Onew, to the rescue!

Mad World!

Last chapter:

Onew grabbed the phone from Jonghyuns hand and screamed “Stop it! You are hurting him! I will do whatever you want if you just stop hurting Taemin!” Onew screamed. He was really angry an unusual sight for the shine members. 

Good boy Onew, se you in a bit! The kidnapper hung up.

 Shinee could just stare at each other, not being able to say a word.


It was Key who managed to break the silence “Onew hyung you can’t seriously just walk straight into his trap.”.

 I don’t really have a choice, if I don’t he might kill Taemin. You heard what he did to him, you heard Taemins broken, almost defeated voice. I don’t think he can take much more, at least not alone. We have to help him! I just can’t bear to live with myself if I don’t do everything I can to save him.” Their leader responded tears of frustrations threatening to overflow from his eyes.

“But we can’t lose you to that mad man. What are we going to do if he takes you too?” Minho asked, feeling defeated.

“I..” Onews answer was interrupted by his phone vibrating. He picked it up and saw the promised address the kidnapper promised to send. The text said that he had to get there in 15 minutes or the deal was off.  “I got to go guys otherwise I will never make it on time, but how will I get out of here without getting swallowed whole by the press. We need a plan, think fast”. Onew looked at his other members his eyes were determined. The Shinee members realized that they wouldn’t be able to stop him.

Jonghyun was the first to speak “I got an idea. We will distract them so that you can get away. I will go out the backdoor and let them chase me while you sneak out a little bit after”.

“That sounds so simple that it just might work” Minho added to the conversation. “Hurry we don’t have much time.”.



The extremely simple plan actually worked. Onew managed to sneak away and ran faster than he ever ran before, praying that his legs will carry him to the meeting place in time. He was out of breath when he finally arrived, adrenalin pumping through his veins. The street was a dark ally and Onew got chills just walking in to it. He made it on time, less than one minute to go but the ally was empty. Onew started to worry. A big black van was suddenly pulled up beside him and two masked men jumped out of it. Now he really wondered what he had got himself into. “We are here to you to your friend” one of the big men spoke.

Onew, who didn’t think it was wise to get in that intimidating car, mustered his courage and said “No,the deal was that you were supposed to bring my friend here.”

“We were not asking” the other muscle man said and he grabbed Onews arm and led him to the car. Onew struggled to the best of his ability and screamed in hope of someone to hear him but no one came to his assistance. He was showed inside the car roughly and the driver drow away. The masked man tied him up, put a blindfolded him and put a gag in his mouth.

One thing Onew was sure of was that he was in deep, deep trouble. He was scared. But he had one small hope left and that was that his cellphone was still connected with the rest of his shine members on the other end of the line. Hopefully they would be able to help him and Taemin. He felt a hard blow to his head and he let the darkness swallow him.

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Chapter 8: please update soon~~
such an interesting story ")6
can't wait for the next chapter ><
Chapter 8: please update soon~~
such an interesting story ")6
can't wait for the next chapter ><
jessicamaylee #3
Chapter 7: Aww I can't wait
how will Onew act to Taemins condition? And the rest of shinee when they work out what's happened to Onew!!!! Eeeek it's so exciting
Update soon :3
jessicamaylee #4
Chapter 6: O.0 just read the whole thing and honestly I CANT WIAT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! please update soon and save our dabu!
Chapter 6: What?! Another SHINee member got kidnapped?! Noooo....
Author-nim, why must you be so cruel???
BTW, update soon!
Chapter 5: Really excited for the next chapter!
Chapter 3: Next chapter please! So anxious. What will happen to Taemin oppa? Please don't hurt him anymore...
stillshining13 #8
Chapter 2: OMGOMGOMG YOU MUST CONTINUE! I am dying of suspense
stillshining13 #9
Chapter 1: I'm scared but completely intrigued. Next chapter!