Sixth Entry Part 1: Day 1 in Singapore

Jeon Hyosung's Diary. Touch It and You're Dead.

Dear Diary,

You know what's awesome? 

Well yeah, aside from chocolates and ice cream... .___.

The fact that BAP debuted successfully on Music Bank woohoo! /throws confetti;

My girls and I watched it on TV and we were all amazed. Our hoobaes performed beautifully we can't help but cheer although we know they're on the other side of Seoul and won't be able to hear us. We're happy with the reaction they garnered from the audience, which was pretty loud hell yeah!

And so that night, we celebrated by eating out. Our sajangnim promised he'd pay for us so neither of us held back. We ate a lot, diary. >:D


They followed on a series of promotions on different music shows and guess what? Last March 23, we went to Singapore for a joint fan meeting! (This is one of the reasons why I missed a few entries here too... I left my diary here in the dorm to prevent unwanted circumstances ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ~)

I rubbed my eyes and hugged my pillow tighter as I made my way out of our dorm building. I am sleeeeeepy and we have to leave quite early today.

Well, it's not really that early but usually when we don't have promotions I sleep in until like, late in the afternoon.

But noooo, that doesn't make me lazy. After this we'll start our Japan promotions and I'm taking in all the sleep I could get.

I yawned as I entered the van, sitting down somewhere at the back. I don't even care who was beside me, all that matters to me is sleep.

I need to sleep.


I was awoken by intense noise and movements. I scrunched my nose and snuggled closer to my surprisingly semi-hard pillow.

"Oh no, the princess stirred."

"She must be waking up."

"Hell might break loose!"

Then I heard laughter.

"Sssh, you guys. Let her rest."

"Ohoho! And there's her prince."

I felt movements again followed by an 'ouch!'.

"Jeez, I was only kidding!"

These guys. They're seriously not letting me sleep any further are they?

I heard the door slide open and came in our manager's voice. "Alright, let's go board the plane now. You kids ready? And will someone please wake Hyosung up."

"Zinger, you do it."

"No way! Why don't you do it Jieun?"

"I'm scared."

"Well same goes for me."

I inwardly huffed and kicked the seat in front of me. I heard someone complain and I think it's Zinger. "Thanks a lot you guys, but lucky for you I'm already awake."

"Oh, good morning Unnie!" Sunhwa said.

I opened my eyes and pushed myself off my pillow.

Correction, my supposedly pillow. Hiding my shock was an utter failure when I looked up and gasped. So now I know why my pillow became a level harder than before. The thing I was hugging the entire time is Kim Himchan's arm.

This is why I detest doing anything when I lack sleep. sakfhsajfhdkhdsghds

Next time, I'm paying more attention to whatever's happening around me. Like, seriously.

"Finally awake, Governor?" He said with an amused grin on his face.

"I... You--"

"Yes, me." 

I narrowed my eyes. This guys better wipe that grin off his face before I do it for him.

Then I realized we were the only ones left in the van so I stumbled my way out and followed after the others. They all threw me glances and sly smiles and I did my best to ignore them. Jeez. And these are supposedly my sons and daughters??

I caught up with Jieun, Sunhwa and Zinger and we talked for a while. BAP, on the other hand, was approached by MTVs crew and were... briefed, I think, about their new show.

They were given cameras to shoot themselves and...

oh, BAP diary!

I smiled to myself, remembering how it was when Secret shot our own diary. Yongguk and the others approached me and took a few shots of me too. I felt a presence beside me and looked up to see Himchan. I fought the urge to roll my eyes and talked in front of the camera with a smile.

After I was out of the camera's view, I shot Himchan a look. [A/N: Refer to the photo above. xD] 

He just answered back with a smile.

Soon, we all boarded the plane and went to Singapore. Luckily, I got the window seat and Jieun was next to me, so I pretty much got a peaceful trip.

Do you know what I did?

Yeah. Sleep. ;)


Jieun woke me up as soon as we arrived. The first thing I did was look outside the window and holy cow. I felt all sleepiness leave my body.

Diary, Singapore was beautiful.

Way beautiful than what I've seen in pictures.

We all went down of the airplane, passed by a number of Secrettime and BABYs and went into the car.

Diary, did you know BABY is BAP's fanclub name? Cute right? We're actually overwhelmed with the number of fans waiting for us at the airport. Especially BAP. Guess they didn't expect they were quite popular in Singapore.

Aww, our humble hoobaes. c:

It's the second day since we arrived here in Singapore. Yesterday, I fell asleep as soon as we arrived in the hotel. The trip was tiring.

Right now, we're in some sort of room in a separate hotel for a press conference about our fan meeting. I was busy running the questions through my head while BAP's spending their time shooting for their show. 

Sunhwa and I were sitting on the couch and Daehyun was the one holding the camera this time. We saw him shoot us slightly and we saying he wasn't allowed to do that and he has to shoot us prettily.

Later on, I took the camera from him and started shooting BAP myself. I forced each member to do aegyo and I can't help but laugh at their cuteness. 

JongUp was the first one to do 'aegyo time'. Now something about this kid. Although I didn't recognize him the first time we met, as time passed by I finally remembered him. He appeared in our Shy Boy MV. And now, I'm teasing him about it.

"In Shy Boy, you showed us a lot in the Shy Boy music video!"

After much pursuing, he finally did the 'bbuing bbuing' aegyo.

Aigoo, so cute~

Next is Kim Himchan.

Now about this guy, for one thing, he loves aegyo. He was actually reluctant at first but like JongUp, he did aegyo anyway.

Well... what can I say?

Kim Himchan, master of aegyo.

Now how about something about myself?

While shooting Himchan I can't help but... smile, and I mean really smile, as I watch him. During their Warrior promotions, Himchan came off as Mato Planet's scary commander but what others didn't know is that he's this sensitive and cute guy on the inside.

Only a few people can see that.

And I'm lucky to be one of those who does.

"For the babies, I am requesting an aegyo." I said. "This is back lit so... for better lighting, you stand here."

I said with a laugh as I pulled BAP's awkward leader, Bang Yongguk to my left. It's now his time to do aegyo and to be honest, I'm quite nervous. This man.... can't do aegyo at all.

He did the 'bbuing bbuing' aegyo and it wasn't that much of a failure.

Next up was Daehyun. He was actually very shy and he even pulled Himchan to his side. I chuckled behind the camera and we all about being 'Busan's Won Bin' (a title given by the BABYs) and how he took over the visual role as soon as they debuted.

Sunhwa came and joined us, saying she was Busan's Kim Tae Hee (which was true) and we had a little fun after that, filming them as if they're acting in a drama or something.

You know Diary, Daehyun is actually one of the sweetest members of BAP. During their trainee days and our promotion, he's one of the members who actually doesn't need my attention or anything. He's that independent. In truth, he was the one who constantly reminds me not to overwork myself and to take a break once in a while.

And here's the weird part; he makes me feel the same way I do when I'm with Himchan.

I mean, not in the... you know. Gah, how do I explain this. -__-

I just feel the same butterflies in my stomach, the way I do when I'm with Himchan.

Everything feels so foreign, diary.

I don't know how to react.


Anyway after that, Himchan never left my side. I proceeded on asking Junhong to do aegyo and I tell ya.

This kid is just way, waaaay too cute for his own good. Seriously. Even without effort. ㅠ^ㅠ Oh yeah, Zinger joined us too and we asked him to say 'Baby, you're mine' and yes. Aegyo overload. >.<

Lastly, Yoo Youngjae did his aegyo. It actually took some time since Youngjae's shy in front of the camera. He joined Junhong, Himchan and Daehyun on the couch, and decided to do aegyo with the help of the maknae instead.

It was successful... in a way. .-. 


I had to leave after that as it was time for us to do the press conference. Aigoo, I really love bonding with our hoobaes. I can see Sunhwa and the others are enjoying it too (I dunno about Jieun though. But I did see her spend most of the time with Bang... /coughs/JiBang/coughs/). 

It was a shame to leave just when it was getting good but work is work. I handed Himchan back the camera and he gave me one of those sincere, rare smiles and wished me well on the press conference. I smiled and thanked him.

Oh yeah, the other members wished us luck too.

But honestly, it's them who needed good luck. We've done this for quite some time already, just sayin'.

Anyway, it was just the first day and lots already happened. I can't wait to tell you more.

For now, I have to go. We just arrived here in Korea and I am dyiiingggg to take a bath and rest. D:

Itching for a bubble bath,

So basically, this chapter's about TS Family's trip to Singapore. And it's gonna play a big rooooole in this story. OuO
And yeah, I just pretty much described the trip in Hyo's POV xD 
If you guys wanna watch, here's the link:
Part 2's coming soon! Keep the comments coming <3


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Good story! I like this ff.
Update please authornim.
Great story!
GTLowex #3
Chapter 12: Yay!!!! An update!!! Thanks for updating, can't wait for the next chapter, *thinking* when i'll be? what it will be about? Just can't wait ~.~
Chapter 12: Lol okay, I admit that I've completely forgotten Daehyun's existence.
Anyway, it's getting me curious! Update soon <3
Chapter 12: Omo!!! Upvoted~ i love this.. Cuteeeeeeeeee :)))
Update soon^^
GTLowex #7
Chapter 10: Oh my gosh..... I just love this fanfic!!!!!!!!! Please update soon ^.^ I just can't wait ~_~
Chapter 10: Update soon pls >=< kyaaa :) Himhyo is so cute~~
Chapter 10: Daehyo or hyochan I dont mind
Hyosung my bias