E i g h t

Falling in love with an angel.

YooJin Pov.

Counting back, It has been a while since I met Myungsoo, the cold hearted gangster. To be honest, that’s just really his appearance, the merciless Myungsoo, the Myungsoo that good girls should stay far away from. Those are just his appearance. He’s actually really sweet on the inside. Like a pineapple. Rough on the outside but sweet on the inside.

It has been a while since I came down to Earth. My angel powers have been growing as well. I can now make myself visible when I’m on the streets with him. I look like previous self, before I died. At times, I do forget. When with Myungsoo, I would forget that I’m an angel. Forget that I’m no longer a person in his world.

 I don’t know when it started. I no longer see Myungsoo as that ‘gangster boy’ anymore. I started seeing him as a guy. I don’t know when I started to feel butterflies in my stomach when I talked to him. I don’t know when I started to blush whenever he’s around. I don’t know when I started falling for him.

“Yah!” I heard a voice from the background. Too lost in my thoughts, I continued to stare forward. Until I felt something hard hit my forehead, someone flicking my forehead. My gaze immediately focused on the smiling face in front of me. A smile immediately appeared on my face.

“What?” I asked, looking at him, feeling my heart fluttering.

“Nothing.” He replied, sitting next to me.

“Do you want to go out then?” Myungsoo started.

I smiled and nodded. He pulled me up from my sitting position and we started walking out.


We both walked along the busy district of Apujeong. Somehow as we walked along, I felt the back of his hands brush against mine, I tensed up immediately. I felt heat rushing to my cheeks as it brushed against his once more.

My heart fluttered, once again, our hands brushed. My heart felt like it was going to burst at the rate it’s beating now. His hands kept on brushing against mine. My face felt hot. Was he doing this on purpose?

I glanced at Myungsoo, even though my brain was telling me it’s a bad idea. Instantly, I felt my heart skip a beat. He was laughing about something. Were we talking? He looked at me when he felt someone staring and our eyes met. Almost immediately, I turned, shifting my gaze to the ground in front of me.

As I was looking down, I accidentally bumped into someone, making me lose my balance. The disadvantage of being visible was that now, other people could now touch me. I fell back, closing my eyes, waiting for me to hit the floor, but a warm hand came out and grabbed on to mine and pulled me forward before I fell.

I looked at our hands. He was holding on to my hands tightly. His hands are bigger than mine.

“Sorry!” Myungsoo said to the guy that I had knocked into, and I snapped out of thoughts.

“Tch.” The other guy replied, giving me a glare before walking off.

I lowered my head, embarrassed, wishing I could just jump into a hole.

Myungsoo’s laughed, his laughter making my heart race once more.

I realized that his hand was still holding on to mine. He realized this too and he quickly let go, rubbing the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly.

“A-ah. Hey! That shop looks nice!” He quickly pointed to a random shop in front. Only realizing his mistake when he actually took a good look at the shop and what it was selling. It was a ladies' lingerie store. Heat rose to his cheeks, and he quickly stuttered , “ W-wait…”

I started laughing and dragged him down another path heading to another row of shops instead. Due to his mistake earlier, instead of walking next to me, he sped up and walked ahead.

I looked at his hands, I wanted to hold his hands again.

“Yah!” I quickly caught up to him and was walking side by side again.

I deliberately let the back of my hand brush against his while I looked at the other shops. I felt his eyes on me.

I did this again when he didn’t do anything.

“Aish,” I felt someone grabbed my hand tightly, “If you wanted me to hold your hand, just say so…”


Walking hand in hand along the busy district of Apujeong with Myungsoo.

YooJin.” A voice called out. It didn’t sound Myungsoo’s. I glanced up on instinct and my eyes immediately locked with a familiar face. Only now, his hair was brown and not blond anymore.

“Daehyun…” His name left my lips unconsciously. 


Ohmygosh. It has been really long since I updated this. So I hope you guys like it. >< 
It's kind of short though. Omg. I really can't write long chapters. 

And since now is my holidays, I've the time to update more frequently now! ^^ 

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WatashinoOrenji #1
Chapter 9: Gosh...this chapter make me even more excited. >.<
So that's why he broke up with her...i thought it was the other girl's fault Lol xD But if he really loved her then why didn't he just give up being idol and stay with her (I know i can't do that if i was him xD).
I enjoyed it! Thank you! :D
Tarantulax #2
Update sooonnnnn
Chapter 8: Hurry! Update! New reader by the way. ^________^
WatashinoOrenji #4
Chapter 8: Nooooo! Why did u stop there!!! T.T
I was waiting for this to happen lol
Omg im trembling right now...so excited for the next chapter! >.<
Update soon~ :D
anilim01 #5
Chapter 7: ok just a qusetion but on chapter 7 the flashback is he talking about another girl or that main girl who's an angel? Anyways update soon!
Chapter 6: UPDATEEE!!!
ailisu #7
Chapter 6: ;______________________;
you make me have so much tears
whyyyy D"""":
and omg myungsoo witnessed the whole thing!! O:
and hes unconsciously jealous of daehyun XDD
Chapter 6: Walao /: Why your plot so good de >: *jealousy*
WatashinoOrenji #9
Chapter 6: This is so sad~ T.T
So it was a girl who threatened him to do it and he didn't want to but he did and ended up like this.I wonder if all B.A.P members will be appear?
Update soon :D
Chapter 6: You gotta update this :D