why can't your name just be Kineul or Meneul?"

She said nervously waiting for him to answer.

"Why are you asking me!!??

ask eomeoni and abeoji!!! 

And i wouldn't really like my name to be Kineul or Meneul."

He replied with a wtf look.

"WHY NOT??!!

It's better then having the same beggining of the name like me..

RIGHT?"  Kyoungmi grinned.

"Because...Becausee..." He said

"Stop with the "Because" and answer..

Pretty Please With a Cherry On Top?"

She said wanting him to answer.

"It's because there is a guy in my class named Meneul and he acts totally gay...

No offense..I'm not trying to be mean but he admitted that he's gay....

So that's why" He said with a do you understand now look.

"ok i do,i do" Kyoungmi replied

"um,ok i'm done talking"  Kyoungmi skipped upstairs and into her room happily.

Wah,what's wrong with her?

She is sometime's so difficult to understand.

Serious then a happy smily look! WTF..

Then someone touched my shoulder.

Errr,what--what ---what was that!?

I turned around to see noone there.....

I acted Normal and turned back to the front seeing Kyoungmi in front of me shouting boo hurting my ears.

*ring ding dong - ring ding dong- ring ring ring ding dong*

"Is that your phone Kyoungmi??"

I said suprised that she had a SHINee ringtone.

"Um Yes.Hang on a momment..Let me get my phone..Alright?"

Kyounmi said looking at the name ID.

She then picked it up.

"Hello Manager Jaehwa! I see you called.What's the Problem.."  Kyoungmi said to the phone.

"Kyoungmi i forgot to give you the Timetable....

But you have to come to work today..

Your shooting a Drama.

And plus your the main lead!!"

Manager Said sounding like he was rushing through things.

"Um,Ok.. I'll nbe right there Neh?" She said

"Neh kyoungmi" He then hangup..

"Um,was that your manager?" I said to her.

"Neh" She Ran Upstairs.

I waited for her so i could drive her to sm block.

Just a special treat for her....

In ten minutes she came out wearing this....

with this type of shoes.

"uh! Why do i have to wear heels."

Kyoungmi said walking unnormal.

"ok lets get in the car,right?" I said heading for the front door.

When we got there i said goodbye and went home.

*Kyonugmi's Pov*

I waved Goodbye to my brother and entered the building to the floor i was told to go to.

When i entered there were only Camera men and Directors.

Plus Manager Jaehwa.

I went up to him and asked .

"So,who are the main lead" I asked.

"Every girl competes against eachother while the guys do the same" Manager said.

"WHAT??!!" I shouted.


Author's Note

Hello! I'm Here with another Chapter!

I hope you like this chapter and found it interesting!!!!

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ookool #1
love it so much
SHINeeKeyForever #2
I will as soon as something gets into my head :\
creatingfaith #3
good story!<br />
update soon =]
lol np np : ))
SHINeeKeyForever #6
yearhs before it wouldn't come out spaced out before now it works!<br />
Thank you for commenting btw.
nicee~ but space it out a bit more yea? : )
SHINeeKeyForever #8
Please read the foreword first. . . .