
From Girl to Guy








Now Yuri does not only need to worry about her sudden gender-bender transformation, but also about her eardrums suffering under the ice princess' wild scream. She knew that her closest bestfriend for the past numerous years of her life is shocked to see someone like her standing inside the bathroom.

"Who are you?!" Jessica, who was still asleep earlier, had now her eyes fully open as if she was going to let her eyeballs escape from its sockets. She looked tired but also terribly enraged, raising a hand to slap Yuri across the face.

But with Yuri having fast reflexes, she managed to grab the older girl's wrist to stop her from doing anything any further. Jessica stared at her wide-eyed and tried to hit Yuri with her other hand, but the tan guy managed to hold her other wrist down.

"L-Let go off me! ert!!" She squirmed and tried her best to release herself from Yuri's tight grip. But her best wasn't good enough. Yuri is known for being one of the strongest members and now that she's turned into a buff guy it only gave her more strength.

"Jessica! Calm down!" Yuri now managed to talk after a while of watching Jessica squirm. "Just listen to me! Please!"

Jessica gasped. "H-How do you know my name?!" But then she scoffed and rolled her eyes once she remembered she was SNSD's JESSICA JUNG. Who wouldn't know her right?

"Let me go you bastard!!" She gritted at him, and since she cannot free her hands from his grip, then why not use the other parts of her body to hit him?


The ice princess smiled triumphantly at herself as she witnessed Yuri bending down on his knees and grabbing onto his member. Jessica had used her knee to jab him on his crotch, giving Yuri a wave of pain that she's never experienced feeling before.

"Oh god!!" Yuri was already lying on the tiled floor, holding on tightly to her poor treasure. It was kind of disgusting for her to be touching it, but it was hers and what she received from Jessica was a lot of pain.

"Hmph. That's what you get for entering our dorm you wreckless ert of a jerk! Wait till I call the cops!" Hearing Jessica's threat, Yuri's whole body tensed. Everything was going worse and now her own bestfriend whom she loved is going to call the cops on her. Yuri can accept herself turning into a man but she will never let herself end up behind the bars.


But too bad, Yuri can barely make a move due to the pain in between her thighs.






"Guys! Guys! Guys!!"

Jessica's voice echoed across the whole dorm. The rest of the girls who were watching an early morning tv show at the living room snapped their heads towards the approaching sergeant who looked a whole lot terrified. 

"What's the matter?" Sooyoung questioned. "You look flustered."

"Yeah, and she woke up early too." Yoona added with an expression of disbelief written all over her face. The other girls laughed at the second maknae's word of truth but once Jessica's signature icy glare laid upon them, the living room had suddenly turned silent. 

"I know this is hard to believe but there is a guy inside the bathroom." 

"Come again?" Hyoyeon almost gagged. 

"Unnie I think you just said that there's a guy at the bathroom." Seohyun knitted her eyebrows questioningly at the second eldest, thinking that she's probably still asleep.

Jessica rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm not kidding! You have got to believe me. There really is a namja inside our bathroom!" 

Hyoyeon sighed and walked over to where Jessica was standing. She then placed a hand over Jessica's forehead to check if the girl has a fever. She looked perfectly fine except for the worried spark inside her eyes. Hyoyeon noticed it and turned towards the other members with a serious look on her face.

"Hey, Jessica seems serious. She seldoms lie so I guess we should check it out." She motioned for Sooyoung and Yoona to come with her, only to be stopped by Tiffany who grabbed onto the dancing queen's wrist.

"What if she and Yuri are playing a prank on us again?" Tiffany sent a doubtful look towards her fellow American's way. "You know how much Jessica tolerates her girlfriends playful acts."

Jessica stomped her foot against the floor. "I told you, I am not joking! There really is a man inside the bathroom and I demand you to see it yourself!" She then paused to give a sharp glare to Tiffany in return. "And for the hundredth time, Yuri is not my girlfriend."

While the two Californian women had their small debate, Hyoyeon, Sooyoung and Yoona decided to check the bathroom to see if Jessica really was telling them the truth. But once they arrived at there, the bathroom was completely empty except for the piece of shirt that Sooyoung knew Yuri owned. 

"Hey, this is Yuri's shirt right?" Sooyoung grabbed the piece of clothing. "What's it doing in here?"

"Aish, I already told her how to keep things cleen and orderly." Hyoyeon muttered under her breath as she slowly shook her head. 

Yoona sighed and rolled her eyes. "Told you Sica unnie was messing with us. I see no man around here."

The three got back in the living room with blank faces. Jessica was hoping for a positive outcome but instantly went red in shame after hearing Hyoyeon's remark. 

"Jessica, I'd no idea what's going on inside your head but I assure you that we saw no single soul inside that bathroom." Hyoyeon explained as she dropped herself lazily on the couch. "You must have been daydreaming again."

"Yeah or maybe there are ghosts lurking around the dorm." Sunny muttered with sarcasm, but Jessica did not even pay her any attention. 

Jessica knitted her eyebrows into a confused frown. "Y-You don't understand! There really was a guy in there! I swear to death I really saw him! He even held my wrists and I kicked his !"

"Unnie!" Seohyun scolded once she heard the unnecessary word.

"I really saw someone in there! Why won't any of you believe me?!" Jessica was on the verge of fuming, tears gathering up in the corners of her eyes. She was just worried that a thief or a wrongdoer had entered their place and that person might hurt any of them. 

All the other girls began yelling and everything was becoming noisy. But all of the talking had came to a stop once they heard a sudden noise coming from the bedroom which Taeyeon and Sunny shared together.

The girls locked eyes with one another and it just came into them that they are not complete.

Where is Taeyeon and Yuri?






Yuri's knees were wobbling as she managed to sneak out of the bathroom and quickly made her way towards the room where the group's leader always stayed. She knew perfectly well that there is one person and only one person whom she could ask for help.

And it was Kim Taeyeon.

Being SNSD's leader, Taeyeon has a strong sense of wit and intellectual skills. She has this motherly actions that always made the other members feel that their group is being lead by a great leader like her. Yuri knew that even if she's at this state, Taeyeon would be the only person who'd believe her and would try to understand her.

We've been best buds for so many years.

Seeing a figure on the bed, Yuri made her way towards it, not knowing what was coming for her. The body was fully covered with a thick comforter. Yuri bit her lip and hesitated on waking up the peaceful sleeping leader, but had no choice. She cannot let herself take this matters into her own hands.

"T-Taeyeon-ah." Yuri just let her normal male voice come out. It's not like it made any difference when she tried to sound like a girl.

"Taeyeon." Yuri began removing the covers, only to be surprised to see someone looking somewhat just like her.



"You're a--"


They stared at each other in complete shock. Both of them not uttering a single word. Yuri was already surprised when she saw herself as a man, but it even surprised her more after seeing the almighty Kim Taeyeon as a handsome young lad.

All of a sudden Yuri bursted out laughing. 

She was laughing so hard that she ended up rolling on the floor. She even forgot about the pain in her crotch and now Taeyeon was watching her own member go insane while laughing endlessly. She then scratched her ruffled her and ordered Yuri to stop.

"Yah! This isn't funny at all!" Taeyeon exclaimed with puffed cheeks. She grabbed a pillow and quickly threw it towards the younger one, hitting Yuri right at her face.

"Yeah it is!" Yuri remarked as she finally got up but was still holding onto her stomach for her laughing support. "You still look like a kid! A kid with muscles to be exact!"

The kid leader could not help but to roll her eyes at the other girl's childishness. She can't believe Yuri could still laugh after everything that is happening to them. She then got up from the bed in order to give Yuri a good spank on the back of her head.

"Get yourself straight!" Taeyeon hissed. "You shouldn't be laughing. Look at ourselves!"

Yuri stopped laughing and was giving Taeyeon an amused look. "Woah, can you actually believe it? I thought I was the only one but my worries lessened when I realized that you're a victim too."

"How about the other girls? Did they notice anything different?" 

"I don't think so. But Jessica did saw me at the bathroom and attempted to murder me right there and then." Yuri sighed exasperatingly, burying her face into the palms of her hand. "She didn't recognize me and is probably going to call the cops."

"The cops?!" Taeyeon bellowed. She raked her hands through her brown hair, feeling even more frustrated than ever. "We have to do something."

"But how? We can't just escape from this place. There are seven girls out there, we don't stand a chance against them." Yuri stated with a frown.

Taeyeon placed a finger on her chin. "Maybe we should approach them and try to tell them what's happening to us."

The younger guy widened her eyes and grabbed both of the shorter guy's shoulders beore giving it a violent shake. "Are you insane? Do you think they would even believe us? After witnessing Jessica's reaction earlier, I don't think we'll get out of here alive."

Silence fell around the bedroom. 

Yuri was getting worried with each minute that passed by. She kept on biting on her nails andis occassionally stealing glances at the leader who was pacing back and forth in front of her. Taeyeon on the other hand, was trying to think of a way to solve their huge problem.

"Do you think we should jump off the window?" Yuri suggested as her eye caught the small window at the corner of the room. 

"Are you crazy? Our dorm is located at the fifteenth floor of this building!" Taeyeon exclaimed with a look of disbelief. Seriously, Yuri cannot think of any better idea.

Taeyeon promped herself down on the bed besides Yuri. "You know what, I think the only hing we could do is to just confront the girls and tell them the truth." She looked at the younger one with confidence and faith in her eyes. "If they really are our friends, then they'll know that it's us right?"

Yuri hesitated for a while but she finally nodded her head in agreement. She knew that the older girl was right and that there is no any other way for them to fix this. Not without the help of the other seven.

but...will the other girls really believe them? 

"Let's go Yuri-ah." Taeyeon got up to her feet and started dragging the other one towards the door. 










A/N: Ooookay, so many of you are requesting Soo, Yoong, and Hyo to be turned into guys. LOL I guess YulTae's not enough for you huh? :DD

Anyways, I'll think about your requests. But I'll only choose one or two from those three. It's either Im choding, the dancing queen, or the shikshin. Take your pick. :P

Enjoy the flow of the story! :)))) Comments are loved, subcriptions are appreciated! Kamsahanmida~!! 















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Shaun_Luke123 #1
Chapter 5: Author-nim why aren't you updating its been idk, 6 years? Please complete this story ??
Chapter 5: Author nim where are you? It's been 5 years/? ...I really like this story,,,, please update and finish it for us please?
HungryDog #3
Chapter 5: Update soon
kryberforevertogethe #4
Update soon author. I want to read the next chapter!!! :)
Chapter 5: wow..just wow...
hope u update..
dingkay09 #6
Chapter 5: update soon please!!!!!!
Chapter 3: Please update T_T
diansone #8
update soon please :(