Memories and Snow

The Tale of Two Sisters

Hyori’s POV

The clocks digital numbers showed 7:13am, humming softly to myself I scurried around the kitchen wiping the counters off and putting the clean dishes away. Feeling satisfied I glanced back over to the clock, 7:24. Great I only killed 11 minutes. I listened to the sound of the floor upstairs creaking as Nara was getting ready. Leaning onto the counter I started messing with my phone charms just as the stairs creaked as Nara bounced down the stairs.

                “Bye!” She announced walking past me quickly as she was trying to pull her coat on. Soon after she passed me the front door slammed shut. “Great she kicked it closed…” I mumbled out loud grabbing my phone roughly and shoved it into my pocket. Flicking off the kitchen light and grabbing my keys I followed Nara’s lead and pulled my coat and shoes on getting ready for work.

                Pulling open the door slowly I looked around scanning the snow covered sidewalks. “It’s gonna be slippery…” I grunted and stepping outside turning to lock the door. Once it was locked I started the walk towards the restaurant. My footsteps were slow and short. I was slipping here and there but I managed to keep my balance and pulled open the doors of the restaurant without falling once.

                “Annyeonghaesayo!” I called out and bowed to my boss as I started to make my way to the back to fish my apron and prepare myself for the long shift ahead of me. Pulling my bangs to the side I gave  my boss a smile as I walked past him to help the customers. It wasn’t very busy today and I knew that it was because of the snow. Shrugging off the lack of work I made my way over to a table that held a family of four. A mother, a father, and two beautiful little girls and I felt my heart break. This used to be like my family, happy and always with each other.

                Biting my lip and holding back the tears I walked up and forced a faint smile as I took their orders. Before I could finish getting their orders one of the girls threw her hands up and manage to knock a glass of water all over her sister’s lap. I couldn’t help but to release a small laugh as the parents cracked up and started cleaning up the bawling child. Glancing out the front windows I noticed Nara was frantically waving to me and I only laughed waving back to her. Turning back to the family I finished getting their orders and walked to the kitchen.

                Hanging up the order slip in front of the cook I wandered to the back and felt the tears brim up and boil over my cheeks. “I can’t cry here…” I frantically wiped at my tears but failed because they were coming to fast. Inhaling and exhaling slowly I tried to calm down but the heavy footsteps of my boss stopped next to me.

                “Hyori? Are you okay?” My boss, Mr. Park asked lifting my chin to face him and gently wiping my tears away.

                “I'm fine.” I whispered turning my attention away from his dark eyes. I went to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me against him embracing me into a hug.

                “You're done for the day I can manage now. Go home a rest. I hope you’ll feel better by tomorrow, but call me whenever you need the day off…” I nodded and he slowly let me go. Turning on my heels I slowly made my way out of the kitchen after hanging up the black apron. Walking slowly through the empty restaurant the two little girls waved to me as I left and I simply returned the favor and the parents mouthed a thank you.

Once outside I noticed that the temperature dropped and I felt my ears start to freeze. This is what I get for having short hair and tons of ear piercings. Sighing I hurried across the street to the small coffee shop my sister worked at. Pushing the glass door gently open the door bell barely chimed as I entered. Noticing the people from yesterday I slightly bowed smiling softly.

                “Annyeonghaesayo.” I looked at my sister and stuck my tongue out as she started making two fresh cups of coffee. I listened to my sister chat so lightly with the six boys and I only sipped the coffee that Nara made me. Slowly I started to tune out of the conversation. Once they noticed they time they simply said they had to go. Waving goodbye happily and I turned to Nara after they were out of sight. “Oh my god!” I screeched jumping up and down.

                “What the hell, Hyori!?!?” Nara yelled at me as I flipped out.

                “That was BAP!” I yelled squeezing my coffee cup.


                “BAP they are the best rookie group of 2012 how come you never heard of them?” Nara just shrugged staring at me blankly. Frustrated at her I pulled my phone out from my pocket and started tapping away on the screen. “Here watch this.” I demanded placing the device in her hand with a music video buffering. I only smiled when I saw it click in her head.

                “OH! I know them you like listen to them all the time!” She smiled brightly shifting side to side and I only nodded when she started singing along.

                “Nara you can go home now.” Her boss spoke loudly scaring Nara so bad she dropped my phone. Freaking out I grabbing my phone making sure she didn’t crack it against the wooden floor, but I was glad it survived the fall.

                “Yes ma’am.” Nara bowed and began getting ready to go and I waited for her at the door rubbing my hands together. “Ready?” Nara questioned pushing the front door open.

                “Yup!” I replied smiling as she walked out with me tailing her in the snow. I kicked a pile of snow and a smile instantly appeared across my lips. Bending forwards I scooped up a handful of snow. My bare fingers forming it into a ball, I aimed for Nara’s head. ‘Hope I still got it’ I prayed and threw the snowball as hard as I could at Nara’s head. It hit her square in the back of the head.

                “Score one for me!” I yelled running past her. Laughing as Nara started shouting at me.

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Dammit =~= let me finish that last one. I'm too lazy to update because it's all in a spiral and I hate transferring it to here because I get distracted easily


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BabyzWenQi #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha, your blabbering is funny XD and the pictures XD btw, whats GIF?
omg this sounds so good ugh

you guys should update soon.

like srs.

okay. ouob ((i is be waiting! hwaiting!))