` ( ★ truth or dare ? ) announcements

` ( ★ truth or dare ? ) an exo-k apply fic — closed !
announcements ! 

101112 — hi all and thanks for patiently waiting. c:
to the applicants who aren't on the list yet, i'm putting it up now.
i've chosen a deadline & it will be this thursday 15 november 2012.
if you need an extension, please pm cheonstar and i will give you until sunday, which is 3 days extra.
however you must pm me before the deadline comes or your request will be ignored.
applications will close thursday 15 november 11:59pm aest ( utc+10 ). thanks for applying!
oh, & just a random note 
— there are lots of beautiful applications with the last name jung.
however both me & the co-authors' last names are jung.
it would be very strange to have a story with all ( or most ) of the characters named jung.
i'll be more likely to choose you if you choose a different last name, or change it.
love from cheonstar


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` ( ★ truth or dare ? ) closed ! deadline has come. applicants list updated as of 171112 !


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it's been forever c,:
can guys join? :DD
Chapter 5: hi! i applied for your fic. i'm blueiris891.
i just changed my username to -catalyst :)
callumhood #4
orz. you know what.
i'm not gonna apply,
too lazy ; n ;
omggg. apps are closed. c:
good luck in choosing the girls! o u o
from what i see in your comments about
the app forms, there are a lot of
great apps that were sent in. gah.
the tension. lmao. /slapped.
hwaiting! ♡
Chapter 5: It's already closed... ^o^ good luck to everybody and fighting to the authors~! :)
Chapter 5: It's closed!! Yay!! XD
I hope you lots of luck with choosing the girls! ^-^
You can do it author-nims!!
Boyfriendsujusnsd9 #8
Chapter 2: I have already edited my application author-nim!^^
Chapter 5: good luck in choosing your applicants! they're so many great choices! >///< go for it author-nims! Hwaiting! :D
imveryloser #10
i can't wait to see who is chosen ♡
hwaiting, authors! c: