Lost in Summer Paradise

I smelled the sweet fragrant of the flowers as I closed my eyes. I was on my way to the Olympic Stadium to watch the showcase, my backpack hanging on my back and my camera that was slung around my neck. I hummed a familiar tune as I excitedly walked towards my destination. "I'm sure they will love these." I smiled as I looked at the flowers.

I reached my destination and alot of people were gathered outside. They haven't debut yet and they already have thousands of fans? Wow. I think I'll praise my brother when I see him. They were holding their banners to cheer for the boys and I know they're much excited as I am. I looked around, not knowing where to go. My phone suddenly rang as I fished it out from my bag. "Yeobeosayo?" I answered. "Hey, Jihyun! Where are you now?"  a deep-voice answered. "Chanyeol-ssi?" I asked as I tilted my head.

"Yea, your brother told me to call you." he said. "Oh, I see. I'm in front of the stadium right now, but I don't know where to go." I worriedly answered. "Oh! You can just go to the right side of the stadium and their accepting people with their backstage pass on." he stated. "Really? Thanks, Chanyeol-ssi." I smiled. "Okay, okay, Baekhyun was just worried for you that;s why he told me to call you." he chuckled. "Shut up, Chanyeol!" I could hear my brother shouting at him. I giggled at them, I felt sorry for Chanyeol-ssi who gets bullied by Baekhyun Oppa everytime. "Okay, Chanyeol-ssi, I'll hang up now. Thanks." I said as I ended the call.

I walked to the other side and I saw a entrance in there. Some people were going in and I followed them. When the security saw my backstage pass around my neck they just motioned me to go  in.I looked around like a lost little puppy, not knowing where to go. I don't even know where I am going. Where is their dressing room anyway? Aish. I tried to ask for some help but the people here were too kind to noticed me. I'm being sarcastic again. Sorry.

"The people are going inside right now. The boys should be prepare now." a guy said with a headphone on his head as he talked to the person at the other line and he passed by me drawing my attention to him. "Okay, okay, I'm heading to their dressing room right now." he said. Did God just heard my prayers? Thank you, Lord. I rushed towards him as I followed him. He's a lifesaver. I stopped when I saw him entered a room.

After a few minutes, he went out. I slowly walked towards the room's front door. It has a sign saying, "EXO's dressing room". "So, they're here?" I raised an eyebrow. My question was answered when I heard noises inside. "Yup, they're there." I knocked on their door and someone answered, "Come in." I slowly twisted the doorknob as I peeked inside.

I saw them running around the room. Some were looking for their clothes, some were getting their make-up done, some were practicing at the corner, and some were busy warming up their voices. "Can I come in?" I meekly asked. Their attention was all darten to me. "Oh, JiHyun, you made it." Suho said. "Come in." he said. I nodded as I walked inside. "I brought you guys some flowers." I said as I showed it to them. "Oh, they're beautiful." D.O said as he looked at it. "I'll just go and place it in there, why don't you go and take a seat." he said as he took the bouquet from me as I nodded.

I took a sit as I looked around the room. Everyone was busy and I can feel the they are nervous right now. I rested my hand on my knees as I unknowingly smiled. "We thought that you had hard time looking for us. Xiumin was going to look for you when you suddenly came." Kris said with his eyes closed while foundation was being applied. "Oh, well, I had a hard time looking for you guys, but good thing  I overheard a man going to your dressing room, so I followed him." I answered. "That's good then." he responded as I nodded. 

I noticed that Sehun and Luhan were practicing at the corner. I noticed how Sehun smile when he is with Luhan. So, that's how he smile, I rarely even see it. But he should smile more often, he suits him well. I was busy staring at them when the two were already looking at me. "Oh! Jihyun-ah!" Luhan called as he ran up towards me, leaving Sehun who suddenly frowned. I awkwardly waved to him, "Oh, Annyeong Luhan-ssi." He sat beside and I saw Sehun walking towards us with an annoyed expression. He sat opposite to us as he brought out a book.

"So, have you been to any concert or showcase?" Luhan excitedly asked. "Hmm. Aniya. Actually, this is my first." I honestly said. "Really?" his eyes widened as I nodded. "Well, this is your lucky day then." he smiled. "Hmm. It is, Luhan-ssi." I answered. "Eyyy~" he hissed. "Drop the formalities." he said. "But, I can't do that." I retorted. "Just call me Oppa." he smiled like a little kid. "Eh, how old are you anyway, Luhan ssi?" I curiously asked as I tilted my head. "Trust me, you don't wanna know." Baekhyun said as he sat next to me. "Why not?" I asked as I looked at him.

"You'll just giving yourself a headache after you find out his age. Do you want some?" Baekhyun asked as he handed me a bottled water. "Thanks." I said as I took it. "How old are you?" I asked as I turned around to look at Luhan. He was busy eating a bun with Xiumin. They look like little kids because they have crumbs on the faces. "Me?" he asked, as he doe eyes grew wider. "I'm 22." he plainly answered.

I suddenly spat the water that I was drinking when I heard his answer. 22? Is he serious? Baekhyun patted my back, "Are you okay?" he asked as I shook my head. "I think I'm having a headache already." I said "This is all your fault Luhan hyung." Baekhyun glared at him. Hyung? Mybrother even calls him hyung. "What? I just told her my age." he innocently said with his puffed cheeks. "What? You're 22?" I blurted. "You look like 18 or 16. Are you sure you're not kidding?" I asked as he shook his head like a little kid. "So, you better call me Oppa, okay?" he asked as I unknowingly nodded. "Yay! I did it, I was the first one to make her call someone Oppa." he cheered.

"Did you succeed in making her believe that you're 22?" Kris chuckled as he walked towards us. "YAH!" he shouted. "Can you say Luhan Oppa?" he begged. "What? I don't think--" I stopped when his sudden action surprised me. He was doing aegyo, or it was just natural. But I don't care, it was too hard to resist. I can't believe his 21. "Lu-luhan Oppa." I muttered. "Waaa. It so good hearing someone saying that." he had a satisfied smile on.

"If you're 21, then, you're the oldest?" I asked as he shook his head. "Aniya, there is someone older than me." he said. "Really? Who?" I asked as my eyes widened. "Do you really want to know? You might get another headache or something." he joked as he chuckled. "Aniya, I think I can handle it this time." I answered. "Are you sure?" he raised an eyebrow. "Nope, don't even try to answer him, Luhan hyung." Baekhyun warned. "But---" he pouted. "She'll soon find out." he said.

"But, Oppa, why not now?" I asked. "When the showcase is done you can ask more about us, okay?" he asked. "Okaayy~" I said as I pouted.

A few minutes, the boys were busy again with their own little world. I looked at the boy beside me and he was looking down. His legs trembled as he closed his eyes. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Oh, Jihyun." he muttered as I smiled. "Aniya, I'm feeling butterflies in my stomach. Will be up any minute now. What if I fail? What if I forget some dance moves?" he frantically said. "Yah! Just calm down." I blurted as he stopped.

"Do you want to know one of my methods whenever I go to my recital?" I asked as I smiled. "Recital? You play instruments?" he raised an eyebrow. "Yea, but forget about that. So, do you wanna know about it?" I asked changing the topic. "Sure." he answered. I slowly cupped his face and he suddenly flinched as I stared at his eyes. "When you're performing, imagine that you're the only one in the room and no one else. In that way, you wouldn't think to much about making a mistake." I said. "Did you get it?" I asked as he nodded.

"Tao ssi! Are you sick?" I worriedly asked. "W-wae?" he nervously asked. "You're very red right now." I said as I leaned in closer. "An-aniya. I'm fine." he said as he looked away. "Are you sure?" I asked as he nodded. "Arasso." I muttered. "Hey! You guys are up in 5 minutes." a man announced. They all stood up as they all went out one by one. "Tao ssi! Fighting!" I said as he nodded. "Fighting!" he smiled.

"Oppa!" I called when I saw my brother. "What?" he asked as he looked at me. "Are you nervous?" I teased. "Isn't it obvious?" he sneered. "Just remember what mom and dad always tell us whenever we perform." I said as I looked at him. He had a gentle smile on, "Hmm. I will." he said as he ruffled my hair. I stopped when I noticed a figure being left behind. I turned around and I saw him leaning on the wall with his head down. I slowly walked towards him.

"Sehun ssi!" I called. He didn't show any response but I know that he noticed my presence near him. I stood a few meters behind him as I leaned on the wall. "Is...everything okay?" I asked. "Are you worried about you singing?" I said as he sighed. "I heard about your lisp, but don't worry about it, don't make it as a hindrance to your singing." I stated as I faced him. "Everything will be okay." I slowly held his hand as he looked at me. I smiled as I gently tied a ribbon around his wrist. "My bestfriend always do this to me whenever I'm out of confidence."

After tying the ribbon around his wrist, I looked up at him and smiled, "Goodluck, Sehun ssi!" Then everything stopped in slow motion when...he SMILED. The guy who doesn't even know how to smile, the one who always have the straight face, the one who rarely smiles when he's just with Luhan, the guy whose walls are always up, just smiled.

At the time, I felt his walls just crumbled down. I wish the time could've stop. I wish I could capture this moment right now. I wish I could've capture his sweet, bright smile, but everything came back when his smile suddenly disappeared. "Sehun! Let's go!" Kris called. "I-I better go now." he said as he looked down. "Hmm." I nodded. "Goodluck, Sehun-ssi!" I smiled as he nodded. 

At this very moment, it was the time when he showed me the other side of himself

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Chapter 30: I'm crying ;___;....I'm nothing but emotions.....i made strange noises and i read all in one go....it's 3:44 am and i won't be able to sleep because of the emotions ;____;
romancefreaks #2
Chapter 30: WHY THE SAD ENDING? Y? T.T
What program do you use for that pic?
Chapter 29: she can´t die


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artsiedartsie #6
Chapter 9: whoa i thought it was Sehun
Chapter 4: Can't wait for the next chapter~!
Chapter 1: Annyeong ~! I listened :D I like the story already :D
Chapter 3: Who's the mysterious guy?
Update soon!