Yeon's Actual Thought

The Way You Smile At Me

Yeon's POV

"Okay, goodnight and good luck, you gonna need that."  I said

"Haha, thank you unnie! Goodnight!" And with that I hung up my phone. It was Eunji, she's really excited for her date with Kevin tomorrow. I sigh. *damn, it hurts*

I lay down, deep in thought.


Me and the others are going to hangout at HaeMin's house for some 'bonding time', that's what she said. While we were walking towards the gate GaEun told us jokes which is sorta funny that only made Eunji and Haemin laughs, well me, not really, I just had my poker face on. Then, we saw Kevin at the school gate. I look a him and saw him smiling. Then I look where his gaze it and it landed on Eunji who's already blushing madly. I admit I was slightly jealous. Then, he start to walked toward us. I removed my gaze from him and look behind me, then I realize that he's heading towards his group. I look at Eunji and she's already smiling.After he walk pass us, Eunji pout. For some reason I'm relief cause I thought he was gonna walk her home.

"Yah, what's with the face?" HaeMin asked her

"Oh, n-nothing" She said with a smile

"Just tell us, we won't bite. LOL, just kidding" GaEun said. She giggle.

"I'll tell you later okay" She said to us.

"Okay, no problem, but make sure you tell us" HaeMin said

"I'm gonna make a mental note for that" I said while pointing at my head eventhough I already knew a little bit of it.

"Finally you talk. You know, sometimes I wonder why am I friends with you?" GaEun said jokingly.

"Well, continue wondering" I said casually

Then we continue walking to Haemin's house. When we arrived there Haemin serves us orange juice and then she and Gaeun urges Eunji about what happen at school just now. Well, I join in too of course.

Then, she tell us all about it. From meeting Kevin till the incident just now at school. I'm kinda expect it that she would fell for Kevin and I'm totally sad because of it, but didn't show it. Then, I feel a gaze on me and realise it was those two. I looked at them.

"What?" I asked them.

"Urm, nothing. EunJi-ah could you leave us for a minute?" Haemin asked Eunji 'sweetly'.

"Sure and unnie can I use the toilet?" EunJi asked. Haemin tell her the directions and turned to me.

"What?" I asked again.

"Yah, EunJi fell for Kevin, is it alright with you?" She asked me.

"It's cool. I already get my feelings over him anyway" I said casually. But deep inside, of course I'm devastated, I want to tell EunJi that I like him but she's my new friend and It's hard for me to make friends so she's kinda 'precious'

"Is that so?" GaEun asked me with suspicious eyes. *no It's not, I'm really worried you know. What if they end up going out?!* that's what I really want to say, but I say the opposite.

"Yup" I answered. Then EunJi came out from the toilet and told us that she need to come home right now. We understand of course and let her go. After she went out Gaeun spoke up.

"I brought some movies~~"

"I'm gonna make the popcorn" Haemin said and went to the kitchen.

"Then, I'm gonna make myself comfortable on this sofa" I said while heading towards the sofa they just roll their eyes jokingly. *it's actually hurts* I said in my mind about what happen with Eunji just now.

The next day, we went to Eunji's house to walk to school together. When we arrived at her house, I ring the doorbell and was greet by her cousin, Dongho. He smiled brightly.

"O-oh, Yeon-ssi. Ermm, what are you doing h-here?" He ask.

"For Eunji. Where is she?" I ask him.

"Eunji? Oh, she's in her room." He replied with a hint of dissapointment. *haha, i know you like me.. :P* Then we ask for the direction and quickly go there. Suprisingly, she's still sleeping and It's like 6:50 am now, only few more minutes till school starts. Then after a few attempts of waking her up, she's finally awake. After some talking, I heard she's mumbling something "No wonder I feel like someone were watching me and Kevin". I did not expect that and of course I was shock but instead I just smirk at her.

*end of flashback*

I sigh again then making myself comfortable on bed. *It's okay, it's allright. It's not like it's the first time anyway* I look at my phone. *11:43 p.m. I should go to sleep... nah, i'm not sleepy yet.. :P* I play with my phone for a bit then spot a picture of me and Kevin, my finger pause. *I should go to sleep now* with that, I switch off my phone and go to sleep.



I'm going to make a side story for this story (eventhough I haven't finish this story yet but still, it's only a side story.. xD) and it's mainly about Yeon.. so,,, here's a sneak peek...

"He's doom"

"Somebody help him"

"Are you crazy?! No one's crazy enough to stand up against her!"

The helpless boy look up and starts to kneel down. The girl smirk. As she was just about to kick him someone shout out.

"Park Yeon Hwa!" Annoyed, she turn around. "What?!"

The person who called her grab her wrist and drag her away.

"Yah! It hurts! Let go you fool!" She shout while trying to escape but no luck.

"Yah! Kevin Woo! Let me go!" She struggle but still no luck. Then finally gave in.

Kevin drag her to the nearest water pipe and start cleaning her from the smoothies while she just stay quiet feeling annoyed.

"I told you not to interfere with my problems" Yeon finally spoke up but Kevin stay quite and keep cleaning her with his handkerchief.

"Yah! Say something!" She said again.

"Phew, all done. You know, you shouldn't treat him that way." Kevin spoke up.

"Tch, what do you care? You're just a childhood friend, know your place" she said while starting to walk away. Kevin chuckle.

"Yah, Park Yeon Hwa or should I say PARK EUN RAE, I wonder who's the one that said I'm her 'Guardian oppa' few years ago?" Kevin . She turn around and stick out her tounge at him. He chuckle again.

I think it's more like a spoiler.. :P.. teehee =w=

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tiffani123456 #1
Chapter 8: Please update
tiffani123456 #2
Chapter 8: Update !!!!!!!
Chapter 6: i like this's good *thumbs up
update soon ^^
CherryHyeri #4
Chapter 4: GU..GU..GU!!!
CherryHyeri #5
Update first chappie baby!!! I want it no matter what!!!!><
CherryHyeri #6
SARANGHAE saengie~aaah<3<3<3<3<3<3<3