The World I Couldn't Show You - Final

The World I Couldn't Show You

Woohyun's eyes widened in shock when he saw Sunggyu drawing out his sword from beneath his jacket.  "Sunggyu, why are you..."

Woohyun's words trailed off when he saw Dongwoo dressed in black with a sword in his hand appearing behind Sunggyu.  He finally caught on that Dongwoo was one of the masked figures from before.  Woohyun shook his head in disbelief when Dongwoo came and stood beside Sunggyu.

"Why?" Woohyun asked in tears.

"Because he's one of the bad guys," Dongwoo replied with a smirk.

Woohyun couldn't believe what he was hearing.  He had hoped that Sunggyu would deny everything but Sunggyu remained expressionless.  "Sunggyu, please tell me it's not true."

"I'm sorry, Woohyun," said Sunggyu finally.  "But this is the world I live in."

"Our daytime job is just a cover for us to blend in with society," informed Dongwoo.  "You must have been so taken in by our leader's great acting skills as a honourable policeman.  Pity."

Woohyun refused to believe Dongwoo's words.  "Sunggyu, I know that's not true.  You're a kind man, a loving father-"

Dongwoo laughed.  "What would he know about being a loving father?"

Woohyun didn't understand the reason behind Dongwoo's laughter.  "Your child-"

"I'm surprised you believed my story," said Dongwoo, cutting him off.  "But I'm afraid he doesn't have a child."

"What about the baby?" Woohyun asked.

"Ah, you caught us in the middle of another job.  We gave him back after the mother transferred the $10 million that we asked for."

Woohyun shook his head in tears.  His legs grew weak and he collapsed to the ground.  It was all too much for him.  "Was it all a lie?" he asked.  "Do you not have any feelings for me, Sunggyu?"

Dongwoo turned to look at Sunggyu.  "See?  I told you not to play with the kid.  Now he's attached to you.  What are you going to do?"

Sunggyu approached Woohyun and stood in front of him.  Woohyun raised his head to look at the man he loved.  Seeing the man expressionless made his heart hurt.  He clutched at his chest, trying to stop the pain while the tears continued to stroll down his face.  Sunggyu crouched down in front of Woohyun.  He reached out a hand and wiped the boy's tears.

"Why are you doing this, Sunggyu?" Woohyun asked.

"Your real father is the CEO of Nam Corporation.  In his will, you were named as his heir but there are certain people against this, since your mother was never married into the family.  Your death is worth $20 million," Sunggyu explained with the least bit of emotion.

Woohyun was surprised at the revelation, but what surprised him more was how cold and distant Sunggyu seemed.  "Do I mean nothing to you?" he asked.

Sunggyu gently caressed the side of Woohyun's face.  "Run," he whispered to the boy.

For a moment Woohyun thought he saw a familiar look in Sunggyu's eyes.  He smiled at Sunggyu but then shook his head, refusing to run.  "If my death will help you, then I'm willing," Woohyun replied, much to Sunggyu's surprise.  "Besides, I don't have long anyway."

Before Sunggyu could ask what he meant, they were interrupted by Dongwoo, eager to complete the task at hand.  Dongwoo held out his sword and approached Woohyun.

"It seems you're getting soft, Sunggyu," said Dongwoo.  "Let me handle this!"

Seconds before Dongwoo was about to plunge his sword at Woohyun, Sunggyu pulled the boy into his embrace, away from Dongwoo's blade.  He couldn't let Dongwoo lay a hand on Woohyun.  He would rather do it himself.

"I'm sorry," Sunggyu whispered to Woohyun, before plunging his sword into the boy's chest.

Dongwoo smiled seeing the blood gushing out from the boy's body as he was held in Sunggyu's embrace.  Woohyun smiled at Sunggyu, despite the blood trickling down the side of his mouth.  Sunggyu held back tears as Woohyun slowly closed his eyes.  He lay the bleeding boy on the ground and turned to walk towards Dongwoo.

"It's done," Sunggyu declared to Dongwoo.  "Let's go."

Dongwoo smirked.  "You are getting soft," he said as the pair walked away.

Woohyun felt his consciousness slipping away until he heard a voice calling his name.  He felt someone cradling him in their arms.  He felt a hand pressed against the wound in his chest.

"It's okay, Woohyun," said the voice.  "You're going to be okay."

He slowly opened his eyes and saw a familiar face staring down at him.  The rider was someone he hadn't expected.





The End.





Author's note:

Hope we all managed to work out who the rider was.  If you can work out the rider then you should be able to work out which character Hoya was.

Thanks for reading.


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namu_candy #1
Chapter 11: Uugh i come to re read this for God know how many Times, I hope you will write the sequel
Chapter 12: I read this ff again and suddenly thinking how it would be if there's sequel haha must be about woosoo or both woosoo and woogyu with all that crazy gangster and killer stuff? Lol
Anyway this is really great story!!
LittleNobody317 #3
Chapter 12: I wish you would upload an extra chapter for all your stories but then again, where's the fun in that? XD wow i never would have thought that dongwoo and sunggyu were actually on the same side as sungjong
Chapter 12: sequel T.T i cant bear woogyu nt being tgt T.T
ritsuke05 #5
Chapter 12: umm..... im gonna ask for a sequel :) please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u cant leavu woogyu like that!
NeolSarangHae #6
Chapter 12: I had no idea that the rider was L at all ._.
Chapter 12: yeah I really didn't get anything till I read the spoilers XD but fantastic writing!
KimberlyLovesYou #8
Chapter 12: WOOGYU FOREVER. Enough said. :)
bubleshii #9
Chapter 11: Also, Gyu just can't help but be so soft and cuddly with Woo.. Even if he's always leaving Woo behind...