T h r e e

Falling in love with an angel.


YooJin POV. 


   Where am I? Where is this place? This place seems so familiar like I have been here many times yet I can't remember any of it. I closed my eyes, trying to search my memories for anything related to this place. Yet, nothing comes to mind. Walking mindlessly down the busy street, I looked at the surroundings, giving everything a glance hopefully something would trigger memories about this place. 


As I walked, I could smell the aroma of coffee wafting through the air. Although I don’t like drinking coffee, it always made me feel better, I didn’t know why but coffee just had that effect on me. It came from a small café across the road. I immediately walked towards it. As if something was pulling me in that direction.


As I reached the glass doors, I instinctively went to push one of the glass doors. My hand just simply went through the door , I sighed, I forgot that I wasn’t human anymore. I simply just walked through. The café had small white tables ranging from square tables to circular ones. With it were small brown chairs. The atmosphere was relaxed.


 “Stop it. You’re making a scene.” A boy spoke through gritted teeth.


 “I-I’m sorry. But I- “A girl replied, trying not to let her tears slip down her face.


 “No buts.” The boy snapped, “We’re over.”


 “N-no. P-please.” The girl choked back a sob, her tears now flowing down her cheeks.


 “Don’t you cry,” The boy replied, finally noticing the stares by the customers, he quickly spoke,” stop it. You’re making a scene.”


With that, the boy quickly left , leaving the sobbing girl to her thoughts. The other customers had gone back to sipping their coffee and their chit-chat. I looked at the girl, furiously wiping away the tears that had fallen. She got up and left as well. Normally, I wouldn’t care about them. However, this scene felt so familiar… I felt inclined to follow the girl. So I went out of the store as well.


 Looking around the crowds I finally found the girl, a couple of heads in front of me. Being the angel I was, immediately slipped through the others like they were nothing. Now walking behind her. She was searching for someone. That boy perhaps? My thoughts were answered as she took off running, shoving a few people out of her way, ignoring the profanities spewed at her. I took off after her.


  She stopped abruptly, making me collide with her, no wait. Making me run past her.




  That sound made me stop in my tracks, now looking at the back of the boy. The same boy at the coffee shop. His blond hair stood out. Did he slap her? Passer-bys were stopping to see what was happening, curiosity was written on their face. Some were ‘enjoying’ the drama. Some just ignored the couple.


  “Why are you following me?” The boy spoke harshly.


  “Oppa, I-“ The girl was on the floor, her left hand cupping her left cheek.


I moved next to the girl, crouching down, so that I was the same level as her. I could see that her left cheek was red in between the gaps in her fingers.


  “What do you want?” The boy spoke again in an annoyed manner as if she was an annoyance to him, his eyes were cold and unforgiving.


  “Please. Give me another chance. Oppa I lo-“


  “Don’t say it. Don’t you cry here.” The boy spoke again, the coldness in his eyes gone. But in a flash, the coldness in the eyes were back again. He then continued,  “We broke up. Remember?”


“Please. No.” The girl sobbed. Tears rolling down her face.


What kind of guy is he? I turned to look , glaring at him, even though I knew he couldn’t see me. His blond hair fell just messily above his eyebrows. He had an accent that would make girls fall in love with him. His face looked familiar. Do I know him?


The boy sighed, then took off a ring from his index finger, throwing it on the busy road.


A couple ring? I glanced over at the girl, on her right hand was the exact same ring.


“We. Are. Over.” The boy spoke and turned to leave again.


Most of the passer-bys had walked off by then. None of them helped the girl, not wanting to get into any trouble.




The girl turned to the busy road , looking at the piece of metal getting run over, breaking into pieces. She naturally just crawled towards it. Not caring about the oncoming traffic. The ring was the only thing in her mind.


 When I saw the truck, I wanted to scream for her to get out. I wanted to drag her out. But my feet stood rooted to the ground and nothing came out when I opened my mouth. When the girl finally noticed the truck, she mouthed a small ‘oh’ , as if she’s resigning to her fate. Soon, she was a bloody mess on the road.


 Lying in a pool of her own blood, her forehead was bleeding, her right arm was bend in an unnatural manner, not to mention the numerous cuts on her body. Yet the girl managed to remain conscious. She stared at the idle clouds above. Her body was numb, she didn’t feel any pain from the injuries she suffered but the pain that was gnawing at her heart, killing her slowly. She continued staring at the clouds even when she heard the soft thuds of someone running towards her, clasping her hand tightly, saying “I’m sorry”. After that, her vision of the clouds faded to black.




 I shot up, opening my eyes instantly. The light that filled the room almost blinded me. I had to squint until my eyes finally adjusted. What just happened? Was it a dream? My head was throbbing, every sound seemed to be amplified.


“Oh! You’re awake!” A voice spoke from beside me.


Startled, I fell off the bed. I could feel the person running over, each step he took made my head pound more. My head still filled with images of the dream. That boy and that girl. Who were they?


 “You’re finally awake!” The person spoke, I recognized that voice. Myungsoo?


I nodded wearily.


Then walked over to the bathroom to wash up, hoping that water would wake my sleeping mind. I stopped in front of the mirror. There she was! That girl in my dreams. She’s staring right back at me. Something clicked in my head. That girl was me. Nam YooJin. That’s how I died… 


So... How's this chapter? >< gahh. There's someone else in the picture now~ 



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WatashinoOrenji #1
Chapter 9: Gosh...this chapter make me even more excited. >.<
So that's why he broke up with her...i thought it was the other girl's fault Lol xD But if he really loved her then why didn't he just give up being idol and stay with her (I know i can't do that if i was him xD).
I enjoyed it! Thank you! :D
Tarantulax #2
Update sooonnnnn
Chapter 8: Hurry! Update! New reader by the way. ^________^
WatashinoOrenji #4
Chapter 8: Nooooo! Why did u stop there!!! T.T
I was waiting for this to happen lol
Omg im trembling right now...so excited for the next chapter! >.<
Update soon~ :D
anilim01 #5
Chapter 7: ok just a qusetion but on chapter 7 the flashback is he talking about another girl or that main girl who's an angel? Anyways update soon!
Chapter 6: UPDATEEE!!!
ailisu #7
Chapter 6: ;______________________;
you make me have so much tears
whyyyy D"""":
and omg myungsoo witnessed the whole thing!! O:
and hes unconsciously jealous of daehyun XDD
Chapter 6: Walao /: Why your plot so good de >: *jealousy*
WatashinoOrenji #9
Chapter 6: This is so sad~ T.T
So it was a girl who threatened him to do it and he didn't want to but he did and ended up like this.I wonder if all B.A.P members will be appear?
Update soon :D
Chapter 6: You gotta update this :D