Onew is kidnapped!

Mad World!

Onew woke up during the bumpy ride. He was a bit disoriented but quickly remembered the events that led him to be tied up, gaged and blindfolded in a car on the way to god known where. The car soon came to a stop. The big men who brought him there showed him out of the car and made him walk. To be honest he was quite scared, all of his plans had been ruined and he had no idea of what he was about to face.

Onew landed on the floor with a loud thud. He heard heave footsteps coming closer. Someone bend down beside him and whispered “Welcome, I’m going to have so much fun playing with you… You have been a good boy Onew, not calling the cops and coming running when summand. I will give you an reward for your obedience.”.

 Onew didn’t know how to respond this creepy man and for the first time he was actually thankful for his gag that made him unable to. The man helped him up and led him to another room, threw him inside and locked the door.

The room Onew was left in was seemingly quiet, but not really because he heard sounds of another person breathing. Who could it be? Another kidnapper or perhaps if he was really lucky it might be Taemin. He gathered his courage and tried to speak but all that came out was a muffled “umpffmm”. The other person in the room came slowly closer and released him from his gag, blindfold and bindings. He slowly adjusted to the light and saw a thin shaped human standing over him, a few seconds later he realized that it was Taemin.


dun dun dun... shory for the wait and short update :) I will probably be able to update this more often now for a while atleast :) The reunion of the leader and Taem will come in the next chapter :)  love you guys for commenting and subscribing :) It makes me motivated to write this :) Love you and sorry :)

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Chapter 8: please update soon~~
such an interesting story ")6
can't wait for the next chapter ><
Chapter 8: please update soon~~
such an interesting story ")6
can't wait for the next chapter ><
jessicamaylee #3
Chapter 7: Aww I can't wait
how will Onew act to Taemins condition? And the rest of shinee when they work out what's happened to Onew!!!! Eeeek it's so exciting
Update soon :3
jessicamaylee #4
Chapter 6: O.0 just read the whole thing and honestly I CANT WIAT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! please update soon and save our dabu!
Chapter 6: What?! Another SHINee member got kidnapped?! Noooo....
Author-nim, why must you be so cruel???
BTW, update soon!
Chapter 5: Really excited for the next chapter!
Chapter 3: Next chapter please! So anxious. What will happen to Taemin oppa? Please don't hurt him anymore...
stillshining13 #8
Chapter 2: OMGOMGOMG YOU MUST CONTINUE! I am dying of suspense
stillshining13 #9
Chapter 1: I'm scared but completely intrigued. Next chapter!