Chapter 30

A New Life

Favi’s POV


I was lying in my bed listening to music, today was one of those lazy days where I do nothing. I was so at peace that I nearly had a heart attack when my music stopped and changed to another song. I calmed down as that song indicated that I received a message from a certain boy…a banana loving boy. I smiled wide as I read the message aloud.


“Jagiya are you free today?” I unconsciously let out a little giggle.
From: Chanana Oppa

“Yes I’m free, waeyo?”
To: Chanana Oppa

”Oh great, I’m on my way, be ready in 10, kk?”
From: Chanana Oppa

I didn’t reply seeing as I would have no say either way. I just put my phone down and dreaded to my closet seeing what I could wear today. The weather wasn’t that bad today so I decided to just wear black skinnies, a pretty designed muscle shirt with a plain black cardigan thrown over it, and some black flats. I received another message while I was straightening loose strands of hair.

“I is here.”
From: Chanana Oppa

I giggled at his use of grammar and finish one last strand before ruffling my hair a bit and walking out. I bid my parents bye as I dashed out the door telling them I’d be back later. I opened the door to Chansung’s car and got in, closing it behind me. I look over to Chansung as soon as I buckle my seatbelt. He has that grin on his face, you know the one that says “target acquired”. My eyes bugged as he leaped over and smothered me in a hug, planting butterfly kisses all over my cheeks.

“Oh jagiya,  how I’ve missed you.” He said.

“Ok Romeo, I missed you too.”


“No not really, but it has been a while.”

“How could you not miss me jagiya”

“Hehe Chansung its easy, I know I’m going to see you again so why burden myself by missing you?”

“Hmmm…good point, oh well let’s go.”

“Where exactly are we going?”

“I don’t know.”

“Why do you always ask me to accompany you and you don’t even know where we’re going.”

“Because I want all our outings to always be an adventure.”

“…I like that.” I smiled, which caused him to smile which in turn caused me to giggle to which he then chuckled to which I put a stop to everything. “Ok stop, too much fluff, this too fluffy for me.”

“Oh c’mon jagiya would you prefer ty or fluffy?”

“Drive the car dammit.”

“Ok ok, driving.”


Chansung's POV


Since I had nothing planned about where exactly we’d be going for our little date, I asked her what she wanted to do.

“Oppa, mollayo~, why don’t you choose?”

“Because I don’t know what to do either.”

“Hmmm…” she had her thinking face on, face scrunched up, it was so cute. “Why don’t we just walk around town, and window shop?”

“Sounds like my plan.”

“What plan?”

“The one I just made up.” She started laughing and gently hit my arm, oh this warm feeling in my stomach…feels nice. I found somewhere to just leave the car and we got out and just started walking. We would pass by various shops and she would point out things she found that “perked her interests” or at things AND people she just had to say something about. It was a little mean I admit, but it’s too funny to not laugh at. My girl’s such a smart , this is a very interesting relationship.

“Oppa, did you hear what I just said.” She said pulling me out of my thoughts.

“I’m sorry what.”

“I said Denzie’s birthday is soon, do you know what you’re gonna get him?”

“Umm…I’ll just get him a taller boyfriend, he’d like that.”

“Hahaha, although I agree, him and L.Joe have something, and you’re really lucky L.Joe wasn’t here to hear that.”

“Oh really, what could that pipsqueak do to me?"

“What coul-, what could he do to you, HA! You’ve been hanging around with us a little too long banana boy, it’s just me he shows his weak side in front of…and Denzie. If ever a time comes, he will kill us all, haha, including me.”

“Oh, well then.”

“Yeah.” As we we’re talking I glanced over to my right across the street and had to do a triple take. Across the street I saw one of my hyungs. Taecyeon hyung to be exact. I guess I spaced out again as Favi was in my ear again, I guess I missed out on something else she was going on about.

“Oppa is something wrong?”

‘No, why would you think that?”

“You just seem off today.” I decided to tell her, I have nothing to hide.

“No I’m fine Jagi, it’s just…you see that guy over there.” I nodded my head to said man’s direction.

“Eung, waeyo?”

“That’s one of my hyungs.”

“Oh Jinja? Aren’t you going to introduce me?” I scratched the back of my neck, embarrassment filling me up. I never even thought of introducing her to any of my hyungs.

“Oh um…sure why not.” She smiled and rubbed my back. I guess the embarrassment was clear for everyone to see. We walked across the street to Taecyeon who was not at all surprised to see us.

“Hey hyung, what you doing here? I left you guys watching TV.”

“You may have, but I don’t feel like being in there all the time Channie.”

“You weren’t following me we’re you hyung?”

“Now why would I need to do that?”

“Oh hyung, this is my girlfriend Favi, Favi this is Taecyeon, one of my annoying hyungs.”

“Hehe nice to meet you Taecyeon-ssi.”

“Nice to meet you to Favi-yah, and just oppa is fine, im not into all the formalities. She’s a beauty Channie, well done.” I blushed hard, to which Favi only smirked.

“Why don’t you come over for dinner Favi?” Taecyeon asked

“Hyung she probably has things to do.” All he did was look to me then to Favi.

“Actually dinner sounds good, what time?’

“In a couple hours actually. Why don’t we all head back now and hang till then.”

“Sounds like a plan.” She said giving me a that inside joke look. I smiled and then realized something.

“Wait hyung, how did u get down here?”

“Public transportation, duh.” He told me making dee dee dee faces.” Favi laughed hard. They are so much alike. I don’t think I’m gonna like this. We all rode home in my car. All I heard was Favi and Taecyeon the whole way home, cackling. Not that I minded but damn, is it possible to laugh too much? We arrived home and were met with curious faces.


Favi’s POV

“Guys I want to introduce you my girlfriend Favi, Favi these are the rest of my hyungs: Junho, Wooyoung, Junsu but call him Minjun, and Nichkhun hyung.” I bowed and introduced myself again as they all did the same. We all sat on the couch as dinner was in the process of being cooked by Wooyoung.

“So Favi how’d you meet Chansungie and more importantly, what I think we’d all like to know, is how he got you to say yes?” Junho asked me, leaned forward like a girl ready to get the latest gossip.

“Wow I feel like I’m on a talk show, hehe, but I met him through my best friend Denzie who is like Chansung’s little brother…”

“Yup Yup Yup, that I am.”

“Yeah, don’t interrupt me again.”

“Oh sorry.” He said giving the most adorable smile I ever saw grace his lips. I mentally squealed before continuing.

“anyways I met him through Denzie and it sorta clicked for me. It took him a while to ask me out, Denzie pretty much dragged him to my house and made him ask. And we’ve been going strong ever since, and to answer your other question, it didn’t take much for me to tell him yes. I’m a very simple girl.”

“That you are.” Taecyeon side commented.

“Ah Wooyoung-hyung, dinners ready?”  Chansung asked our “chef”. All Wooyoung did was give a nod and with that my giant beast of a boyfriend trampled into the kitchen, with all of us in tow behind him laughing.

“This is good Wooyoung-ssi.” I complimented his cooking, I’ve never not had another guys’ cooking and it taste decent. Wooyoung smiled at me and resumed eating. Metal note to self: ask Chanana why Wooyoung doesn’t speak. Everyone was finishing their food when I suddenly felt a cramp in my stomach and lower regions. My eyes bugged as I knew what needed to happen. Nichkhun must’ve saw me because he was the first one to say anything.

“Favi-yah, gwaenchanna?” At first I couldn’t even speak to which everyone then gave me worried glances. I made an up and down movement with my finger pointing to my stomach. After what seems like days I felt I was finally able to speak again.

“The food…moved to fast…I have to go…bad.” Nichkhun smiled and ruffled my hair.

“The bathroom is upstairs, 2nd floor, 3rd door on the left, be strong and good luck.” Everyone including me looked at him flabbergasted.

“Good luck…for what.”

“I can hear your stomach churning, you’re gonna be in there a good while.” If my face was able to do it, I went redder than a damn tomato in the summer sun. I did a half bow as I excused myself from the kitchen. I literally ran to the stairs I only heard one thing before I fled the kitchen and I believe it was Taecyeon “Wow Chansung she’s really cute, she must be delusional to have said yes to you.” “YAH!!!” I hear Chansung yell. I smile as I head up the steps to the 2nd floor.

“Ok third door on the left or was it, the right. Ugh I forgot.” I said to myself slapping my cheeks. I really need to go though. Going with my instinct I decided to try the door on the right. If there was ever a moment where my mind and body were one, it would be now. What I saw before me made me lose any and all feeling I had before to use the restroom. I saw Denzie, asleep in the bed. He wasn’t wearing what L.Joe told me he was wearing the night he was taken. I quickly closed the door and headed for the bathroom, 3rd door to the left. I slowly sat on the toilet, not to use it, but to think. ‘Why is Denzie here? He was kidnapped, maybe these guys are the kidappers. But Chansung seems to know nothing…this is getting weird and I’m not feeling right.’ I needed to go, and I needed to go now. I got up and flushed the toilet, make them think I used it. I quickly composed myself and walked back down as if nothing in the last 5 minutes of my life happened. I was patting my stomach as the guys were settled on the couches watching TV. I sent death glares at Nichkhun.

“You said I’d be in there forever, I didn’t even take that long.” I stuck my tongue out at him and walked beside the couch Chansung was sitting on. I poked his shoulder and gave him a smile. As if reading my mind he knew what I wanted.

“Ok guys I’m gonna take Favi home now.”

“Alright be safe.” Minjun said.

“It was nice to meet you Favi-yah”

“You guys to, have a nice night.” I said before bowing. Chansung took my hand a led me out to the car. The ride to my house was silent, but it was a good silence. Within minutes we were in front of my house. I took of my seatbelt but just sat there.

“I had a good time tonight oppa.”

“I’m glad you did  jagiya.” He smiled at me sincerely. I opened the door and turn to leave. I heard a sigh from behind me. I rolled eyes and let out a little smile before turning back around and giving Chansung a chaste kiss on the lips. “Good night oppa, see you at school.”

“Y-ye-yeah, see you at sch-school.” I smiled and gave him another peck before leaving him smiling like an idiot. I waved him off and walked inside, greeting my parents. I trudged to my room, closed the door, and threw myself onto my bed. I groaned into my pillow and then sat up. A thought entered my head as I grabbed my phone and dialed L.Joe’s number.

긋 lol

Hi everyone, i'm back with another update. im sorry this one took forever. i literally wrote and rewrote this chapter 4 times, each time not satisfied. i finally decided on this one which i hope you guys will love. so yeah, favi found denzie 0_0...yeah....god my head hurts. oh and before i forget i'm going to start writing EXO oneshots, along with more Infinite ones. reason being...i dont know what happened in my little kpop life, but EXO has somewhat managed to shoot their way up my bias list, replacing BTOB as my 2nd favorite boy group. they are really threatening to replace Infinite but it hasn't happened yet lol. and Yixing and Kai are just waiting for Myunsoo to slip up so they can take me from him lol. anyways i'm going to start writing oneshots with them and i'll start it as a new story for each groups and just add the oneshots as chapters??? if that makes sense? so yeah expect that and i will see you in the next chapter.


P.S this fic will be coming to and end soon :( it was fun but it has to end sometime.



  yes Tao, yes you are lol. bye guys





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ok i dont know why chapter 21 was marked as "M" ( i didn't do it) i guess 'cause there's some cuss words in there but it didn't mark any other chapters...hmmm


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LoveYou12345678 #2
Dragon77 #3
Chapter 4: Wow. This sounds very promising! I look forward to your next update!!
Chapter 2: Write more silly! I shall review your next chapter on monday XD
Silver-Gi-tae #5
Chapter 2: Awwwssoommee!!~~ this seems like its gonna be really good! ^^ can't wait for the next chapters!
Chapter 1: Yay~! Finally, baka! I see your mind get put to work! Saranghae Denzie oppa!