
My Baby

"Yes hyung?" Daehyun asked once he was outside the dorm.

He turned to face Himchan after he had closed the door. Himchan had his arms folded and a disapproving look was etched on his features.

"What do you think you're doing?" Himchan demanded.

"What did it look like we were doing?" Daehyun smirked.

Himchan blinked and cleared his throat. "That's not what I meant," he snapped. "Why are you so careless?"

"What do you mean?" Daehyun frowned.

He had no idea what this had to do with carelessness. As far as he knew, they were doing this in their dorms, far from the prying eyes of the public.

"Gosh, you really don't know do you?" Himchan folded his arms. "We have two underage members in our band!"

Dashing rolled his eyes. "So this is what it's about? Honestly hyung, they're not as innocent as you think they are. I'll bet they know everything there is to know already."

"Yes but what would you do if one of them walks into one of your make out sessions? What if you both do something worse the next time and they accidentally walk in?" said Himchan.

Daehyun bit his lip, trying not to get pissed. "Well it's their problem, what's up with everyone barging in on us?"

"In case you haven't noticed, the two of you always 'forget' to lock the door. Or you do it in places like the living room where everyone can see what you're doing," said Himchan.

Daehyun looked straight into his hyung's eyes. "Fine. Next time, we won't do it in front of your nosy faces, alright? We’ll just go somewhere else."

"Yah! Don't do anything you're not supposed to!" Himchan called out as Daehyun walked back to the dorms.

"Don't worry hyung, we're both of age," Daehyun said cheekily back at him and entered the dorm, shutting the door behind him before Himchan could mouth another word.

Daehyun spotted the blonde head of his boyfriend who was waiting for him on the couch and smiled before going over to him and wrapping his arms around Youngjae's neck.

"What did Himchan hyung want?" Youngjae asked.

Daehyun chuckled before saying, "Nothing. He just didn't want us to show our affections in front of everyone."

"Well I guess we'll just have to take it private then?" Youngjae said, astonishing Daehyun with his bold statement.

Still in shock, Daehyun watched as Youngjae stood up and turned to face him, shyly taking his hand and linking their fingers together. A broad smile crept over Daehyun's face as Youngjae led him to their bedroom. Closing the door behind him, Youngjae moved over to Daehyun until he was right in front of him.

"It was a shame we were interrupted," said Youngjae.

Daehyun nodded and his hands seductively crawled up Youngjae's chest to reach for his neck. "Now where were we...?" he muttered before connecting their lips once more and having that feeling of bliss overtake him.

Youngjae's arms wrapped themselves around Daehyun's waist and he deepened the kiss. They stood there, alone in their room for a couple of minutes until another rude interruption broke them apart.

"Hyuuuuunnggg!!!" a voice called out and Daehyun jumped back to sit on his bed, grabbing a book and flipping to a random page.

A moment later, the door swung open and Zelo looked in.

"Youngjae hyung! I need your help!" he pouted.

"What?" Youngjae asked, his face pink from embarrassment.

Zelo whipped a book from behind him and went over to Youngjae. He showed it to Youngjae who squinted his eyes for a closer look.

"I don't know how to do this question," Zelo said. "I think I must've missed what the teacher said because I haven't seen it before."

"Yah! Don't tell me you don't know how to do this! Dude that was taught in sixth grade!" said Youngjae.

"But hyung... It's not like I have been attending school regularly," Zelo whined.

Youngjae sighed. "Okay okay fine. Sit down and I'll explain."

Youngjae sat on his bed and Zelo did the same. Lowering his book a little, Daehyun frowned over the edge at how Zelo scooted close to Youngjae... too close.

"This one..." Zelo pointed. "It's this question."

Youngjae took a moment to read the question before turning to look at Zelo. "This is actually pretty simple… now listen carefully," he said. "For this one, you need to..."

Daehyun continued watching as Youngjae explained the question to Zelo. He didn't like how the two were sitting so close that their arms were touching each other. He didn't like the way whenever Youngjae looked up, his face would be in close proximity with Zelo's. Most of all, he didn't like how Youngjae would unconsciously place a hand on Zelo's knee whenever he was trying to prove a point. It disturbed Daehyun, the way Youngjae and Zelo were comfortable using skin ship with each other. The glare he gave them though, went unnoticed. He continued watching them, until Zelo finally got the question.

"Thanks hyung!" Zelo exclaimed and rested his head on Youngjae's shoulder.

Daehyun gripped his book tighter. Something boiled inside him and he tried to remain calm of the fact that someone else was leaning on Youngjae... his Youngjae. Sensing something, Youngjae glanced towards Daehyun and said hastily, "Yah! Go do your work, you still have many questions to do."

"Okay," Zelo smiled and bounced to the door.

Just as he placed a hand on the doorknob, he turned around and said cheekily to Daehyun, "Hyung, you must teach me to do that sometime."

"Do what?" Daehyun snapped at Zelo.

The younger seemed completely unaffected by Daehyun's harsh tone and he chuckled while saying, "To read upside down."

Zelo left the room as Daehyun looked down at his book and properly saw it for the first time, seeing that the words were indeed, the other way round. Feeling embarrassed, Daehyun muttered something about, "Irritating maknaes." He looked up to catch Youngjae casting a smirk in his direction.

"What?" he asked.

"You know, even though I'm slightly irritated by your jealous behaviour, I still find it kind of cute," Youngjae commented with a grin.

"I'm not jealous!" Daehyun denied.

Youngjae chuckled and got up before slowly walking over to Daehyun. Daehyun gulped when Youngjae's face was only a few inches away from him, and closed his eyes as the minty breath washed over his face.

"Daehyun ah," Youngjae whispered.

"Hmm?" said Daehyun, his eyes still closed.

"Zelo's cute," said Youngjae and Daehyun's eyes snapped open.

"Don't you think so too?" teased Youngjae and Daehyun stared at him disbelievingly.

Youngjae gave a small wink to Daehyun and left the room, leaving an appalled Daehyun behind on the bed. Although Daehyun knew fully that Youngjae hosted no feelings for Zelo, he still hated him for saying that. No, Zelo wasn't cute at all, no, not ever. Even though he was the maknae, he wasn't cute in Daehyun's eyes. Yes, he had perfect skin, he's tall, and he had that irresistible aegyo he always seemed to omit... but no. He wasn't cute. He mustn’t be cute. He mustn’t appeal to Youngjae at all. Daehyun sat there, pondering. Well if Youngjae was going to deliberately make Daehyun jealous, he smiled, two could play at that game.


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Chapter 3: Update plz! תודה
Chapter 3: Thank you for making these fic..its really captured their personalities sweet~~
puppy_bae #3
Chapter 3: D'awww, the maknaes!! This is soo cute!! I love~
Nana_208 #4
Chapter 3: This was so so cute! ^^ I really loved the fluffiness! The short Jonglo moment at the end was so adorable. Thank you!
Chapter 3: Awww. This is so lovely. Thank you
Haeri96 #6
Chapter 3: Love it!! Fluffy fluffy ^^ love the way daehyun gets jealous
Chapter 3: zelo are kind~!
Chapter 3: Ahh this was so good!! I love it so much ;A;