A Lighted Flame

My Baby

Daehyun left the room and found Youngjae and Jongup sitting on a sofa each. The pair of them was engrossed in the television which seemed to be showing a rather interesting show. However, Daehyun caught Youngjae flickering his eyes at his direction before averting them back to the screen. Grinning, Daehyun walked over and he saw Youngjae shift over slightly so that he could sit beside him. But no, he wasn't going to sit next to Youngjae, moving past him, Daehyun made himself comfortable next to Jongup, who gave his hyung a small smile in a sign of greeting before turning back to watch the show.

Daehyun could feel Youngjae's gaze at him, who was probably wondering what he was up to. Casually, Daehyun stretched his arms high up above him before letting them lay across the back of the sofa, around Jongup's frame. Daehyun could hear a small annoyed 'tsk' from Youngjae's direction as he finally realized what Daehyun was doing. From the corner of his eye, he could see Youngjae shake his head slightly as if to say, ‘Don't expect me to fall for it’.

Daehyun smirked and shifted ever so slightly towards Jongup. He spotted a bar of chocolate lying on the coffee table and took it, unwrapping it before taking a bite of the heavenly sweet chocolate. And then, much against his own will, he offered it to Jongup, who declined at first but after much persuasion, took a small bite of the chocolate bar which Daehyun's hand was holding.

Daehyun shoved the rest of the chocolate back into his mouth and moved his gaze to his left, seeing Youngjae, who by then was having a small smile on his face, raising his eyebrows at him and cocking his head to one side. He was still unaffected. Chomping down on the chocolate, Daehyun wondered how he would ever get his boyfriend to be jealous when Jongup spoke up.

"Hyung, are you doing anything tonight?" Jongup asked.

"Hmm?" Daehyun responded. His eyes were still fixed on Youngjae whom he realized had stiffened at that question, though his expression was still smooth as he turned back to the TV.

Something struck Daehyun right then and he gave a sly grin while whipping his head back to face Jongup, "No. I'm free tonight."

Daehyun dared a glance back to see Youngjae's reaction and almost burst into laughter when he saw that Youngjae had a disbelieving look displayed on his features.

"Great!" Jongup exclaimed with a smile. "There's this new skating rink that has just recently opened at the mall. Want to go check it out?"

"Sure," Daehyun nodded although he really couldn't skate at all.

However, he meant to pay Youngjae back, and got his satisfaction when he saw that all traces of a smile was gone from Youngjae's features and his eyes were determinedly fixed on the TV screen, not really absorbing what's being shown. He had a stormy look shadowing his face.

Adding fuel to fire, Daehyun playfully added, "It's not like I have anything to do tonight. Because why would I go with you if I have something better to do?"

Youngjae never blinked, he just stared ahead of him. His face was slowly turning red and Daehyun knew he was pushing his limits.

"Great hyung!" Daehyun turned back to face a pleased Jongup. "Meet me at the rink at seven!"

"Alright," Daehyun said and at that moment, Youngjae stood up without a word and went to their bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

I won! Daehyun childishly thought as he stood up and followed Youngjae into the room. He opened the door to see Youngjae lying on the bed with the blankets over his face.

"Jae Jae," Daehyun cooed as he went over to sit on Youngjae's bed.

There was no reply from the latter and Dawhyun assumed that he was really hurt. He sighed and shook his head at his boyfriend's sensitivity before reaching over to pull the blankets down a little.

"I didn't know you would be making such a big fuss about this, Youngjae," Daehyun sighed as Youngjae's face was revealed.

"I wouldn't if it was any other day... but why today? Why must you go with him today?" Youngjae muttered and his lower lip stuck out a little, making Daehyun bite his lip and restrain himself from crashing his lips on them.

"Jae, I was just playing around, I didn't like it when you were acting all close to Zelo either. Now you know how I feel," Daehyun laughed and realized it was a mistake when Youngjae turned away from him.

He tried to pull Youngjae back to face him but when he couldn't, he bent forward and planted a kiss on Youngjae's temple. Daehyun smiled triumphantly as Youngjae blushed furiously and tried hard not to betray any hint of a smile. Daehyun then lifted the blanket and cuddled next to Youngjae, wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his face next to Youngjae's.

Youngjae sighed and gave up trying to resist Daehyun and instead, turned around so that his face was inches away from Daehyun's.

"Are you really going with Jongup?" Youngjae whispered.

Daehyun snorted and said, "No of course not, baby. I have a date with you remember?"

Youngjae nodded and nuzzled his head to Daehyun's chest. "I thought you'd forgotten," he muttered.

Daehyun felt Youngjae place a hand on his chest and his heartbeat quickened. He loved it when he was holding his boyfriend like this.

"How could I?" Daehyun's low voice sent a series of vibrations along his chest. "It's our first year anniversary."

Youngjae and Daehyun had met when they were trainees. It was love at first sight for the both of them and the attractions grew even stronger after they had heard each other's voices and found out that they had so much in common with one another. Daehyun was the first to confess to Youngjae. It was only a month after they'd met but Daehyun was sure of his love for Youngjae.


"Jae ah, I need to tell you something," Daehyun finally mustered up enough courage to speak up.

They were both in a small restaurant and currently, there were no other customers apart from them. Youngjae looked up from his spaghetti. Daehyun's eyes became soft as they roamed over Youngjae's features which w
ere heavenly illuminated in the candlelight. He loved every aspect of Youngjae, from the way he looked, the way he spoke, to his voice… everything. These were all the things which made up the perfect being that made Daehyun's heartbeat accelerate drastically whenever he set eyes on him.

"Youngjae, it's been
only a month since I first met you but I don't regret meeting you. Ever since I first laid eyes on you, I fell in love with you. It was like, an automatic thing. I love everything about you and I want you to be mine. So, will you accept my heart, Youngjae?" Daehyun smiled that heart-warming, genuine smile. He felt truly happy being with Youngjae at that very moment and he didn't care if the other rejected him for as long as he could be by his side, he was happy.

Youngjae blushed and took a sip of his drink before lifting his gaze back to Daehyun.

"Jung Daehyun," Youngjae pronounced each syllable carefully and Daehyun smile
d as his heart warmed when Youngjae pronounced his name.

Youngjae then gave Daehyun a heart-stopping smile
and finally said, "Of course I will, how can I resist such a charming guy? I love you too, Daehyun, and I always will."


That day had been the happiest day of Daehyun's life. Even now, Daehyun could still feel his heart swell at the memory. He wrapped his legs around Youngjae's body and pulled him closer to him. He pressed his lips on Youngjae's, giving him a small and sweet kiss.

"I love you, Youngjae," whispered Daehyun.

"I love you too, Dae," Youngjae whispered back.

“Remember this Youngjae, remember this forever… that you are my baby. You are mine and mine alone, and nobody else. Got that?” said Daehyun.

Youngjae chuckled, “So possessive.” But he still smiled and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, claiming the same thing for the other.

The couple lay there, enjoying the sweet moment of being with each other. Daehyun wished it would be like this forever, that he could hold Youngjae in his arms and never let go. But even that moment had to be broken when Youngjae chuckled and said that they were going to miss their reservations at the restaurant if they didn't hurry.

So hand in hand, the couple, after getting dressed in nice clothes, made their way to the restaurant. The night continued blissfully as that one couple celebrated a whole year of keeping their love for each other burning passionately like a lighted flame which, as long as they were certain, was never to be extinguished.


Jongup sighed as he realized Daehyun wasn't coming after all. He glanced at his watch one last time before going to get his skates.

Hyung is never keeping his promises, he thought as he gingerly stepped onto the skating rink after putting on his skates. Truthfully, Jongup had never skated before and as soon as his feet touched the ice, he slipped and fell hard on his .

Jongup heard someone chuckle and rubbed his sore before looking up and catching sight of Zelo standing over him with a wide grin on his face. He held out a hand to Jongup which he gratefully took.

"Tsk tsk... I can't believe you came to skate when you can't even stand properly," Zelo laughed as he pulled Jongup up.

Jongup thanked Zelo and took his hand away, only to fall once again when he tried to take another step. Chortling, Zelo helped Jongup up again but this time, he didn't let go of his hand. Instead, he intertwined their fingers and gave Jongup a soft smile before leading him to the centre of the rink…



(A/N: So yeah, it’s the last chapter and I know I screwed it up. It was a short chapter... Same goes for the story. But I did mention that the story was going to be a short one didn't I? Anyway, hoped you enjoyed it :D Sorry if I didn’t meet your expectations. Love you guys~)

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Chapter 3: Update plz! תודה
Chapter 3: Thank you for making these fic..its really adorable..you captured their personalities well..how sweet~~
puppy_bae #3
Chapter 3: D'awww, the maknaes!! This is soo cute!! I love~
Nana_208 #4
Chapter 3: This was so so cute! ^^ I really loved the fluffiness! The short Jonglo moment at the end was so adorable. Thank you!
Chapter 3: Awww. This is so lovely. Thank you
Haeri96 #6
Chapter 3: Love it!! Fluffy fluffy ^^ love the way daehyun gets jealous
Chapter 3: zelo are kind~!
Chapter 3: Ahh this was so good!! I love it so much ;A;