The scary man

Mad World!

Five days ago Taemins pov

6 hours after Taemins abduction

When I came too after my abduction I found myself on the floor in a dark room. It was dirty and quite creepy looking. I had a terrible headache; it felt like someone had hit me really hard. Oh, that’s right someone did. Why was I kidnapped? What do they want with me? Where in the whole world am I?...  So many unanswered questions swam thru my mind. I tried to stand up and was hit by a wave of nausea and felt really dizzy so I gave up my attempt to stand and sat down again. I looked around the room to check if anyone else was there, but it was empty. Then it hit me I was alone, completely alone and it scared me.


About one hour later the door to my room was opened and the same man who kidnapped me walked in, still wearing a mask. He stepped closer to me step by step. With each step I crawled away from the man. When I felt my back hit the wall behind me I felt fear wash over me. I had nowhere to run. The scary man bent down to my eyelevel and spoke “Welcome, my cute little idol.”.

I mustered my courage and asked “ Why did you kidnap me?”

The man grabbed my collar and pulled me closer to his face and said “Just so you know you’re not in a position where you can ask questions but I’ll humor you this time… You’re my new toy and we are going to have so much fun together.”

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Chapter 8: please update soon~~
such an interesting story ")6
can't wait for the next chapter ><
Chapter 8: please update soon~~
such an interesting story ")6
can't wait for the next chapter ><
jessicamaylee #3
Chapter 7: Aww I can't wait
how will Onew act to Taemins condition? And the rest of shinee when they work out what's happened to Onew!!!! Eeeek it's so exciting
Update soon :3
jessicamaylee #4
Chapter 6: O.0 just read the whole thing and honestly I CANT WIAT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! please update soon and save our dabu!
Chapter 6: What?! Another SHINee member got kidnapped?! Noooo....
Author-nim, why must you be so cruel???
BTW, update soon!
Chapter 5: Really excited for the next chapter!
Chapter 3: Next chapter please! So anxious. What will happen to Taemin oppa? Please don't hurt him anymore...
stillshining13 #8
Chapter 2: OMGOMGOMG YOU MUST CONTINUE! I am dying of suspense
stillshining13 #9
Chapter 1: I'm scared but completely intrigued. Next chapter!