Kim Taeyeon

Awakened by a kiss (ON-HOLD)



Kim Taeyeon.


Jeonju, South Korea

"Let me clean the dishes mom."

"I can do this, honey. Why don't you just start packing up your things? Your Uncle Choi would be here any moment now. I can do this alone, you know." Mrs. Kim chuckled as she pulled away the dirty dishes from her daughter's grip. They just finished eating their meal and Taeyeon volunteered to clean the dishes but her mother refused her help.

Taeyeon pouted cutely and playfully crossed her arms over her chest. "Aren't you too excited to send me away, mom? Do you hate me that much?" she asked, feigning gloominess.

The old woman put the dishes to the sink and went back in front of her daughter. Her creased forehead wrinkled even more as she raised a brow then flicked her daughter's forehead.

"You know that it's not true, Taeyeon ah. If only Jeonju has a college, then you wouldn't have to go and transfer to Seoul. Your father's work is in here so we can't come with you. We don't have a choice, honey. Besides, Seoul University is the best University here in Korea. I just want the best for my only daughter."

"Aww... So sweet..." Taeyeon chuckled then hugged her mother tightly. And being playful, she began rocking their bodies sideways. "I know, mom. I'm just teasing you. And I promise you, I'll finish college with high grades. I'll be a doctor someday and I'll be the one to take care of you and dad."

"I'll count on you with that, alright?" Mrs. Kim pulled away from the hug and ruffled her daughter's blonde hair.


The two both turned their heads towards the front door when they suddenly heard it creaked open.

"Whoa... What do we have here? K-drama?" Mr. Kim laughed as he entered the kitchen. He placed his briefcase on top of the dining table then his hand moved to loosen his necktie. The man just arrived home fresh from his work as an insurance agent.

"Way to ruin the mood, dad." Taeyeon chuckled then tiptoed to give her father a respectful kiss on the cheek. Her mother followed afterwards to kiss her father.

Taeyeon smiled at the sight of her sweet parents. Though it's a pity that her mother couldn't gave birth to another baby anymore because of her heart problems, still their family ties never loosened. They're happy even if they were just the three of them. They are the perfect example of a family with strong and healthy bond.

"Why did you cut the drama? Come on, I want to watch..." Mr. Kim teasingly demanded. "Why are you being emotional anyways? Do we have a problem here?"

"Blame mom. She's throwing me away, dad."

"Aigoo. Stop pretending that you're against it, Taeyeon ah. I know that you're excited to leave us here."

"That's not true dad! You know I can't live without my crazy parents by my side." she pulled her parents through their hands and locked them in her arms.

"Tch. Stop pretending.."

"Dad!"she broke the hug and looked at her father.

"I know you're excited to transfer in Seoul because your 'first love' is there. Right?" Mr. Kim continued teasing his daughter. "If I remember it clearly, you even told her that you'll protect her with your life and marry her someday.' he laughed, his eyes filled with amusement.

A faint shade of pink crept on Taeyeon's face. Smiling, she lowered her head and fixed her gaze on the pendant of her necklace.

'Finally, I will be close to where you are. I'm going to look for you. I promise that. I just hope that you will still remember me. How are you anyways? Are you searching for me as well? I hope you're fine. Maybe--'

"See? You're blushing. I saw this coming. You're excited to leave us cause you want to find the object of your affection when you were still young.' her father's voice pulled Taeyeon out of her train of thoughts.

She looked up with a smirk on her face. "Since you kept on pushing that, well then, alright! I'm so excited to leave you both here. Seoul is a great city anyways..." she shrugged.

"Aish! This kid! You'll ditch us for your puppy love."

Taeyeon laughed when she saw her father's pouting lips. At his age of 43, he still looked like an adorable kid with that sulky expression on his face. No wonder where she got her kid-like features, her rather short height and her childish way of thinking at times. She's really his only daughter.

"I'm just kidding, dad. Of course, I want to see 'her'. And correction, it was not just a simple puppy love. She's my first love and first love never dies." she grinned. "But then again, if I have a choice, I would also want to be where my parents are."

"Aww... That's my girl." Mr. Kim has this goofy smile on his face as he ruffled her hair.

"Dad! My hair!" Taeyeon whined, brushing her hair using her hand.

"Oh by the way, Jessica is in Seoul as well, right? Have you heard anything about her? How is she?" the old woman asked curiously. "I miss that kid a lot. I remember when you were still young. You used to steal her toys and cry afterwards when she gave you a glare." Mrs. Kim laughed softly as she recalled those days when Taeyeon was still a little kid. The Kim's and the Jung's were friends. Both families were from Jeonju but the latter transfered to Seoul last year because of some business matters.


Taeyeon smiled. "The last time we talked was when she called me to say that she got accepted in Seoul University. Hmm... She's fine. I guess."

"Did you tell her that you'll be studying in the same university?"

"Well. No" she giggled. "I want to surprise her. I'm sure she'll be hype up when she sees me in S.U. I'm sure, her reaction will be epic."

Her parents laughed as Taeyeon suddenly open her eyes widely, imitating the look she's expecting to see from Jessica.

"Aigoo... This dork! You're really my daughter." Mr. Kim patted his daughter's shoulder. "And because of that, I have something for you." he playfully wiggled his brows as he grabbed Taeyeon's hand with his left hand and the other one found its way around his wife's waist.

"Really? What is it dad? Come on, give it to me." Taeyeon asked, laying her free hand in front of her father's face while she excitedly closed her eyes. "Pali... Pali..."

He chuckled then pinched his daughter's nose. "It's outside, you pabo!" he then squeezed her cheeks. "Come..."

Mrs. Kim was just watching happily at her husband and daughter. She followed them as they both walked out of the house.


"Whoa..." Taeyeon's eyes turned round and she wasn't able to close as she gazed at the two-wheeled motor vehicle with a strong pink frame that was park in front of their house.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim had smiles in their faces, watching as their daughter carefully scrutinized the bike with her hands and eyes.

"You like it, honey?" Mrs. Kim asked.

Taeyeon finally turned her gaze from the bike and towards her parents. "This is mine? Mom? Dad?" she asked, eyes were still wide open in mixed excitement and disbelief.

"Of course." Mr. Kim proudly confirmed.

"Your Uncle Choi told us that Seoul University is quite far from their house so we thought that it will be convenient if you will have your own ride." Mrs. Kim added.

"Ahh... Jinja...!" Taeyeon happily jogged towards her parents and pulled the both of them into a tight hug. They stayed like that for some minutes before she pulled away and looked at her parents. "Thank you so much mom and dad. I really really like it." she smiled happily. Now she knows why her parents forced her to get a driver's license.

"Anything for you, honey."

"But why did you choose that color? It's so girly dad. You know I don't like pink." Taeyeon pretend to complain afterwards. The three of them laughed.

"Oh but on the second thought, pink is fine cause my 'first love' likes pink as well."




"Honey, your Uncle is here..." Mrs. Kim's voice resounded from downstairs.

Taeyeon quickly pulled the zipper of her travelling bag, held onto its handle then carried it down the stairs. She saw her mother waiting for her at the end of the stairs, a smile was plastered on her face yet Taeyeon knew that her mom has been crying for her eyes were puffy and her nose was a bit red. Mr. Kim on the other hand quickly approached his daughter and helped her with her luggages.

"Aww... Mom..." Taeyeon hugged her mother tightly. "Don't cry as if I'll be away forever. I'll just finish college in Seoul then go back here with my future wife. I'll look for 'her' and formally introduce her to you." she jokingly said in attempt to lighten up the mood. Well, it wasn't actually a joke for just the thought of it made her insides giddy.

"Aish! This kid!." Mrs. Kim gently rubbed her reddish eyes. "I'm not even crying. Something just flew in my eyes."

"Fine. Whatever mom." Taeyeon smirked at her mother's obvious lie. "Just promise me that you'll take care of yourself, alright? I'll call you time to time to check on you." she reminded.

"Aigoo... My dramatic wife and daughter." Mr. Kim joined the two then hugged them tightly. "Come on, Taeyeon. Your Uncle and cousin were waiting for you."

The blonde haired girl sighed before nodding and the Kim's went outside the house.


Taeyeon smiled as she recognized the man and the lady standing beside a van. "Uncle Choi..." she cheerfully greeted then hugged the man tightly. She then turned to the tall girl beside him. "Sooyoung! Long time no see dear cousin..." she chuckled then hugged her cousin as well.

"Yeah right. Long time no see but it seems like you didn't change at all. You're still the same little Kim Taeyeon." Sooyoung teased, playfully pointing at their huge height difference. Though Taeyeon is months older than Sooyoung, no one would actually realize it cause the latter was extra taller than Taeyeon and plus the fact that Taeyeon has a baby face.

The shorter girl stuck her tongue out at her cousin. "Bully!" she chuckled. "At least I'm cuter than you and I don't look like a giant."

"Whoa... I'm cute as well, you know." Sooyoung showed her puppy eyes with her lips out and index finger on her bottom lip.

They both giggled. After some normal long-time-no-see greetings and a little chat about some random stuff, Taeyeon began putting her luggage’s in the van with Sooyoung helping her behind. Uncle Choi on the other hand went to Taeyeon's parents. He hugged Mrs. Kim who is his sister then patted Mr. Kim's shoulder.

"Don't worry. Your daughter will be safe with us." Uncle Choi said assuringly.

The couple slowly nodded. The look on their faces completely showed how much they wanted to stop their daughter from leaving, but then again, they didn't said anything. It was their decision anyways. They're just the typical loving parents who want to give the best for their daughter even if it takes for them to get separated.

"The travel from here to Seoul would take hours so it'll be better if we will leave now." Uncle Choi said.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim sighed in unison as they both pulled their daughter into a hug.

"Take care of yourself, okay? Don't skip meals, honey. We love you, always remember that..." Mrs. Kim's voice cracked a bit after she sniffed.

"Don't worry about me mom and dad. I'll be fine. Just wait and I promise to make you proud of me. Mom, don't forget to take your medicines and Dad, don't give mom any problems okay? I don't want to hear mom having another heart attack. And always remember that I love both of you so much." Taeyeon pulled away from the hug then wipe her mother's misty eyes.

She smiled a bit as she slowly walked towards her bike. She put on her pink helmet then started her bike's engine when Uncle Choi signaled her that they will be leaving. She waved a hand to her parents then drive her bike, trailing behind the Choi's van.




Second chapter :)

How is it? Do you like Taeyeon's character here? Sorry if this chapter is kinda boring, it's just I'm still building up the story. Ahe.. So to summarize this chapter, Taeyeon will be starting a new life in Seoul with the Choi's. She'll be studying in the same university with Jessica, her friend. And she'll be searching for her 'first love'. '.


Speaking of Taeyeon's first love, who do you think she is? Lol.  

Find out ... ^^


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Awakened by a kiss--Will update later... Or maybe tomorrow...


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Chapter 6: Hi! authorssi! I just found out about this wonderful story!! I hope you can able to update and finish this.... Fighting!
why u no update anymore? I just found this btw lol xD
taenytrash101 #3
21Hunchae #4
Chapter 6: Sigh, found so many great fics and many of them are abandoned. just like this. I really like the plot huaaa but the mother ugh. Really hope youd pursue this once more
AllenChi #5
Chapter 6: are u abandoning this story?..
Chapter 6: This is really great story! Hope you will continue this ^^ Please update soon
Chapter 6: author ssi where are you, dont abandon this fic >< TT_TT
yoniyon #8
Chapter 6: authornim, where art thou????? is this the end????? please nooooooo :')
Great story. I used to follow you on SSF but it seem like you didn't actually update at there anymore. So when I roaming around here. I find out you got post your story here! And it's got chapter 6?! Well I hope you will still continue such great story. Please update soon?
Chapter 6: Wahhhh I am so into this fic. I like this!

Hmm, happy that Tiffany found out about Taeng already but sadly the latter doesnt know about it yet. Hopefully, she will notice it so soon.